1. 程式人生 > >數字影象處理,初識壓縮感知Compressive Sensing

數字影象處理,初識壓縮感知Compressive Sensing

話說一天,當時是加州理工學院教授(現在去了斯坦福)的Emmanuel Candès在研究名叫Shepp-Logan Phantom的影象,這種標準影象常被電腦科學家和工程師測試影象演算法。Candès檢查的影象質量非常差,充滿了噪聲,他認為名叫L1-minimization的數學演算法能去除掉噪聲條紋,結果演算法真的起作用了,突然就覺得好神奇哦,“It was as if you gave me the first three digits of a 10-digit bank account number — and then I was able to guess the next seven,” he says.  He tried rerunning the experiment on different kinds of phantom images; they resolved perfectly every time.