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A Pinterest Progressive Web App Performance Case Study

Experience using Redux

Pinterest use normalizr (which normalizes nested JSON according to a schema) for all of their API data. This is viewable from the Redux DevTools:

The downside to this process is that denormalization is slow so they ended up heavily relying on reselect’s selector pattern for memoizing denormalization during renders. They also always denormalize at the lowest level possible to ensure individual updates don’t cause large re-renders.

As an example, their grid item lists are just Pin IDs with the Pin component denormalizing itself. If there are changes to any given Pin, the full grid does not have to re-render. The trade-off is that there are a lot of Redux subscribers in the Pinterest PWA, though this hasn’t resulted in noticeable perf issues.

Caching assets with Service Workers

Pinterest use the Workbox libraries for generating and managing their Service Workers:

Today, Pinterest cache any JavaScript or CSS bundles using a cache-first strategy and also cache their user-interface (the application shell).

In a cache-first setup, if a request matches a cache entry, respond with that. Otherwise try to fetch the resource from the network. If the network request succeeds, update the cache. To learn more about caching strategies with Service Worker, read
Jake Archibald’s Offline Cookbook

They define a precache for the initial bundles loaded by the application shell (webpack’s runtime, vendor and entryChunks) too.

As Pinterest is a site with a global presence, supporting multiple languages, they also generate a per-locale Service Worker configuration so they can precache locale bundles. Pinterest also use webpack’s named chunks to precache top-level async route bundles.

This work was rolled out in several smaller, iterative steps.

  • 1st: Pinterest’s Service Worker only did runtime caching of scripts lazy-loaded on demand. This was to take advantage of V8’s code caching, helping skip some of the parse/compile cost on repeat views so they can load quicker. Scripts served from Cache Storage where a Service Worker is present can eagerly opt into code caching as there’s a good chance the browser knows the user will end up using these resources on repeat views.


A Pinterest Progressive Web App Performance Case Study

Experience using ReduxPinterest use normalizr (which normalizes nested JSON according to a schema) for all of their API data. This is viewable from the Red

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