1. 程式人生 > >Fiddler “The system proxy was changed,click to reenable fiddler capture”

Fiddler “The system proxy was changed,click to reenable fiddler capture”

解決辦法:進入到Fiddler-->Rules-->Customize Rules


static function DoReattach(o: Object, ea: EventArgs)
    ScheduledTasks.ScheduleWork("reattach", 1000, innerReattach);

 static function innerReattach()

 static function OnRetire()



原文:Reattaching Fiddler automatically is perilous for a bunch of reasons, but yes, it's technically possible to observe changes in the proxy setting for the current user and reattach if they change.

In CustomRules, add the following code:

static function DoReattach(o: Object, ea: EventArgs)
   ScheduledTasks.ScheduleWork("reattach", 1000, innerReattach);

static function innerReattach()

static function OnRetire()

and inside the existing Main()
function, add



FiddlerThe system proxy was changedclick to reenable fiddler capture

解決辦法:進入到Fiddler-->Rules-->Customize Rules在main()方法上方新增static function DoReattach(o: Object, ea: EventArgs) { ScheduledTasks.S

fiddlerfiddler總是在選單欄下面彈出提示“The system proxy was changedclick to reenable fiddler capture


fiddler win10-1703Failed to register Fiddler as the system proxy

正解 The solution for the Fiddler error of "Failed to register Fiddler as the system proxy" is in the following link, but you have to reboot after applying

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