1. 程式人生 > >Android apk 分析工具 Analyze APK Compare APK

Android apk 分析工具 Analyze APK Compare APK


新版本釋出時,需要check下新版本Apk包大小,以及具體哪些檔案導致Apk變大,從而針對性的進行優化。Android studio 有工具Analyze APK 做了類似的事情,但是無法進行持續整合,本文參照Alalyze APK 的功能,分析APK各個檔案大小,並給出對應的結果報告


java -jar apk.jar App-1.0.apk App-2.0.apk changes


diffReport.html 結果




import java.io.*;
import java.text
.NumberFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipFile; import org.pegdown.PegDownProcessor; public class Main { static final String NA = "N/A"; static String StyleCSS =""; static final NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(); static final Comparator comparator = new Comparator<DiffItem>() { @Override public int compare(DiffItem o1, DiffItem o2) { return (int) (Math.abs
(o2.diffSize) - Math.abs(o1.diffSize)); } }; public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length != 3) { System.out.println("Usage: ApkCompare oldApk newApk outputFilename"); System.out.println("Example: ApkCompare App-1.0.apk App-2.0.apk changes");
System.out.println("This would output a diff file named changes.md at current directory"); return; } Map<String, Long> oldFilesInfo = getFilesInfo(args[0]); Map<String, Long> newFilesInfo = getFilesInfo(args[1]); List<DiffItem> outputDiffList = new ArrayList<DiffItem>(); Set<Map.Entry<String, Long>> oldEntries = oldFilesInfo.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> oldEntry : oldEntries) { DiffItem diffItem = new DiffItem(); String keyOldFilename = oldEntry.getKey(); diffItem.oldFilename = keyOldFilename; Long oldFileSize = oldEntry.getValue(); Long newFileSize = newFilesInfo.get(keyOldFilename); if (newFileSize == null) { //新APK中刪除了的檔案 diffItem.newFilename = NA; diffItem.diffSize = -oldFileSize; } else { diffItem.newFilename = diffItem.oldFilename; diffItem.diffSize = newFileSize - oldFileSize; } newFilesInfo.remove(keyOldFilename); if (diffItem.diffSize != 0L) { //僅統計檔案大小有改變的情況 outputDiffList.add(diffItem); } } //新版本中新增的檔案 Set<Map.Entry<String, Long>> newEntries = newFilesInfo.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> newEntry : newEntries) { DiffItem diffItem = new DiffItem(); diffItem.oldFilename = NA; diffItem.newFilename = newEntry.getKey(); diffItem.diffSize = newEntry.getValue(); outputDiffList.add(diffItem); } outputMarkdown(args, outputDiffList); System.out.println("APK compare done!"); System.out.println("output file: " + new File(args[2]).getAbsolutePath() + ".md"); try { get(new File(args[2]).getAbsolutePath() + ".md"); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public static String readFile(String filepath)throws IOException{ FileReader reader = new FileReader(filepath);//定義一個fileReader物件,用來初始化BufferedReader BufferedReader bReader = new BufferedReader(reader);//new一個BufferedReader物件,將檔案內容讀取到快取 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();//定義一個字串快取,將字串存放快取中 String s = ""; while ((s =bReader.readLine()) != null) {//逐行讀取檔案內容,不讀取換行符和末尾的空格 sb.append(s + "\n");//將讀取的字串新增換行符後累加存放在快取中 } bReader.close(); return sb.toString(); } public static String readJarFile(String filepath)throws IOException{ InputStream inputStream = Main.class.getResourceAsStream(filepath); BufferedReader bReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String s = ""; while ((s =bReader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(s + "\n"); } bReader.close(); return sb.toString(); } public static void get(String filepath) throws IOException{ String html = null; html =readFile(filepath); PegDownProcessor pdp = new PegDownProcessor(Integer.MAX_VALUE); html = pdp.markdownToHtml(html); StyleCSS = readJarFile("style.css"); html=StyleCSS+html; FileWriter writer; try { writer = new FileWriter("diffReport.html"); writer.write(html); writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void outputMarkdown(String[] filenames, List<DiffItem> outputDiffList) { try { List<DiffItem> increased = new ArrayList<DiffItem>(); List<DiffItem> decreased = new ArrayList<DiffItem>(); List<DiffItem> added = new ArrayList<DiffItem>(); List<DiffItem> removed = new ArrayList<DiffItem>(); int increasedCnt = 0; int decreasedCnt = 0; int addedCnt = 0; int removedCnt = 0; //檔案數量 int increasedFileCnt = 0; int decreasedFileCnt = 0; int addedFileCnt = 0; int removedFileCnt = 0; for (DiffItem diffItem : outputDiffList) { if (NA.equals(diffItem.oldFilename)) { //新版本完全新增檔案 added.add(diffItem); addedCnt += diffItem.diffSize; addedFileCnt++; } else if (NA.equals(diffItem.newFilename)) { //新版本刪除了的檔案 removed.add(diffItem); removedCnt += diffItem.diffSize; removedFileCnt++; } else if (diffItem.diffSize > 0) { //同一檔案有差異,新版本中size增加了 increased.add(diffItem); increasedCnt += diffItem.diffSize; increasedFileCnt++; } else {//同一檔案有差異,新版本中size減小了 decreased.add(diffItem); decreasedCnt += diffItem.diffSize; decreasedFileCnt++; } } BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filenames[2] + ".md")); File