1. 程式人生 > >使用Decision Tree對MNIST資料集進行實驗

使用Decision Tree對MNIST資料集進行實驗


使用的Decision Tree中,對MNIST中的灰度值進行了0/1處理,方便來進行分類和計算熵。


#Test change pixel data into more categories than 0/1:
#int(pixel)/50: 37%
#int(pixel)/64: 45.9%
#int(pixel)/96: 52.3%
#int(pixel)/128: 62.48%
#int(pixel)/152: 59.1%
#int(pixel)/176: 57.6%
#int(pixel)/192: 54.0%



#Train with 10k, test with 60k: 77.79%
#Train with 60k, test with 10k: 87.3%
#Time cost: 3 hours.


需要注意的是,此次Decision Tree演算法中,並未對決策樹進行剪枝。因此,還有可以提升的空間。



splitDataSet(dataSet, axis, value): 是獲取第axis維度上的值為value的所有行所組成的矩陣。對於第axis維度上的資料,分別計算他們的splitDataSet的矩陣的熵,並與該維度上資料的出現概率相乘求和,可以得到使用第axis維度構建決策樹後,整體的熵。

chooseBestFeatureToSplit(dataSet): 根據splitDataSet函式,對比得到整體的熵與原矩陣的熵相比,熵的增量最大的維度。根據此維度feature來構建決策樹。

createDecisionTree(dataSet, features): 遞迴構建決策樹。若在葉子節點處沒法分類,則採用majorityCnt(classList)方法統計出現最多次的class作為分類。


#Decision tree for MNIST dataset by arthur503.
#Data format: 'class	label1:pixel	label2:pixel ...'
#Warning: without fix overfitting!
#Test change pixel data into more categories than 0/1:
#int(pixel)/50: 37%
#int(pixel)/64: 45.9%
#int(pixel)/96: 52.3%
#int(pixel)/128: 62.48%
#int(pixel)/152: 59.1%
#int(pixel)/176: 57.6%
#int(pixel)/192: 54.0%
#Train with 10k, test with 60k: 77.79%
#Train with 60k, test with 10k: 87.3%
#Time cost: 3 hours.

from numpy import *
import operator

def calcShannonEntropy(dataSet):
	numEntries = len(dataSet)
	labelCounts = {}
	for featureVec in dataSet:
		currentLabel = featureVec[0]
		if currentLabel not in labelCounts.keys():
			labelCounts[currentLabel] = 1
			labelCounts[currentLabel] += 1
	shannonEntropy = 0.0
	for key in labelCounts:
		prob = float(labelCounts[key])/numEntries
		shannonEntropy -= prob  * log2(prob)
	return shannonEntropy

#get all rows whose axis item equals value.
def splitDataSet(dataSet, axis, value):
	subDataSet = []
	for featureVec in dataSet:
		if featureVec[axis] == value:
			reducedFeatureVec = featureVec[:axis]
			reducedFeatureVec.extend(featureVec[axis+1:])	#if axis == -1, this will cause error!
	return subDataSet

def chooseBestFeatureToSplit(dataSet):
	#Notice: Actucally, index 0 of numFeatures is not feature(it is class label).
	numFeatures = len(dataSet[0])	
	baseEntropy = calcShannonEntropy(dataSet)
	bestInfoGain = 0.0
	bestFeature = numFeatures - 1 	#DO NOT use -1! or splitDataSet(dataSet, -1, value) will cause error!
	#feature index start with 1(not 0)!
	for i in range(numFeatures)[1:]:
		featureList = [example[i] for example in dataSet]
		featureSet = set(featureList)
		newEntropy = 0.0
		for value in featureSet:
			subDataSet = splitDataSet(dataSet, i, value)
			prob = len(subDataSet)/float(len(dataSet))
			newEntropy += prob * calcShannonEntropy(subDataSet)
		infoGain = baseEntropy - newEntropy
		if infoGain > bestInfoGain:
			bestInfoGain = infoGain
			bestFeature = i
	return bestFeature

#classify on leaf of decision tree.
def majorityCnt(classList):
	classCount = {}
	for vote in classList:
		if vote not in classCount:
			classCount[vote] = 0
		classCount[vote] += 1
	sortedClassCount = sorted(classCount.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
	return sortedClassCount[0][0]

#Create Decision Tree.
def createDecisionTree(dataSet, features):
	print 'create decision tree... length of features is:'+str(len(features))
	classList = [example[0] for example in dataSet]
	if classList.count(classList[0]) == len(classList):
		return classList[0]
	if len(dataSet[0]) == 1:
		return majorityCnt(classList)
	bestFeatureIndex = chooseBestFeatureToSplit(dataSet) 
	bestFeatureLabel = features[bestFeatureIndex]
	myTree = {bestFeatureLabel:{}}
	featureValues = [example[bestFeatureIndex] for example in dataSet]
	featureSet = set(featureValues)
	for value in featureSet:
		subFeatures = features[:]	
		myTree[bestFeatureLabel][value] = createDecisionTree(splitDataSet(dataSet, bestFeatureIndex, value), subFeatures)
	return myTree

def line2Mat(line):
	mat = line.strip().split(' ')
	for i in range(len(mat)-1):	
		pixel = mat[i+1].split(':')[1]
		#change MNIST pixel data into 0/1 format.
		mat[i+1] = int(pixel)/128
	return mat

