1. 程式人生 > >在LaTeX中使用強大的pgfplots繪圖包


The pgfplots package is a powerful tool, based on tikz, dedicated to create scientific graphs.


Pgfplots is a visualization tool to make simpler the inclusion of plots in your documents. The basic idea is that you provide the input data/formula and pgfplots does the rest.

pgfplots example
{tikzpicture} \begin{axis} \addplot[color=red]{exp(x)}; \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture} %Here ends the furst plot \hskip 5pt %Here begins the 3d plot \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis} \addplot3[ surf, ] {exp(-x^2-y^2)*x}; \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture}


Since pgfplot

 is based on tikz the plot must be inside a tikzpicture environment. Then the environment declaration \begin{axis},\end{axis} will set the right scaling for the plot, check the Reference guide for other axis environments.

To add an actual plot, the command \addplot[color=red]{log(x)}; is used. Inside the squared brackets some options can be passed, in this case we set the colour of the plot to red

; the squared brackets are mandatory, if no options are passed leave a blank space between them. Inside the curly brackets you put the function to plot. Is important to remember that this command must end with asemicolon ;.

To put a second plot next to the first one declare a new tikzpicture environment. Do not insert a new line, but a small blank gap, in this case hskip 10pt will insert a 10pt-wide blank space.

The rest of the syntax is the same, except for the \addplot3 [surf,]{exp(-x^2-y^2)*x};. This will add a 3dplot, and the optionsurf inside squared brackets declares that it's a surface plot. The function to plot must be placed inside curly brackets. Again, don't forget to put a semicolon ; at the end of the command.

Note: It's recommended as a good practice to indent the code - see the second plot in the example above - and to add a comma , at the end of each option passed to \addplot. This way the code is more readable and is easier to add further options if needed.

The document preamble

To include pgfplots in your document is very easy, add the next line to your preamble and that's it:


Some additional tweaking for this package can be made in the preamble. To change the size of each plot and also guarantee compatibility backwards (recommended) add the next line:


This changes the size of each pgfplot figure to 10 cementers, which is huge; you may use different units (pt, mm, in). The compatparameter is for the code to work on the package version 1.9 or latter.

Since LaTeX was not initially conceived with plotting capabilities in mind, when there are several pgfplot figures in your document or they are very complex, it takes a considerable amount of time to render them. To improve the compiling time you can configure the package to export the figures to separate PDF files and then import them into the document, just add the code shown below to the preamble:



By now this functionality is not implemented in ShareLaTeX, but you can try it in your local LaTeX installation.

2D plots

Pgfplots 2D plotting functionalities are vast, you can personalize your plots to look exactly what you want. Nevertheless, the default options usually give very good result, so all you have to do is feed the data and LaTeX will do the rest:

Plotting mathematical expressions

To plot mathematical expressions is really easy:

mathematical expression
    axis lines = left,
    xlabel = $x$,
    ylabel = {$f(x)$},
%Below the red parabola is defined
\addplot [
{x^2 - 2*x - 1};
\addlegendentry{$x^2 - 2x - 1$}
%Here the blue parabloa is defined
\addplot [
    {x^2 + 2*x + 1};
\addlegendentry{$x^2 + 2x + 1$}


Let's analyse the new commands line by line:

axis lines = left.
This will set the axis only on the left and bottom sides of the plot, instead of the default box. Further customisation options at thereference guide.
xlabel = $x$ and ylabel = {$f(x)$}.
Self-explanatory parameter names, these will let you put a label on the horizontal and vertical axis. Notice the ylabel value in between curly brackets, this brackets tell pgfplots how to group the text. The xlabel could have had brackets too. This is useful for complicated labels that may confuse pgfplot.
This will add a plot to the axis, general usage was described at the introduction. There are two new parameters in this example.
This establishes the range of values of x.
Determines the number of points in the interval defined by domain. The greater the value of samples the sharper the graph you get, but it will take longer to render.
\addlegendentry{$x^2 - 2x - 1$}.
This adds the legend to identify the function x^2 - 2x - 1.

