1. 程式人生 > >解決 adb not responding. if you'd like to retry then please manually kill adb.exe and click 'restart'

解決 adb not responding. if you'd like to retry then please manually kill adb.exe and click 'restart'

最近Android Studio老是提示一個問題,adb not responding. if you'd like to retry then please manually kill adb.exe and click 'restart',restart沒用,kill-server和start-server也沒用,最後發現,某手機助手程式偷偷佔用了adb執行的埠號5037...

知道原因之後那就簡單了,檢視那個程式佔用5037埠  ->執行cmd,netstat -ano | findstr "5037",果不其然


然後,重新啟動一下adb服務,或者直接重啟Android Studio。搞定~~


解決 adb not responding. if you'd like to retry then please manually kill adb.exe and click 'restart'

最近Android Studio老是提示一個問題,adb not responding. if you'd like to retry then please manually kill adb.exe and click 'restart',restart沒用,kill-

Android studio執行時出現ADB not responding. If you'd like to retry,then please manually kill "adb.exe"...

最近在使用Android studio的時候,一執行就出現ADB not responding. If you’d like to retry,then please manually kill”adb.exe”and click’Restart’對話方塊,

解決adb not responding if youd like to retry...錯誤

Android Studio 老提示adb問題,restart後任然無解,最後發現某手機助手軟體佔用埠... 解決步驟: C:\Users\xxx>netstat -ano | findstr

NPM 報錯--fs: re-evaluating native module sources is not supported. If you are using the graceful-fs module

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