1. 程式人生 > >解讀Flink中輕量級的非同步快照機制--Flink 1.2 原始碼

解讀Flink中輕量級的非同步快照機制--Flink 1.2 原始碼


本片重點關注ABS在Flink 1.2中原始碼的實現。


此介面位於org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.io中,管理從input channel獲取的barrier的資訊。它提供瞭如下幾種方法:

public interface CheckpointBarrierHandler {

    BufferOrEvent getNextNonBlocked() throws Exception;

registerCheckpointEventHandler(StatefulTask task); void cleanup() throws IOException; boolean isEmpty(); long getAlignmentDurationNanos(); }

其中關於barrier的阻塞與釋放,主要在getNextNonBlocked() 中實現。


1、Exactly once
2、At least once



1、BarrierBuffer類(對應於Exactly Once)
2、BarrierTracker類(對應於At Least Once)


由於論文中重點強調input channel的阻塞,即對於Exactly Once的實現,因此我們這裡也重點關注程式碼中BarrierBuffer類的實現。




其核心就是一個input channel收到barrier,立刻阻塞,然後判斷是否收到所有input channel的barrier,如果全部收到,則廣播出barrier,觸發此task的檢查點,並對阻塞的channel釋放鎖。



public class BarrierBuffer implements CheckpointBarrierHandler {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BarrierBuffer.class);

    /** The gate that the buffer draws its input from */
    private final InputGate inputGate; //一個task對應一個InputGate,代表input的資料集合(可能來自不同的input channel)

    /** Flags that indicate whether a channel is currently blocked/buffered */
    private final boolean[] blockedChannels; // 標記每個input channel是否被阻塞(或者叫被buffer)

    /** The total number of channels that this buffer handles data from */
    private final int totalNumberOfInputChannels; // input channel的數量,可通過InputGate獲得

    /** To utility to write blocked data to a file channel */
    private final BufferSpiller bufferSpiller; // 將被阻塞的input channel的資料寫到buffer

    /** The pending blocked buffer/event sequences. Must be consumed before requesting
     * further data from the input gate. */
    private final ArrayDeque<BufferSpiller.SpilledBufferOrEventSequence> queuedBuffered; // barrier到達時,此operator中在之前buffered的資料要消費掉

    /** The maximum number of bytes that may be buffered before an alignment is broken. -1 means unlimited */
    private final long maxBufferedBytes; // 最多允許buffer的位元組數,-1代表無限制

    /** The sequence of buffers/events that has been unblocked and must now be consumed
     * before requesting further data from the input gate */
    private BufferSpiller.SpilledBufferOrEventSequence currentBuffered; // 已經buffer的資料

    /** Handler that receives the checkpoint notifications */
    private StatefulTask toNotifyOnCheckpoint; // 通知檢查點進行

    /** The ID of the checkpoint for which we expect barriers */
    private long currentCheckpointId = -1L; // 當前檢查點ID

    /** The number of received barriers (= number of blocked/buffered channels)
     * IMPORTANT: A canceled checkpoint must always have 0 barriers */
    private int numBarriersReceived; // 接收到的barrier的數量,這個值最終要等於buffered channel的數量。當一個檢查點被cancel時,此值為0

    /** The number of already closed channels */
    private int numClosedChannels; // 已經關閉的channel的數量

    /** The number of bytes in the queued spilled sequences */
    private long numQueuedBytes; // spill到佇列中的資料的位元組數

    /** The timestamp as in {@link System#nanoTime()} at which the last alignment started */
    private long startOfAlignmentTimestamp; // 上一次對齊開始時的時間戳

    /** The time (in nanoseconds) that the latest alignment took */
    private long latestAlignmentDurationNanos; // 最近一次對齊持續的時間

    /** Flag to indicate whether we have drawn all available input */
    private boolean endOfStream; // 標記是否流結束(所有的input已經收到barrier,標記檢查點完成)