oldApkFile = new File(filenames[0]); // writer.write("### "+oldApkFile.getName()); // writer.write(" VS "); File newApkFile = new File(filenames[1]); // writer.write(newApkFile.getName()); // writer.write("\n\n"); writer.write("## 包大小 \n\n"); writer.write("| 線上版本 | 新版本 | Diff |\n"); writer.write("| --------- | --------- | ---------: |\n"); writer.append("| ").append(long2float(oldApkFile.length())+"Mb "). append("| ").append(long2float(newApkFile.length())+"Mb "). append("| ").append(long2float(newApkFile.length() - oldApkFile.length())+"Mb ") .append("| \n"); writer.write("## 包大小詳細檔案比對 \n\n"); writer.write("| 檔案 | 數量 | Diff (byte) |\n"); writer.write("| --------- | --------- | ---------: |\n"); writer.append("| 新版本中增加的檔案 | ").append(format.format(addedFileCnt)+" | ").append(format.format(addedCnt)).append(" | \n"); writer.append("| 新版本中大小增加的檔案 | ").append(format.format(increasedFileCnt)+" | ").append(format.format(increasedCnt)).append(" | \n"); writer.append("| 新版本中大小減小的檔案 | ").append(format.format(decreasedFileCnt)+" | ").append(format.format(decreasedCnt)).append(" | \n"); writer.append("| 新版本中被刪除的檔案 | ").append(format.format(removedFileCnt)+" | ").append(format.format(removedCnt)).append(" | \n"); writer.append("| 總計 | ").append(format.format(addedFileCnt+increasedFileCnt+decreasedFileCnt+removedFileCnt)+" | ").append(format.format(addedCnt + increasedCnt + decreasedCnt + removedCnt)).append(" | \n\n"); outputMarkdownAddedList(writer, added); outputMarkdownIncreasedList(writer, increased); outputMarkdownDecreasedList(writer, decreased); outputMarkdownRemovedList(writer, removed); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void outputMarkdownAddedList(Writer writer, List<DiffItem> outputDiffList) { if (outputDiffList.size() > 0) { try { Collections.sort(outputDiffList, comparator); writer.append("## ").append("新版本中增加的檔案"); writer.append("<a name=\"added\"></a>\n"); writer.append("| File Name | Size (byte)|\n"); writer.append("| --------- | ---------: |\n"); for (DiffItem diffItem : outputDiffList) { writer.append("| ").append(diffItem.newFilename).append(" | ") .append(format.format(diffItem.diffSize)) .append(" |\n"); writer.flush(); } writer.write("\n"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private static void outputMarkdownIncreasedList(Writer writer, List<DiffItem> outputDiffList) { if (outputDiffList.size() > 0) { try { Collections.sort(outputDiffList, comparator); writer.append("## ").append("新版本中大小增加的檔案"); writer.append("<a name=\"increased\"></a>\n"); writer.append("| File Name | Increased Size (byte)|\n"); writer.append("| --------- | ---------: |\n"); for (DiffItem diffItem : outputDiffList) { writer.append("| ").append(diffItem.newFilename).append(" | ") .append(format.format(diffItem.diffSize)) .append(" |\n"); writer.flush(); } writer.write("\n"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private static void outputMarkdownDecreasedList(Writer writer, List<DiffItem> outputDiffList) { if (outputDiffList.size() > 0) { try { Collections.sort(outputDiffList, comparator); writer.append("## ").append("新版本中大小減小的檔案"); writer.append("<a name=\"decreased\"></a>\n"); writer.append("| File Name | Decreased Size (byte)|\n"); writer.append("| --------- | ---------: |\n"); for (DiffItem diffItem : outputDiffList) { writer.append("| ").append(diffItem.newFilename).append(" | ") .append(format.format(diffItem.diffSize)) .append(" |\n"); writer.flush(); } writer.write("\n"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private static void outputMarkdownRemovedList(Writer writer, List<DiffItem> outputDiffList) { if (outputDiffList.size() > 0) { try { Collections.sort(outputDiffList, comparator); writer.append("## ").append("新版本中被刪除的檔案"); writer.append("<a name=\"removed\"></a>\n"); writer.append("| File Name | Decreased Size (byte)|\n"); writer.append("| --------- | ---------: |\n"); for (DiffItem diffItem : outputDiffList) { writer.append("| ").append(diffItem.oldFilename).append(" | ") .append(format.format(diffItem.diffSize)) .append(" |\n"); writer.flush(); } writer.write("\n"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private static Map<String, Long> getFilesInfo(String apkFilePath) { Map<String, Long> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Long>(); try { ZipFile apkFile = new ZipFile(apkFilePath); Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = apkFile.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); String filename = entry.getName(); long size = entry.getSize(); map.put(filename, size); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return map; } private static class DiffItem { String oldFilename; String newFilename; Long diffSize; } public static float long2float(long l){ return (float)(Math.round(Float.valueOf(l)/(1024*1024)*100))/100; } }


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