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[Spring Boot] Adding JPA and Spring Data JPA

strong bean generate repo class repos for findall frame


JPA is just like a helper class for providing data for Controller, has method like ‘findOne‘, ‘findAll‘, ‘saveAndFlush‘, ‘delete‘.

in repository/ShipwreckRespository.java:

package hello.respository;

import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository;
import hello.model.Shipwreck;

public class ShipwreckRespository extends JpaRepository<Shipwreck, Long>{ }

in model/Shipwreck.java:

package hello.model;

import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;

public class Shipwreck {
= GenerationType.AUTO) Long id; String name; String description; String condition; Integer depth; Double latitude; Double longitude; Integer yearDiscovered;


public class ShipController {

private ShipwreckRespository shipwreckRespository; @RequestMapping(value="shipwrecks", method= RequestMethod.GET) public List <Shipwreck>list() { return shipwreckRespository.findAll(); } @RequestMapping(value = "shipwrecks", method = RequestMethod.POST) public Shipwreck create(@RequestBody Shipwreck shipwreck) { return shipwreckRespository.saveAndFlush(shipwreck); } @RequestMapping(value="shipwrecks/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public Shipwreck get(@PathVariable long id) { return shipwreckRespository.findOne(id); } @RequestMapping(value="shipwrecks/{id}", method = RequestMethod.PUT) public Shipwreck update(@PathVariable long id, @RequestBody Shipwreck shipwreck) { Shipwreck shipwreckExisting = shipwreckRespository.findOne(id); BeanUtil.copyProperties(shipwreck, shipwreckExisting); return shipwreckRespository.saveAndFlush(shipwreckExisting); } @RequestMapping(value="shipwrecks/{id}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE) public Shipwreck delete(@PathVariable long id) { Shipwreck shipwreckExisting = shipwreckRespository.findOne(id); shipwreckRespository.delete(shipwreckExisting); return shipwreckExisting; } }

[Spring Boot] Adding JPA and Spring Data JPA