1. 程式人生 > >LaTeX常見錯誤及原因解析


Latex Error Classes


This is a list of error classes with ambiguos error messages. Here either the errors are have different causes and the message output is same or else the errors have the same root cause but the messages are different.

S.No Class 錯誤提示資訊 錯誤原因簡析
1 e_des ! LaTeX Error: There’s no line here to end Usage of \ at the end of a long label in ‘description’ environment
2 e_center ! LaTeX Error: There’s no line here to end Usage of \ after the heading line in ‘center’ environment
3 e_foot ! Argument of @sect has an extra } Usage of a fragile command ‘footnote’ within \section
4 e_ragged ! Argument of @caption has an extra } Usage of \ within \raggedright or \raggedleft environment
5 e_and ! Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr Too many &s in a row of a table or array or eqnarray.
6 e_cline ! Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr Reference no non existing column in \cline
7 e_col ! Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. Usage @ in tabular* environment
8 e_num ! Missing number treated as zero Usage of non numeric parameter after \
9 e_asterisk ! Missing * at the end of the line * is not printed when used without brace after \
10 e_pbox_miss ! Missing number, treated as zero. \parbox[t]{} … Missing argument to parbox
11 e_mis_circle ! Missing number, treated as zero. Missing numeric parameter to \circle
12 e_list ! Argument of \[email protected] has an extra } Usage of 1stlisting inside fragile command \parbox
13 e_capacity ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=1500] Usage of 1stlisting inside fragile command \parbox
14 e_runaway Runaway argument? Generally because of missing braces, e.g \cline{1-2 instead of \cline{1-2}
15 e_verbatim Runaway argument? Usage of verbatim within scope of another command e.g: \ifthenelse
16 e_undefined ! Undefined control sequence Usage of an unknown command
17 e_footnote ! Undefined control sequence Usage of \footnote within \footnote
18 e_integral ! Missing { inserted. Integral bounds are malformed
19 e_zeta ! Missing { inserted. Extra subscript before integral upper limit term
20 e_bezier ! Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). Missing numeric argument to \qbezier
21 e_too_bezier ! Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). Too many arguments to \qbezier
22 e_unit ! Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted) \parbox[t]{2} … Illegal unit of second parameter
23 e_symfoot ! LaTeX Error: Counter too large. More than 9 footnotes when using symbolic footnotes
24 e_large_count ! LaTeX Error: Counter too large. Trying to display a corresponding letter for a counter vallue >26
25 e_begin ! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document} Either text has been placed before \begin{document} or \begin{document} is missing
26 e_margin ! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}. Misuse of \marginsize


