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Blockchain to Docker, with scalability and security from day one

Run cloud-native workloads on a Linux mainframe

Open source is now the dominant method for creating cloud-native software, with Docker at the center of most container-based innovations. Discover how modern open source containerized development ecosystems fit with traditional secure, high performance enterprise systems.


Blockchain to Docker, with scalability and security from day one

Run cloud-native workloads on a Linux mainframe Open so

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Docker執行tracker,The path /var/fdfs/tracker is not shared from OS X and is not known to Docker

Docker裝FastDFS,執行tracker,錯誤:The path /var/fdfs/tracker is not shared from OS X and is not known to Docker 執行如下命令開啟tracker 服務 docker run -dti -

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確定性與隨機二值化 決定式的二值化: 隨機式的二值化: 第二種方法雖然看起來比第一種更合理,但是在實現時卻有一個問題,那就是每次生成隨機數會非常耗時,所以一般使用第一種方法。 梯度計算與累積(梯度計算與累加) 雖然BNN的引數和各層的啟用值是二值化的,但梯度不得不用較

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Abstract 深度補全主要面臨的三個挑戰:在稀疏深度輸入中的不規則空間模式,處理多感測器模式的困難,以及缺乏密集畫素級真實深度標籤。在本文中提出了深度迴歸模型學習直接將稀疏深度直接對映到密

docker x509: failed to load system roots and no roots provided 解決辦法

系統 [[email protected] ~]# uname -a Linux dev-master-105 3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Nov 22

From RCE to Docker Escape

題目有些標題黨了。這個漏洞是我在測試 biligame 是發現的,此程式監聽在 8081 埠,是一個管理 PPTP 的 Web Interface。首先,通過黑盒測試,發現存在一個在 Docker 容器內的命令執行,接著通過 banner 搜尋,在 Github 上找到原始碼

docker】打包go專案出現 x509: failed to load system roots and no roots provided

原始dockerfile如下 FROM alpine:latest MAINTAINER xxx "[email protected]" WORKDIR $GOPATH/src/app

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