1. 程式人生 > >Linux下docker CE報錯解決

Linux下docker CE報錯解決

系統:CentOS Linux release 7.2 (Core) 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64

# docker --version
Docker version 17.12.0-ce, build c97c6d6

docker images

# docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
ubuntu              latest              0458
a4468cbc 4 weeks ago 112MB


# docker rmi 0458a4468cbc
Error response from daemon: conflict: unable to delete 0458a4468cbc (must be forced) - image is being used by stopped co
ntainer a686daa452d9


# docker ps -a |grep "Exited"|awk '{print $1}'|xargs docker stop
bb0db0db 3e47ff374145 # docker ps -a |grep "Exited"|awk '{print $1}'|xargs docker rm 394ce6ebb1f1 4206bb0db0db 3e47ff374145

重新docker images,成功

# docker rmi 0458a4468cbc
Untagged: ubuntu:latest
Untagged: [email protected]:e27e9d7f7f28d67aa9e2d7540bdc2b33254b452ee8e60f388875e5b7d9b2b696
Deleted: sha256:0458
a4468cbceea0c304de953305b059803f67693bad463dcbe7cce2c91ba670 Deleted: sha256:77e6ddba346d8ad1e436256f6373dede5af4002006981b7d4116c561c759cefa Deleted: sha256:8db758ab2fdb54da0aec53aeac876934337e6170f5a8c8872b3d4171e3d465b7 Deleted: sha256:a7fc6b405fe8ef71edfa6163d1dc9f1cb1df426049eefaa7d388e9df21a061ad Deleted: sha256:5a3e35538f7f2e2727c8ac92f08c30002b9e8a77737de0dab91244344d59f69b Deleted: sha256:ff986b10a018b48074e6d3a68b39aad8ccc002cdad912d4148c0f92b3729323e
# docker run -d -p 5000:5000 registry
docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://localhost:2375. Is the docker daemon running
?.See 'docker run --help'.

# ps aux|grep docker
root      8560  0.0  6.6 473952 67572 ?        Ssl  Apr03   1:05 /usr/bin/dockerd
root      8565  0.1  2.4 292476 24396 ?        Ssl  Apr03   2:05 docker-containerd --config /var/
run/docker/containerd/containerd.tomlroot     21570  0.0  0.0 112660   968 pts/0    R+   13:29   0:00 grep --color=auto docker

# sudo docker run -d -p 5000:5000 registry


Linuxdocker CE解決

系統:CentOS Linux release 7.2 (Core) 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64 SELinux:關閉 docker版本 # docker --version Docker version 17.12.0-

Linux啟動rabbitmq:./rabbitmq-server: line 80: erl: command not found的解決辦法

樓主今天在linux下啟動rabbitmq的時候,發生瞭如下圖的錯誤: 網上搜索得到了答案,現在分享給大家: 在linux的/etc/profile環境下新增如下兩行程式碼: #set erlang environment export PATH=$PATH:/usr/loc

linux啟動tomcat "Name or service not known"錯誤解決

錯誤資訊 java.net.UnknownHostException: dev02.gzhl.interconnect: dev02.gzhl.interconnect: Name or service not known 將war包打入Tomcat,啟動的時候遇到錯誤,

Linux關閉tomcatjava.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

Linux下關閉tomcat報錯,具體如下: Using CATALINA_BASE: /home/alpha/apache-tomcat-7.0.62 Using CATALINA_HOME: /home/alpha/apache-tomcat-7.0.62 Using CATALIN

centos install docker-ce :time out

使用官方的docker-ce.repo源進行安裝docker-ce,由於國內訪問該地址網路原因,會報下面錯誤。 [Errno 12] Timeout on https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/7/x86_64/stable/repodata/repo


提示:string 不是一個型別名 #include <iostream>            #include <string> 

Linux編譯ffmpeggcc is unable to create an executable file C compiler test failed.

程式碼報錯資訊: [[email protected] ffmpeg-3.2.2]# ./configure --enable-shared --prefix=/usr/local/ffmpeg gcc is unable to create an executable

Linuxshell指令碼 [: test: unexpected operator

最近編譯 ssd的create_list.sh指令碼遇到 [: test: unexpected operator的問題, 後來發現是由於 []等問題引起的,查閱資料發現是 Linux預設sh連結到dash的,和bash不相容, dash應該也是和bash相似的一種shell指令碼

Linux 上安裝 mysqlclient,解決方案

執行 client imp inf 圖片 pip 解答 str png 在 Linux 下安裝 mysqlclient,如果是選擇直接安裝的話,一般會報如下錯誤, 解答方案, 一般來說安裝一個依賴即可 sudo apt install libmysqlclie


1:下載 [root@localhost soft]# wget https://cdn.mysql.com//Downloads/MySQL-5.7/mysql-5.7.19-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.gz 2:解壓檔案 [root@dbserver /]# tar -xzvf

linuxteamviewer 安裝 libQt5WebKit.so.5()(64bit) >= 5.5

ubuntu...... # for DEB packages: apt install ./teamviewer_13.x.yyy_[arch].deb apt install ./teamviewer-host_13.x.yyy_[arch].deb centos...

Linux啟動tomcatRROR org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext- Error starting static Resources java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Document base /home

部署專案的時候,重啟tomcat,死活起不來,很鬱悶,網上巴拉了半天,結合自己的情況,找到了原因; 錯誤日誌資訊: 2018-12-13 13:52:26,992 [main] INFO org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener- The APR

linux tar 解壓解決方法

在解壓tar.gz檔案的時候報錯 1 2 3 4 5 [[email protected] Downloads]$ tar -zxvf clion-141.351.4.tar.gz gzip: stdin: not in gz


suse下啟動vsftp報錯解決 在suse啟動vsftp服務 service vsftp start 報 Starting vsftpd startproc: exit status of pare


Eclipse: Cannot open display: Eclipse: Cannot open display: Eclipse: An error has occurred. See the log file/opt/modules/eclipse/config


首先安裝scrapy是沒問題的,但是當匯入模組時就報錯了,具體如下: root@ubuntu:/usr/bin# pip3 install scrapy Collecting scrapy Downloading https://files.py


報錯內容: Traceback (most recent call last):   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>   File "E:\anaconda2\lib\site-packages\spyder\

LinuxMySQL 啟動: File './mysql-bin.000013' not found (Errcode: 13)

Linux下安裝初始化完MySQL資料庫之後,啟動資料庫失敗。 報錯如下: [[email protected] mysql]#  service mysqld startStarting MySQL... ERROR! The server quit witho

Linux編譯caffecatastrophic error: error while writing generated C++ file: No space left on device

catastrophic error: error while writing generated C++ file: No space left on device,但是檢視記憶體和儲存都夠。 解決

FFMPEG系列三:linux編譯ffmpeggcc is unable to create an executable file C compiler test failed.

linux編譯ffmpeg過程報錯gcc is unable to create an executable file C compiler test failed.網上找了一圈,關於這個問題的答