S.No Class 錯誤提示資訊 錯誤原因簡析
1 e_fileEnd ! File ended while scanning use of \end. Generally caused because of missing a brace
2 e_end No message only an asterisk, i.e * Missing \end{document}
3 e_illegal ! LaTeX Error: Illegal character in array arg Usage of a letter other than r,l and c in tabular environment
4 e_tab ! Misplaced alignment tab character & Missing \begin{tabular} while using tabular environment
5 e_backslash ! Missing \endcsname inserted Usage of a backslash in front of the name of an environment, e.g \begin{\itemize}
6 e_delimiter ! LaTeX Error: Bad math environment delimiter Missing \right immediately after the array environment
7 e_right ! Extra \right \right has no matching \left OR \end{array} is missing
8 e_package ! LaTeX Error: Can only be used in preamble Usage of \usepackage outside the preamble
9 e_math ! Missing $ inserted Missing a starting or ending $ in Math mode, e.g m_e instead of mem_e
10 e_parameter ! Illegal parameter number in definition of… Usage of parameter number greater than the number of parameters defined in \newcommand, e.g \newcommand{\test}[1]{#3}
11 e_cmd ! LaTeX Error: Command … already defined Trying to define already existing command, e.g \newcommand{\time}
12 e_caption ! LaTeX Error: \caption outside float \caption{…} used outside table environment
13 e_braces ! Too many }'s Missing \begin{table}statement
14 e_parbox ! Argument of @caption has an extra } Usage of \parbox in a \caption
15 e_item ! LaTeX Error: Something’s wrong–perhaps a missing \item Missing \item within enumerate environment
16 e_fraction ! Argument of \end has an extra } Misuse of fraction cmd e.g \frac{1,2}
17 e_verb ! LaTeX Error: \verb ended by end of line Newline after \verb, e.g. \verbdir
18 e_invalid ! LaTeX Error: Command \end{itemize} invalid in math mode Missing $ while using math mode in \itemize
19 e_equation ! Display math should end with $$ Usage of $$ inside equation mode
20 e_column ! Misplaced \omit Usage of \newcommand and \multicolumn within tabular environment
21 e_subscript ! Double subscript. Usage of double subscript
22 e_cls ! LaTeX Error: File `artcle.cls’ not found. Missing .sty or .cls file
23 e_nofile ! LaTeX Error: File `file1.tex’ not found. Missing file1.tex, e.g. \input{file1.tex}
24 e_sty ! LaTeX Error: File `anysize1.sty’ not found Use of unavailable package
25 e_doc_class ! LaTeX Error: Can be used only in preamble. Usage of \documentclass outside preamble
26 e_circle ! LaTeX Error: Command \circle invalid in math mode. Usage of \circle in math mode
27 e_picture ! Use of \[email protected] doesn’t match its definition. Bad parameter to \picture
28 e_line ! Use of \put dosen’t match its definition Badly formatted \line directive
29 e_line_arg ! LaTeX Error: Bad \line or \vector argument. Bad \line parameter
30 e_counter ! LaTeX Error: No counter ‘10’ defined. Counter undefined
31 e_outer ! LaTeX Error: Not in outer par mode. Using figure inside parbox
32 e_minipage ! LaTeX Error: Not in outer par mode. Using figure minipage
33 e_lost ! LaTeX Error: Float(s) lost. Counter undefined
34 e_lonely ! LaTeX Error: Lonely \item–perhaps a missing list environment. Usage of \item outside list environment
35 e_parg ! LaTeX Error: Missing p-arg in array arg. Missing p argument in tabular environment
36 e_hash ! You can’t use `macro parameter character #’ in vertical mode. Usage of # in normal mode
37 e_enlarge ! LaTeX Error: Suggested extra height (14454.0pt) dangerously large. Too big a number given in \enlargethispage
38 e_deftab ! LaTeX Error: Undefined tab position. Undefined tabbing
39 e_pushtab ! LaTeX Error: \pushtabs and \poptabs don’t match. Unequal numbers of push and pop tabs
40 e_overtab ! LaTeX Error: Tab overflow. Too many = in tabbing environment
41 e_nest ! LaTeX Error: Too deeply nested. Too many list environments
42 e_eqnarray ! LaTeX Error: Too many columns in eqnarray environment. More than three columns in eqnarray
43 e_classpkg ! LaTeX Error: \usepackage before \documentclass. Usage of usepackage before loading documentclass
44 e_load ! LaTeX Error: Two \LoadClass commands. More than one load class command
45 e_require ! LaTeX Error: \RequirePackage or \LoadClass in Options Section. RequirePackage may not be used with \DeclareOption
46 e_twoclass ! LaTeX Error: Two \documentclass or \documentstyle commands. More than one documentclass declaration
47 e_font ! LaTeX Error: This NFSS system isn’t set up properly. Invalid font used in \DeclareErrorFont
48 e_superscript ! Double superscript. Usage of two superscripts for the same variable, e.g. 234
49 e_clash_opt ! LaTeX Error: Option clash for package csvtools. Clashing options for the same package
50 e_unknown_opt ! LaTeX Error: Unknown option … for package … Unkown option for a package
51 e_hyphenation ! Improper \hyphenation will be flushed. Improper parameter to \hyphenation
52 e_stack_size ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=1000000] Overflow of buffer due to mistake in command definition
53 e_environment ! LaTeX Error: Environment … undefined. Undefined environment
54 e_midline ! LaTeX Error: < in mid line Command < may appear only at the beginning of a line
55 e_infinite Goes into infinite loop Usage of \strut\hrule



Latex Error Classes 較為模糊的錯誤 This is a list of error classes with ambiguos error messages. Here either the errors are have different


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