#return matrix as a list(instead of a matrix).
#features is the 28*28 pixels in MNIST dataset.
def file2Mat(fileName):
	f = open(fileName)
	lines = f.readlines()
	matrix = []
	for line in lines:
		mat = line2Mat(line)
	print 'Read file '+str(fileName) + ' to array done! Matrix shape:'+str(shape(matrix))
	return matrix

#Classify test file.
def classify(inputTree, featureLabels, testVec):
	firstStr = inputTree.keys()[0]
	secondDict = inputTree[firstStr]
	featureIndex = featureLabels.index(firstStr)
	predictClass = '-1'
	for key in secondDict.keys():
		if testVec[featureIndex] == key:
			if type(secondDict[key]) == type({}):	
				predictClass = classify(secondDict[key], featureLabels, testVec)
				predictClass = secondDict[key]
	return predictClass

def classifyTestFile(inputTree, featureLabels, testDataSet):
	rightCnt = 0
	for i in range(len(testDataSet)):
		classLabel = testDataSet[i][0]
		predictClassLabel = classify(inputTree, featureLabels, testDataSet[i])
		if classLabel == predictClassLabel:
			rightCnt += 1 
		if i % 200 == 0:
			print 'num '+str(i)+'. ratio: ' + str(float(rightCnt)/(i+1))
	return float(rightCnt)/len(testDataSet)

def getFeatureLabels(length):
	strs = []
	for i in range(length):
	return strs

#Normal file
trainFile = 'train_60k.txt'	
testFile = 'test_10k.txt'
#Scaled file
#trainFile = 'train_60k_scale.txt'
#testFile = 'test_10k_scale.txt'
#Test file
#trainFile = 'test_only_1.txt'	
#testFile = 'test_only_2.txt'

#train decision tree.
dataSet = file2Mat(trainFile)
#Actually, the 0 item is class, not feature labels.
featureLabels = getFeatureLabels(len(dataSet[0]))	
print 'begin to create decision tree...'
myTree = createDecisionTree(dataSet, featureLabels)
print 'create decision tree done.'

#predict with decision tree.	
testDataSet = file2Mat(testFile)
featureLabels = getFeatureLabels(len(testDataSet[0]))	
rightRatio = classifyTestFile(myTree, featureLabels, testDataSet)
print 'total right ratio: ' + str(rightRatio)


使用Decision TreeMNIST資料進行實驗

之前已經對MNIST使用過SVM和KNN的方法進行分類,效果看起來還不錯。今天使用決策樹來實驗,看看結果如何。 使用的Decision Tree中,對MNIST中的灰度值進行了0/1處理,方便來進行分類和計算熵。 使用較少的測試資料測試了在對灰度值進行多分類的情況下,分類結


svm_type c_svc kernel_type linear 使用線性分類器 nr_class 2二分類 total_sv 15支援向量個數 rho 0.307309 label 1 -1 nr_sv 8 7正負類的支援向量(SV)個數 SV 1 1:7.213038 2:0.198066  1 1:-


之前使用SVM對MNIST資料集進行了分類實驗,得到了98.46%的分類正確率(見:使用libsvm對MNIST資料集進行實驗)。 今天用python寫了個小程式,來測試一下KNN的分類效果。 由於KNN的計算量太大,還沒有使用KD-tree進行優化,所以對於60000訓練


#coding:utf-8 import tensorflow as tf from PIL import Image,ImageFilter from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data def imageprepare(ar


問題1:什麼是MNIST資料集?   MNIST 資料集來自美國國家標準與技術研究所, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). 訓練集 (training set) 由來自 250 個不同人手寫的數字構成


概要 進來一段時間在看深度學習中經典的CNN模型相關論文。同時,為了督促自己學習TensorFlow,通讀論文之後開始,利用TensorFlow實現各個模型,復現相關實驗。這是第一篇論文講解的是AlexNet,論文下載網址為:ImageNet Classific






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mnist資料集的特點 每一張圖片包含28**28個畫素,我們把這一個陣列展開成一個向量,長度是28*28=784。因此在 MNIST訓練資料集中mnist.train.images 是一個形狀為 [60000, 784] 的張量,第一個維度數字用 來索引圖片


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https://morvanzhou.github.io/tutorials/machine-learning/tensorflow/5-08-RNN2/ 1.設定 RNN 的引數 RNN 從每張圖片的第一行畫素讀到最後一行, 然後再進行分類判斷. (1)匯入 MN

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依舊是對yelp資料集處理,之前效果不理想,後來仔細看了論文,用的是SVMlight分類器…(使用方法見上一篇文章),效果就差不多了。。。。 過程就是對英文進行處理(去停用,去高頻和低頻),化為詞袋模型,處理成SVMlight的格式,進行分類。貼部分程式碼。




初始神經網路 這裡要解決的問題是,將手寫數字的灰度影象(28 畫素 x28 畫素)劃分到 10 個類別中(0~9)。我們將使用 MINST 資料集,它是機器學習領域的一個經典資料集,其歷史幾乎和這個領域一樣長,而且已被人們深入研究。這個資料集包含 60000 張訓練影象和 10000 張測試影象,由美國國家


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