1. 程式人生 > >win7 下SonarQube服務啟動失敗

win7 下SonarQube服務啟動失敗


ps:stack overflow 簡直是程式設計師的神器

I can launch this service, either with a ‘Start’ from this service, either executing the corresponding file in the ‘bin’ directory of SonarQube, from my DOS window.


But this will bring the following error message:


Same if I try to start the SonarQube service:



Now, if we open the service Properties (right click on the service to get the menus)…

…and goes on the tab ‘Log On’.


Check the box ‘This account’ and then the button ‘Browse’ :


In the following windows, click the button ‘Advanced’.


Then ‘Find Now’ in order to list the users who can connect (Log On) to launch this service.


I will select the Windows user I use to log on my laptop:


‘OK’ to validate. Notice that my Window user is prefixed with the ID of my machine (JPFPC).


‘OK’ again to get back to the ‘Log On’ tab, where I can enter the password corresponding to my user. ‘Apply’ then ‘OK’ to close the Properties window.

Now we can start again the service and … Yes, it works ! The error message has disappeared and the service displays a ‘Started’ status.


win7 SonarQube服務啟動失敗

轉自:http://qualilogy.com/en/migrate-sonarqube-tomcat-to-windows-service/ ps:stack overflow 簡直是程式設計師的神器 I can launch this service, eithe

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