1. 程式人生 > >ISE MAP報錯: Unsupported programming for BSCAN block and JTAG_CHAIN attribute value 1的解決方法

ISE MAP報錯: Unsupported programming for BSCAN block and JTAG_CHAIN attribute value 1的解決方法

2014-04-16 17:35:30

ISE MAP報錯: Unsupported programming for BSCAN block and JTAG_CHAIN attribute value 1


 PhysDesignRules:1683 - Unsupported programming for BSCAN block and JTAG_CHAIN attribute value 1. The BSCAN
   component disp_emif_for_feed_data/icon_2/U0/U_ICON/I_YES_BSCAN.U_BS/I_V6.ISYN.I_USE_SOFTBSCAN_EQ0.U_BS has placement
   which requires the JTAG_CHAIN attribute to be set to the value 2. The JTAG_CHAIN attribute must be changed or the
   programming for the BSCAN block must be moved to a location corresponding to the JTAG_CHAIN attribute setting.
ERROR:Pack:1642 - Errors in physical DRC.



ISE MAP Unsupported programming for BSCAN block and JTAG_CHAIN attribute value 1解決方法

2014-04-16 17:35:30 ISE MAP報錯: Unsupported programming for BSCAN block and JTAG_CHAIN attribute value 1 具體報錯資訊如下:  PhysDesignRules:1683 - Unsupported pr

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