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An Open Letter To The Medium Feed

We wanted to give you the spotlight today, Medium Feed, because really you’re the unsung hero here. You deliver the goods, day in and day out. Even after everyone else has gone home for the night. In fact, you might just be the hardest-working part of Medium — not to mention probably one of the least understood. I mean understood on a deeper level

By now, probably most users realize you bring new stories into our feeds, literally feeding us with (hopefully) enriching stories recommended by the people we’re following.


Or published by authors and publications we follow ourselves:

Or based on tags, which can bring in new content from outside the network of people we’re following:

We totally get all that, Medium Feed. And that your goal, as ever, is to consistently and correctly deliver the stories that matter to us. Because Medium Engineering made you that way.

But you have to know that how you do all that is opaque to the rest of us. You with your “bots” and your “algorithms” and assorted electronic elves… I guess what we’re saying is: Little help, please?

Let us get to know the real you, Medium Feed. That’s all anyone has ever wanted.


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