     * Creates a new checkpoint stream aligner.
     * <p>There is no limit to how much data may be buffered during an alignment.
     * @param inputGate The input gate to draw the buffers and events from.
     * @param ioManager The I/O manager that gives access to the temp directories.
     * @throws IOException Thrown, when the spilling to temp files cannot be initialized.
    public BarrierBuffer(InputGate inputGate, IOManager ioManager) throws IOException {
        this (inputGate, ioManager, -1);

     * Creates a new checkpoint stream aligner.
     * <p>The aligner will allow only alignments that buffer up to the given number of bytes.
     * When that number is exceeded, it will stop the alignment and notify the task that the
     * checkpoint has been cancelled.
     * @param inputGate The input gate to draw the buffers and events from.
     * @param ioManager The I/O manager that gives access to the temp directories.
     * @param maxBufferedBytes The maximum bytes to be buffered before the checkpoint aborts.
     * @throws IOException Thrown, when the spilling to temp files cannot be initialized.
    public BarrierBuffer(InputGate inputGate, IOManager ioManager, long maxBufferedBytes) throws IOException {
        checkArgument(maxBufferedBytes == -1 || maxBufferedBytes > 0);

        this.inputGate = inputGate;
        this.maxBufferedBytes = maxBufferedBytes;
        this.totalNumberOfInputChannels = inputGate.getNumberOfInputChannels();
        this.blockedChannels = new boolean[this.totalNumberOfInputChannels];

        this.bufferSpiller = new BufferSpiller(ioManager, inputGate.getPageSize());
        this.queuedBuffered = new ArrayDeque<BufferSpiller.SpilledBufferOrEventSequence>();





// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Buffer and barrier handling
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public BufferOrEvent getNextNonBlocked() throws Exception {
        while (true) {
            // process buffered BufferOrEvents before grabbing new ones
            BufferOrEvent next; // buffer代表資料,event代表事件,例如barrier就是個事件
            if (currentBuffered == null) {
                next = inputGate.getNextBufferOrEvent();// 如果已經buffer的資料為空,則直接從inputGate中獲取下一個BufferOrEvent
            else {
                next = currentBuffered.getNext(); // 否則,從currentBuffered的佇列中拿到下一個BufferOrEvent
                if (next == null) { // 如果next為空,說明已經buffer的資料被處理完了
                    completeBufferedSequence(); // 清空currentBuffered,然後繼續處理queuedBuffered中的資料
                    return getNextNonBlocked(); // 遞迴呼叫,此時currentBuffered如果為null,則queuedBuffered也為null;否則如果currentBuffered不為null,說明還要繼續處理queuedBuffere中的資料

            if (next != null) {
                if (isBlocked(next.getChannelIndex())) { //如果這個channel還是被阻塞,則繼續把這條record新增到buffer中
                    // if the channel is blocked we, we just store the BufferOrEvent
                else if (next.isBuffer()) {//否則如果這個channel不再被阻塞,且下一條記錄是資料,則返回此資料
                    return next;
                else if (next.getEvent().getClass() == CheckpointBarrier.class) { // 如果下一個是Barrier,且流沒有結束,則說明這個channel收到了barrier了
                    if (!endOfStream) {
                        // process barriers only if there is a chance of the checkpoint completing
                        processBarrier((CheckpointBarrier) next.getEvent(), next.getChannelIndex()); // 此時,進行processBarrier處理
                else if (next.getEvent().getClass() == CancelCheckpointMarker.class) { // 如果下一個是帶有cancel標記的barrier,則進行processCancellationBarrier處理
                    processCancellationBarrier((CancelCheckpointMarker) next.getEvent());
                else {
                    if (next.getEvent().getClass() == EndOfPartitionEvent.class) { // 如果此partition的資料全部消費完
                        processEndOfPartition(); // 增加numClosedChannels的值,且將此channel解鎖
                    return next;
            else if (!endOfStream) { // 如果next為null且不是stream的終點,則置為終點,且釋放所有channel的鎖,重置初始值
                // end of input stream. stream continues with the buffered data
                endOfStream = true;
                return getNextNonBlocked();
            else {
                // final end of both input and buffered data
                return null;



private void processBarrier(CheckpointBarrier receivedBarrier, int channelIndex) throws Exception {
        final long barrierId = receivedBarrier.getId();

