1. 程式人生 > >美劇《This is us》觀後感

美劇《This is us》觀後感

 We are just... one thing.One painting.  I mean, my dad is not with us anymore. He's not alive, but he's with us. He's with me every day.  It all just sort of fits somehow.And even if you don't understand how yet, people will die in our lives, people that we love, in the future. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe years from now.I mean, it's kind of beautiful, right?If you think about it,   the fact that just because someone dies, just because you can't see them or talk to them anymore,  it doesn't mean they are not still in the painting.I think maybe that's the point of the whole thing.
我們都是一體的,一幅畫而已。我爸已經不在我們身邊了。他雖然離開了人世,但它仍與我們同在,每天都和我同在。 一切都像是安排好了一樣。  儘管你不知道是以怎樣的方式,我們生命中的每一個人,終有一天會死去。未來的某一天,也可能就是明天。也許幾年後。你看,細細想來,這也是件美好的事情,不是嗎? 你仔細想想,就因為他們死了,你再也不能和他們說話, 他們就不在這畫裡了嗎?  我想可能一切的意義就在於此了。
There's no dying. There's no you or me or them. It's just us.And this sloppy, wild, colorful painting that has no beginning, it has no end. This right here, I think it's us.