1. 程式人生 > >Mediawiki使用者密碼加密方式


在Mediawiki 1.18.0 includes/User.php中,找到加密函式, 其中oldCrypt為mediawiki版本低於1.13.0的加密函式(與低版本中的wfEncryptPassword函式等同),crypt為mediawiki大於等於1.13.0版本的加密函式。


* Make an old-style password hash
* @param $password String Plain-text password
* @param $userId String User ID
* @return String Password hash
public static function oldCrypt( $password, $userId ) {
global $wgPasswordSalt;
if ( $wgPasswordSalt ) {
return md5( $userId . '-' . md5( $password ) );
} else {
return md5( $password );

* Make a new-style password hash
* @param $password String Plain-text password
* @param bool|string $salt Optional salt, may be random or the user ID.

* If unspecified or false, will generate one automatically
* @return String Password hash
public static function crypt( $password, $salt = false ) {
global $wgPasswordSalt;

$hash = '';
if( !wfRunHooks( 'UserCryptPassword', array( &$password, &$salt, &$wgPasswordSalt, &$hash ) ) ) {
return $hash;

if( $wgPasswordSalt ) {
if ( $salt === false ) {
$salt = substr( wfGenerateToken(), 0, 8 );
return ':B:' . $salt . ':' . md5( $salt . '-' . md5( $password ) );
} else {
return ':A:' . md5( $password );


* Encrypt a username/password.
* @param string $userid ID of the user
* @param string $password Password of the user
* @return string Hashed password
function wfEncryptPassword( $userid, $password ) {
global $wgPasswordSalt;
$p = md5( $password);

return md5( "{$userid}-{$p}" );
return $p;
