1. 程式人生 > >關閉頁面之前 提示使用者(確定跳轉,取消停留)----使用window.onbeforeunload

關閉頁面之前 提示使用者(確定跳轉,取消停留)----使用window.onbeforeunload

Detecting When The User Has Clicked Cancel 

One of the things you may want to do is to be notified when the user clicks cancel, aborting a page unload. Unfortunately there's no way to be immediately notified. The best you can do is to set a unique global variable in your "onbeforeunload" event and then look to see if that variable has been set in other functions. There is no way to get an immediate notification that the user has aborted a page unload. 

The example code I used above to do an example of an "onbeforeunload" dialog is as follows: 

Java程式碼  收藏程式碼
  1. var _isset=0;  
  2. function demo() {  
  3.    window.onbeforeunload = function () {  
  4.       if (_isset==0) {  
  5.          _isset=1;  // This will only be seen elsewhere if the user cancels.  
  6.          return
     "This is a demonstration, you won't leave the page whichever option you select.";  
  7.       }  
  8.    }  
  9.    _isset=0;  
  10.    window.location.reload();  
  11.    return false;  
  12. }  

This code defines a global variabled named _isset, and then initializes it to zero. In our "onbeforeunload" event the variable is checked and if it's set to one, no unload dialog box will appear. The only way _isset could ever be one is if the user previously aborted a page unload. 

But as you can see this method won't help you if you need to be immediately notified that that the user has finished dealing with the confirmation box. You can detect when it appears on the screen but there's no way to know when the user has finished interacting with it if the user clicked cancel (if the user clicked OK, then of course the unload event will have been tripped). 
雖然如此,但還是有高手給出瞭如下程式碼 ^^ 

Java程式碼  收藏程式碼
  1. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"  
  2.    "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">  
  3. <html><head>  
  4. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">  
  5. <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">  
  6. <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">  
  7. <title>onbeforeunload test</title>  
  8. <script type="text/javascript"><!--  
  9. window.onbeforeunload = function() {  
  10.   // in Firefox and Netscape 7.2+ the setTimeout or setInterval do not wait   
  11.   // to be executed until after the user clicks one of the buttons in the   
  12.   // confirm()-like box.  
  13.   //setTimeout("alert('hi from setTimeout()');",500);  
  14.   // setTimeout() and setInterval() aren't called when ok is clicked in   
  15.   // IE5-6/Win, but is called in IE7 when the time is short, but not when   
  16.   // it's longer, like 500 (a half second).  
  17.   window.unloadTimer = setInterval(  
  18.     "alert('hi from setInterval()');clearInterval(window.unloadTimer);",500);  
  19.   window.onunload = function() {clearInterval(window.unloadTimer);}  
  20.   return 'onbeforeunload testing';  
  21. }  
  22. // -->  
  23. </script>  
  24. </head>  
  25. <body>  
  26. <h1>onbeforeunload test</h1>  
  27. </body>  
  28. </html>  

Java程式碼  收藏程式碼
  1. <script type="text/javascript">  
  2. //<![CDATA[  
  3. var  
  4.   is_asked = false;  
  5. window.onbeforeunload =   
  6.   function (ev) {  
  7.     var e = ev || window.event;  
  8.     window.focus();  
  9.     if (!is_asked){  
  10.       is_asked = true;  
  11.       var showstr = "CUSTOM_MESSAGE";  
  12.       if (e) {  //for ie and firefox  
  13.         e.returnValue = showstr;   
  14.       }  
  15.       return showstr; //for safari and chrome  
  16.     }  
  17.   };  
  18. window.onfocus =  
  19.   function (ev){  
  20.     if (is_asked){  
  21.       window.location.href = "http://www.google.com";  
  22.     }  
  23.   }  
  24. //]]>  
  25. </script  


關閉頁面之前 提示使用者確定取消停留----使用window.onbeforeunload

Detecting When The User Has Clicked Cancel One of the things you may want to do is to be notified when the user clicks cancel, aborting a


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           //通過此設定,可以讓新頁面的跳轉不用跳出APP, 否則,新的頁面會跳轉到瀏覽器                   webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {             @Override             publ

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