1. 程式人生 > >ECLIPSE除錯C++出錯的解決方法


出錯提示:Can't find a source file at "xxxxx“Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.



I'm using cygwin and when launching the debugger, it complains that it can't find the source file

You must provide a mapping from /cygdrive/c to c:/ (or whatever your drive letter is).

To do this,

  1. From the editor error page, select the "Edit Source Lookup Path..." button and select the "Add..." button
    • Or, in the eclipse IDE, go to menu Window -> Preferences -> C/C++ -> Debug-> Common Source Lookup Path -> Add.
  2. From the list of lookup containers, choose Path Mapping and OK. You get a New Mapping in the list.
  3. Select the mapping and then Edit. In the Modify the path mappings dialog, select Add, and then enter:
    • /cygdrive/c as the compilation path and
    • c:/ as the local file system path.
  4. Select OK, OK, OK to finish the dialogs.
  5. Terminate the debug session and restart; it should find your source files now.

This setting will apply to any debug sessions launched from this workspace.

You can also modify the settings in each individual launch configuration.



出錯提示:Can't find a source file at "xxxxx“Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location. 解決:來自ECLIPSE的WIKI: DE


1、問題 在ecplise下使用CDT開發C/C++程式中,使用debug除錯時,到了printf 列印函式,在console視窗中並沒有打印出資訊來,停止後才會有輸出。 2、原因 在debug除錯時, eclipse 將輸出的內容存放到了輸出快取區中,沒有及時

Eclipse4.5.1 Mars C++11 編譯出錯解決方法

2016年07月11日 16:42:38 dounine 閱讀數:3183 <span class="tags-box artic-tag-box"> <span class="label


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關於eclipse 3.5.0安裝Git外掛出錯解決方法

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inf body 虛擬機 技術 虛擬交換機 設備管理器 info 分享 mark 這個問題中文找不到解決方法,只能重新安裝系統了 重新安裝系統後,按照順序操作,不要去動設備管理器中的東西,也不用動驅動,先刪除虛擬機的網絡連接,在刪除虛擬交換機就可以了,沒有再出現問題 Hy


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git add .出錯解決方法

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Ubuntu下報錯:處理軟體包 python-dnspython (--configure)時出錯 解決方法

原因: 在將python2升級到python3時,只是將/usr/local/bin目錄下修改了(使用ln -s 或者其他方式),然而我們的配置目錄並沒有修改。 解決方法: sudo apt-get clean sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get ins


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