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Google Cloud Platform 學習筆記

1、Amazon EC2 預留例項後續費用計算問題:


*This is the average monthly payment over the course of the Reserved Instance term. For each month, the actual monthly payment will equal the actual number of hours in that month multiplied by the hourly usage rate. The hourly usage rate is equivalent to the total average monthly payments over the term of the Reserved Instance divided by the total number of hours (based on a 365 day year) over the term of the Reserved Instance.

**Effective hourly pricing is shown to help you calculate the amount of money that a Reserved Instance will save you over On-Demand pricing.When you purchase a Reserved Instance, you are billed for every hour during the entire Reserved Instance term that you select, regardless of whether the instance is running or not.

The effective hourly price shows the amortized hourly cost of the instance (this takes the total cost of the Reserved Instance over the entire term, including any upfront payment, and spreads it out over each hour of the Reserved Instance term).



2、谷歌雲 compute engine中的Rightsizing recommendations 功能推薦結果問題:


       Compute Engine監視執行虛擬機器的CPU和記憶體利用率,並使用最近8天的資料提出建議。 Compute Engine可能會提出以下建議:

         您的例項大多數時候都具有較低的CPU利用率。 Compute Engine將推薦一種具有較少虛擬CPU的機器型別。

         您的例項大多數時間都具有高CPU利用率。 Compute Engine將推薦具有更多虛擬CPU的計算機型別。

         您的例項尚未使用其大部分記憶體。 Compute Engine將推薦一種具有較少記憶體的機器型別。

         您的例項大部分時間主要使用其大部分記憶體。 Compute Engine將推薦具有更多記憶體的機器型別。 

3、谷歌雲中Committed use discounts 費用計算問題:


Compute Engine offers the ability to purchase a committed use contract in return for deeply discounted prices for VM usage. These discounts are known as committed use discounts . You can purchase a committed use contract by creating a commitment. Commitments are appropriate for predictable and steady state usage where you will use a specific amount of cores and memory for future workloads. Commitments allow you to purchase a specific number of vCPUs and amount of memory at up to a 57% discount over full prices. You commit to the entire usage term and are billed for each month regardless of whether usage has occurred.


Google Cloud Platform 學習筆記

1、Amazon EC2 預留例項後續費用計算問題:        預留例項收取預付費用後,在預留期內如何計算後續費用?是隻有在用例項的時候收費,還是用與不用都收費?是按月來看例項用沒用來收費,還是整個預留期內無論用不用都收費?今天又看了一下官網上面的介紹,感覺最後一種的可

使用Gardener在Google Cloud Platform上建立Kubernetes叢集

Gardener是一個開源專案,github地址: https://github.com/gardener/gardener/ 使用Gardener,我們可以在幾分鐘之內在GCP, AWS, Azure或者Openstack上輕鬆建立Kubernetes Cluster。

【web框架】【 Cloud-Admin學習筆記(三)】【ace-gate閘道器】

Cloud-Admin專案裡的api閘道器專案是ace-gate,採用的是Spring Cloud Gateway元件,對外提供一個統一的api入口,並實現了api鑑權的功能。 從前端專案的配置裡可以看到,所有的api請求首先都轉到localhost:8765閘道器伺服器  

【web框架】【 Cloud-Admin學習筆記(二)】【前後端分離的釋出配置】

因為spirng前後端分離設計,釋出流程略有不同,前後端單獨釋出,通過nginx整合 1、前端專案打包 #轉到前端專案根目錄 cd D:\001\myProject\GitHub\AG-Admin-v2-UI # 構建生成環境 cnpm run build:prod 然後等待伺服

【web框架】【 Cloud-Admin學習筆記(一)】【環境搭建】

Cloud-Admin是目前比較流行的基於Spring Cloud的web框架. 碼雲下載地址: https://gitee.com/minull/ace-security 1、用git也可直接下載,(也可直接下載解壓安裝)   2、用idea開啟專案 file-

Spring Cloud Eureka學習筆記

用於服務的註冊於發現 由兩個元件組成 Eureka Server 註冊中心 Eureka Client 服務註冊 Eureka Server(服務註冊中心) 先建立一個springboot專案,新增依賴的時候選擇如下 pom檔案如下 <?xml ve

Google Cloud Platform 支援 R 語言

   R 語言最常用於資料分析工具和統計應用程式。為了在 Google Cloud Platform(GCP) 上為 R 程式語言提供更多支援,Google 宣佈推出 Cloud Dataproc 上的 Spark 測試版。據谷歌稱,雲端計算的興起為 R 開闢了新的機遇。 使用

Android Developers Blog: Google Cloud Platform

Posted by Manfred Zabarauskas, Product Manager on Google Cloud Platform Many Android developers like Snapchat or Pulse build and host their app backends

Machine learning APIs for Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is considered to be one of the Big 3 cloud platforms among Microsoft Azure and AWS. GCP is widely used cloud solutions supporti

Using fastai on Google Cloud Platform

Setting up fastai on Google Cloud PlatformI recently followed along a well-written medium story about setting up Google Cloud machine for fast.ai. While it

Using Chrome Dev Tools with Google CloudGoogle Cloud Platform

Using Chrome Dev Tools with Google CloudSome Google Cloud customers have a very large amount of static content that they wish to serve to users. Typically,

Deploy Docker containers in Google Cloud Platform

Deploy Docker containers in Google Cloud PlatformTL;DR: Check out a working example project of how to deploy Docker containers (boxes) to Google Cloud Plat

Google Cloud Platform Archives

ThingForward, our partner has published another useful tutorial about working with Zerynth Studio. This time around the topic is “Connecting ESP32 to Googl

Go and the Google Cloud Platform

12 June 2013 Introduction In 2011 we announced the Go runtime for App Engine. Since then, we have continued to i

Google Cloud Platform免費申請試用後結算賬號(Billing Account)自動關閉,不能開啟的問題

自動谷歌贈送的300美金有效期延長到12個月後,相信不少人現在都在試用google的cloud platform。 註冊賬號比較簡單,從試用進入就會得到一步步的引導。 問題在於註冊成功後,很多人卡在billing account啟用的問題上。 因為雖然是免費送了300刀,

The hidden costs of cloudGoogle Cloud Platform

The hidden costs of cloudAt Server Density, we just completed a 9 month project to migrate all our workloads from Softlayer to Google Cloud Platform. This

Google cloud platform 做了點研究

Google也推出了雲端計算基礎服務, 加上微軟Azure,亞馬遜AWS, 都齊活了。 下面是研究了一下對其的一個初步瞭解。 計算: Compute Engine     IaaS平臺,提供VM,操作靈活, 一切配置都要DIY. Google App Engine  SaaS

spring cloud學習筆記) Enreka服務治理

1 <properties> 2 <project.build.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</project.build.sourceEncoding> 3 <project.reporting.outputEn


instance pub auto pom.xml forname 註冊 yml 中心 有一個 簡介 Spring Cloud Ribbon是一個基於Http和TCP的客戶端負載均衡工具,它是基於Netflix Ribbon實現的。它不像服務註冊中心、配置中心、API網關那


lan cse 重新啟動 ping for obi .config 流行 prope Ribbon自定義負載均衡策略有兩種方式,一是JavaConfig,一是通過配置文件(yml或properties文件)。 需求 假設我有包含A和B服務在內的多個微服務,它們均註冊在一個E