To add another graph to the plot just write a new \addplot entry.

Plotting from data

Scientific research often yields data that has to be analysed. The next example shows how to plot data with pgfplots:

plotting from data
    title={Temperature dependence of CuSO$_4\cdot$5H$_2$O solubility},
    xlabel={Temperature [\textcelsius]},
    ylabel={Solubility [g per 100 g water]},
    xmin=0, xmax=100,
    ymin=0, ymax=120,
    legend pos=north west,
    grid style=dashed,
    coordinates {


There are some new commands and parameters here:

title={Temperature dependence of CuSO$_4\cdot$5H$_2$O solubility}.
As you might expect, assigns a title to the figure. The title will be displayed above the plot.
xmin=0, xmax=100, ymin=0, ymax=120.
Minimum and maximum bounds of the x and y axes.
xtick={0,20,40,60,80,100}, ytick={0,20,40,60,80,100,120}.
Points where the marks are placed. If empty the ticks are set automatically.
legend pos=north west.
Position of the legend box. Check the reference guide for more options.
This Enables/disables grid lines at the tick positions on the y axis. Use xmajorgrids to enable grid lines on the x axis.
grid style=dashed.
Self-explanatory. To display dashed grid lines.
This draws a squared mark at each point in the cordinates array. Each mark will be connected with the next one by a straight line.
coordinates {(0,23.1)(10,27.5)(20,32)...}
Coordinates of the points to be plotted. This is the data you want analyse graphically.

If the data is in a file, which is the case most of the time; instead of the commands \addplot and coordinates you should use\addplot table {file_with_the_data.dat}, the rest of the options are valid in this environment.

Scatter plots

Scatter plots are used to represent information by using some kind of marks, these are common, for example, when computing statistical regression. Lets start with some data, the sample below is to show the structure of the data file we are going to plot (see the end of this section for a link to the LaTeX source and the data file):

GPA ma ve co un

3.45 643 589 3.76 3.52

2.78 558 512 2.87 2.91

2.52 583 503 2.54 2.4

3.67 685 602 3.83 3.47

3.24 592 538 3.29 3.47

2.1 562 486 2.64 2.37

The next example is a scatter plot of the first two columns in this table:

scatter plot
    only marks,
    mark size=2.9pt]



The pgfplots package is a powerful tool, based on tikz, dedicated to create scientific graphs. Introduction Pgfplots is a visualization too


  LaTeX中的巨集包TikZ在繪圖方面的功能很強,我已將相關的說明文件傳送到51CTO中(http://down.51cto.com/data/2456407 ),大家可以去下載查閱,不需要下載豆。  下面舉一個非常簡單的例子,複雜的繪圖請大家自己看說明文件。這裡順便談一下LaTeX的學習,建議邊用邊學,


lac fff under 字體 etc left use 說明 per LaTeX中的宏包TikZ在繪圖方面的功能很強,我已將相關的說明文檔發送到51CTO中(http://down.51cto.com/data/2456407 ),大家可以去下載查閱,不需要下載豆。  


  LaTeX巨集包tikz的繪圖功能很強,完全可以繪製UML的各種圖形,並且在tikz的基礎上擴展出不少這方面的巨集包。前面我介紹過巨集包tikz-uml,這個巨集包功能不錯,只是外觀上略微有些不足。所以我現在還是立足於tikz的基礎功能,結合tikz-uml巨集包一起繪製UML圖。  下面直接給出示例程式


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  本篇所舉例子檔案前面的內容與備忘一(在LaTeX中使用tikz巨集包及其擴充套件包共同繪製UML圖之備忘一)中的示例一是一樣的,這裡不再列出。 示例三 \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture} \node(PaydayTransaction)[basic_


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利用TikZ 宏LaTeX 繪制流程圖

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