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Codeforces 1017G The Tree(分塊DFS)

Codeforces 1017G The Tree




所以看了看官方題解,畢竟這個是相當於Div1 E題難度的題目,我這種接近Newbie警告的pupil,怎麼可能會寫。。。但是看過官方題解覺得好像不難啊,就決定花一個早上研究了一下寫掉了,而且發現標程裡面有些東西是不太必要的,比如那個存放原本狀態的old_black陣列。初始化我改用了memset,比for迴圈稍好,並且不像標程一樣每一個V2陣列都要重新初始化,我只初始化本輪查詢需要用到的就可以了。然而。。。並沒有什麼卵用,總的思路和標程是一樣一樣的。


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
struct mini//the data structure storing edges of the mini-tree
{ int to;//the son vertex int white;//the number of white vertices between two vertices we need to operate in the mini-tree int dis;//the distance between two mini-tree vertices in the original tree, we need this to do the operation 2 }; int v[100005];//the vertex we need to operate int t[100005];//the type of operation we do
vector<int> edge[100005];//the origin tree, which has no weight on its edges. So we just need to storage its end. vector<mini> minitree[100005];// A mini Tree, with a weighted edge bool vis[100005];//mark the vertex if we need to add the vertex to the mini-tree bool cl[100005];//mark if the clear operation should be done bool isblack[100005];//mark the vertex. isblack[i] is true when i-th vertex is black int pusher[100005];//check how many operation 1s should be done to the son void builder(int now,int pre,int white,int dis) { //cout<<now<<endl; if(vis[now]) { if(pre!=0) { mini temp; temp.to=now; temp.white=white; temp.dis=dis; minitree[pre].push_back(temp);//add an edge to the mini-tree } for(int i=0; i<edge[now].size(); i++) { builder(edge[now][i],now,0,0);//clear the number of whites and the distance } } else { if(!isblack[now]) { white++;//count the white vertices } for(int i=0; i<edge[now].size(); i++) { builder(edge[now][i],pre,white,dis+1);//bypass all other vertices but count the white ones between two key vertices } } } void op1(int now) { if(!isblack[now]) { isblack[now]=true;//if the vertex is still white, just paint it black and quit return; } else { pusher[now]++;//remember the blocks to be drawn but not now,save some time if clear op is found; for(int i=0; i<minitree[now].size(); i++) { if(pusher[now]>minitree[now][i].white) { minitree[now][i].white=0;//this doesn't matter, the white value won't be used any more this round (because both of the vertices are marked black,you may never go to line 62,where is the only line which need this value again.),but we know, in this situation, it's natural to think that no vertices between the father and the son are white op1(minitree[now][i].to);//if the operation 1 was done more than the white vertices between two key vertices, just do it for his son } } } } void op2(int now) { isblack[now]=false; pusher[now]=0;//all the sons are marked white, so all the pushes we made were abandoned cl[now]=true; for(int i=0; i<minitree[now].size(); i++) { minitree[now][i].white=minitree[now][i].dis;//if the vertex should be marked black again ,you may found this is affecting line 62. op2(minitree[now][i].to); } } void push_down(int now,bool clr,int push) { if(vis[now]) { clr=cl[now]; push=pusher[now]; } else//the vertices in minitree has correct status already if there's no else, you will find if the direct father of the visited vertex who have done the operation 2 already has a push number of 1, the vertex will be wrongly marked white { if(clr)//if the vertex was cleared before, we need to clear it first, because operation2's area is much bigger than the operation 1,and the vertex may be marked black again. { isblack[now]=false; } if(!isblack[now] && push>0) { isblack[now]=true; push--; } } for(int i=0; i<edge[now].size(); i++) { push_down(edge[now][i],clr,push); } } int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); int n,q; cin>>n>>q; for(int i=2; i<=n; i++) { int temp; cin>>temp; edge[temp].push_back(i); } for(int i=1; i<=q; i++) { cin>>t[i]>>v[i]; } memset(isblack,0,sizeof(isblack));//all the vertices were white before we do the operations int block=sqrt(n); for(int i=1; i<=q; i+=block)//Block the queries into pieces, one loop O(n+sqrt(n)+sqrt(n)+n),totally O(2(n+n*sqrt(n))) { memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));//memset() is a little bit faster than the O(n) for loop, but still O(n) memset(cl,0,sizeof(cl)); memset(pusher,0,sizeof(pusher)); for(int j=0; j<block && i+j<=q; j++)//O(block),or O(sqrt(n)) { minitree[v[i+j]].clear();//we just need to initialize the vectors we will use this time vis[v[i+j]]=true; } builder(1,0,0,0);//Build the mini tree with the original tree so that you can save a lot of time by bypassing useless vertices.This method is based on DFS, Traversal every vertex once, O(n) for(int j=0; j<block && i+j<=q; j++) { switch(t[i+j]) { case 1: op1(v[i+j]);//DFS once in mini-tree, no more than O(block) or O(sqrt(n)) break; case 2: op2(v[i+j]);//also DFS in mini-tree, O(block) or O(sqrt(n)) break; case 3: if(isblack[v[i+j]]) { cout<<"black\n"; } else { cout<<"white\n"; } } } push_down(1,0,0);// renew the tree,DFS in original tree,O(n) } return 0; }


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題意 給你一顆樹,由兩種操作: 1.把這棵樹深度為DD的點全部都加上一個值。 2.求以p為根節點的子樹的權值和是多少? 思路 對於樹上的東西,我們可以把他求一下DFS序,之後就可以把樹上的結構變成線性的結構,之後就是查詢和修改這兩個東西了。 關於修改