1. 程式人生 > >開發者中心證書報錯Program License Agreement updated解決方法

開發者中心證書報錯Program License Agreement updated解決方法

Program License Agreement updated

The 'Apple Developer Program License Agreement' has been updated. In order to access certain membership resources, you must accept the latest license agreement.



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開發者中心書報Program License Agreement updated解決方法

Program License Agreement updated The 'Apple Developer Program License Agreement' has been update

【IOS學習之常見問題】 Program License Agreement updated

遇到問題: 因為要上架一款新的app,就需要在蘋果開發者中心(https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/certificate/)去申請釋出證書,於是登陸進去,就提示Program License Agreement up


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iOS常見問題之 The 'Apple Developer Program License Agreement' has been updated. In order to access certai

The ‘Apple Developer Program License Agreement’ has been updated. In order to access certain membership resources, you must accept

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上兩篇文章說了本地通知的相關內容,做了測試的推送證書,執行在真機上出現如下問題: 1、第一次報如下錯誤 This application or a bundle it contains has the same bundle identifier as th

ANNOUNCEMENT: Updated Program License Agreement解決辦法

最近申請了一個蘋果開發者賬號(ADC),花了99美金,但是登入的時候總是顯示一個錯誤,具體的錯誤資訊為:An updated version of the iOS Developer Program License Agreement has been posted. In order to access c

關於The selected team's agent, '**' must agree to the latest Program License Agreement 的問題

我們在訪問蘋果開發網站的時候會遇到這樣的問題:An unspecified error occurred.The selected team's agent, '**' must agree to t

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