1. 程式人生 > >Cloud resources to try PowerAI and PowerAI vision deep learning frameworks on IBM POWER with GPUs

Cloud resources to try PowerAI and PowerAI vision deep learning frameworks on IBM POWER with GPUs

IBM PowerAI Vision as a Service

IBM PowerAI Vision provides tools and interfaces for business analysts, subject matter experts, and developers without any skill in deep learning technologies to begin using deep learning. The tools assist user to focus on rapidly identifying datasets, labeling them, and building models for inference.


Cloud resources to try PowerAI and PowerAI vision deep learning frameworks on IBM POWER with GPUs

IBM PowerAI Vision as a Service IBM PowerAI Vision provides tools and interfaces for business analysts, subject matter experts,

Best (and Free!!) Resources to Understand Nuts and Bolts of Deep Learning

The internet is filled with tutorials to get started with Deep Learning. You can choose to get started with the superb Stanford courses CS221&nbs

Gentle Introduction to the Adam Optimization Algorithm for Deep Learning

The choice of optimization algorithm for your deep learning model can mean the difference between good results in minutes, hours, and days. The Adam optim

【論文閱讀】韓鬆《Efficient Methods And Hardware For Deep Learning》節選《Learning both Weights and Connections 》

Pruning Deep Neural Networks 本節內容主要來自NIPS 2015論文《Learning both Weights and Connections for Efficient Neural Networks》。 這部分主要介紹如何剪枝網路

《Transform- and multi-domain deep learning for single-frame rapid autofocusing》筆記

作者的快速聚焦方法是使用卷積網路從單個成像圖片中預測圖片的離焦距。之前的聚焦方法大多需要測量多張成像圖片的聚焦值來預測聚焦鏡頭的移動方向和移動距離,但是論文的方法可以直接預測出聚焦位置的方向和距離。 作者使用不同的圖片特徵,包括圖片的空間域特徵、頻域特徵、自相

PyTorch 1.0 preview now available in Amazon SageMaker and the AWS Deep Learning AMIs

Amazon SageMaker and the AWS Deep Learning AMIs (DLAMI) now provide an easy way to evaluate the PyTorch 1.0 preview release. PyTorch 1.0 adds seam

CAPI on IBM Power Systems features and benefits

Flexible programming model Application developers determine the best programming model for their application.

1.Intro to Deep Learning and Computer Vision

Intro 這是Kaggle深度學習教育課程的第一課。 在本課程結束後,您將瞭解卷積。 卷積是計算機視覺(以及許多其他應用程式)中深度學習模型的基本構建塊。 之後,我們將很快開始使用世界一流的深度學習模型。 Lesson [1] from IPython.displ

try to install CPAN and list installed rpm packages

[[email protected] example]$ pwd /home/arthur/BGA2017/Course_material/circos-0.69-6/example [[email protected] example]$ cd ../.

What do Climate Change, Data Centres and Cloud have to do with each other?

What do Climate Change, Data Centres and Cloud have to do with each other?Last week I did a talk titled Serverless is the Future (or is it?) (link to video

Facebook builds 'war room' to try and stop people interfering in elections

Facebook has built a "war room" in its California headquarters ahead of upcoming elections. The social network is fighting to stop its platform being used

Create a cognitive chatbot and deploy to Kubernetes on IBM Cloud

Bluemix Architect for Global Development Tools Andrew Trice demonstrates how to set up your own instance of the Watson Banking Chatbot, a sample chatbot a

Use Bluemix to monitor and manage disk space in Informix on Cloud

IBM® Informix® on Cloud for Bluemix® provides you with a hosted server environment that you can control and configure to suit your needs. The environment

Deep Learning and PowerAI

Technology previews PowerAI and PowerAI Enterprise include the following technology previews: PyTorch Larg

Distributed deep learning with Horovod and PowerAI DDL

Horovod is a popular distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch. This blog post explains how to use the efficient PowerAI DDL com

IBM Cloud Private IBM Power Systems developer resources and portal

What is IBM® Cloud Private? IBM Cloud Private (ICP) helps developers easily build and deploy new, containerized appl

check whether the subset(no need to be consective) and be sum of X

subsets [] bool else true ret code art size #include "stdafx.h" bool isSubsetSum(int set[], int n, int sum) { bool sumOfSubSet[100][1

Set VM RDM disk to Round Bobin and set IOPS path to 1

iops rdm KB Related to IOPS settingAdjusting Round Robin IOPS limit from default 1000 to 1 (2069356)https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search

[中英對照]Introduction to DPDK: Architecture and Principles

under cloud 另一個 times environ mov ket 路由 進一步 Introduction to DPDK: Architecture and Principles | DPDK概論:體系結構與實現原理 Linux network stack p

Error: failure: repodata/repomd.xml from fedora: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.

ror 目錄 mirror cnblogs logs omd odata 不存在 yum 記錄一個小問題,重新買的linux換yum源的時候一直提示: Error: failure: repodata/repomd.xml from fedora: [Errno 25