1. 程式人生 > >Error:svn: E175002: connection refused by the server svn

Error:svn: E175002: connection refused by the server svn


Error:svn: E175002: connection refused by the server svn



在Authentication data 後點擊clear,清除svn使用者名稱和密碼,確定之後關閉。



Error:svn: E175002: connection refused by the server svn

公司有一些在Eclipse上的老專案,最近在某個專案上寫完程式碼之後,按照日常更新操作後出現了報錯, 我這裡應該是本地丟失了一些使用者資訊,例如eclipse中沒有了我的svn賬號資訊,所以一直導致更新程式碼,上傳程式碼錯誤 Error:svn: E17

下載標準庫libcxx出現svn: E000104: Error running context: Connection reset by peer的解決方案

使用svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/libcxx/tags/RELEASE_500/final libcxx下載標準庫libcxx出現svn: E000104: Error running context: Connection reset b

VNC連線失敗:The connection was refused by the host computer

當伺服器異常退出後,在下一次登陸時會出現如下問題,這種情況應該是伺服器IP變了,而vnc還在監聽原來的IP上的資料: 解決方法: 用Xshell登陸自己的伺服器 在命令列中輸入vncserver,命令列中出現: Warning: optimal6:2

svn Changing directory 'xxxxxxx' is forbidden by the server 解決方案

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[Angular] Read Custom HTTP Headers Sent by the Server in Angular

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pyspider連線rabbitmq ,結果出現socket.error: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer 這樣的報錯資訊

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Nginx error code 54: Connection reset by peer

Nginx 54: Connection reset by peer 2018/05/28 17:12:42 [error] 19745#0: *76 kevent() reported that upstream closed connection (5

kubectl error: The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused

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[Kubernetes]The connection to the server <master>:6443 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?

  不知道怎麼用著用著,使用kubectl 時報錯,錯誤如下: [email protected]2-2:~# kubectl get pod The connection to the server was refused - did you spe

k8s V1.11.1報錯:The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused

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ERROR:通過埠 1433 連線到主機 localhost 的 TCP/IP 連線失敗。錯誤:“Connection refused: connect。請驗證連線屬性,並檢查 SQL Server 的例項正在主機上執行,且在此埠接受 TCP/IP 連

ERROR:通過埠1433連線到主機localhost的TCP/IP連線失敗。錯誤:“Connection refused: connect。請驗證連線屬性,並檢查SQL Server的例項正在主機上執行,且在此埠接受TCP/IP連線,還要確保防火牆沒有阻止到此埠的TCP

Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server...解決辦法

Linux中對Samba或者網路等一些的配置除了命令之外,可以通過介面配置,介面配置可以用滑鼠點選登入介面進行配置或者是通過命令調出介面進行配置,但是如果KDE下啟動影象介面時發生這樣的錯誤:Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by serv

k8s遇坑:The connection to the server k8s-api.virtual.local:6443 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?

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啟動mysql報錯 -- ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file

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could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)

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MySQL啟動報:[ERROR] The server quit without updating

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啟動mysql報錯:ERROR! The server quit without updating

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An unexpected error prevented the server from fulfilling your request. (HTTP 500)

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mysql啟動時報錯:Starting MySQL... ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file (/opt/mysql/data/mysql.pid)

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