        // fast path for single channel cases
        if (totalNumberOfInputChannels == 1) { // 如果總共的channel數量只有1,此時說明這個operator只有一個input
            if (barrierId > currentCheckpointId) { //如果這個barrierId大於當前的檢查點ID,則說明這個barrier是一個新的barrier
                // new checkpoint
                currentCheckpointId = barrierId;//將這個barrierId賦給當前的檢查點ID
                notifyCheckpoint(receivedBarrier); //觸發檢查點

        // -- general code path for multiple input channels --

        if (numBarriersReceived > 0) { //如果已經收到過barrier
            // this is only true if some alignment is already progress and was not canceled

            if (barrierId == currentCheckpointId) { // 判斷此barrierId與當前的檢查點ID是否一致
                // regular case
                onBarrier(channelIndex); // 如果一直,則阻塞此channel
            else if (barrierId > currentCheckpointId) { // 如果barrierId大於當前的檢查點ID,則說明當前的檢查點過期了,跳過當前的檢查點
                // we did not complete the current checkpoint, another started before
                LOG.warn("Received checkpoint barrier for checkpoint {} before completing current checkpoint {}. " +
                        "Skipping current checkpoint.", barrierId, currentCheckpointId);

                // let the task know we are not completing this
                notifyAbort(currentCheckpointId, new CheckpointDeclineSubsumedException(barrierId));// 通知task終止當前的檢查點

                // abort the current checkpoint
                releaseBlocksAndResetBarriers();// 釋放所有channel的鎖

                // begin a the new checkpoint
                beginNewAlignment(barrierId, channelIndex);// 根據barrierId,開始新的檢查點
            else {
                // ignore trailing barrier from an earlier checkpoint (obsolete now)
        else if (barrierId > currentCheckpointId) { // 如果第一次收到的barrierID大於當前的檢查點ID,說明是一個新的barrier
            // first barrier of a new checkpoint
            beginNewAlignment(barrierId, channelIndex);// 根據barrierId,開始新的檢查點
        else {
            // either the current checkpoint was canceled (numBarriers == 0) or
            // this barrier is from an old subsumed checkpoint

        // check if we have all barriers - since canceled checkpoints always have zero barriers
        // this can only happen on a non canceled checkpoint
        if (numBarriersReceived + numClosedChannels == totalNumberOfInputChannels) { //如果收到所有channel的barrier,說明走到了
            // actually trigger checkpoint
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Received all barriers, triggering checkpoint {} at {}",
                        receivedBarrier.getId(), receivedBarrier.getTimestamp());

            releaseBlocksAndResetBarriers(); // 釋放所有channel的鎖
            notifyCheckpoint(receivedBarrier);// 觸發檢查點

Flink 1.2中有個變化就是判斷當前的operator是否只有一個input channel且收到了最新的barrier,如果是,則開通一個綠色通道,直接進行檢查點:notifyCheckpoint。

否則如果有多個input channel(totalNumberOfInputChannels是通過InputGate獲得),則只有當收到所有input channel的最新的barrier後,才開始進行檢查點:notifyCheckpoint,否則就要先阻塞該input channel,實際上是buffer起來後續的資料。


private void notifyCheckpoint(CheckpointBarrier checkpointBarrier) throws Exception {
        if (toNotifyOnCheckpoint != null) {
            CheckpointMetaData checkpointMetaData =
                    new CheckpointMetaData(checkpointBarrier.getId(), checkpointBarrier.getTimestamp());

            long bytesBuffered = currentBuffered != null ? currentBuffered.size() : 0L;










ABS在Flink中預設是Exactly Once,需要對齊,對齊的演算法就是阻塞+解除。阻塞和解除阻塞都有各自的判斷依據。


解讀Flink輕量級非同步快照機制--Flink 1.2 原始碼

上一篇文章中,對於ABS演算法,其實現主要通過checkpoint的barrier的阻塞與釋放來實現。 本片重點關注ABS在Flink 1.2中原始碼的實現。 1、CheckpointBarrierHandler 此介面位於org.apache.fli


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