1. 程式人生 > >SCI EI 檢索的會議期刊

SCI EI 檢索的會議期刊

1.     IJCAI: International Joint Conference on AI (each other year )
2.     AAAI: American Association for AI National Conference (Because the IJCAI conference is being held in North America in 2009, no AAAI conference will be held that year.)
3.     COLT: Conference on Learning Theory
4.     ICNN/IJCNN: Intl (Joint) Conference on Neural Networks
5.     CVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern Recognition
6.     ICCV: International Conference on Computer Vision
7.     ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision

8.     DCC: Data Compression Conference
10.    ACM-MM : ACM Multimedia Conference
11.    ACM SIGCOM: ACM Conf on Communication Architectures, Protocols & Apps
13.    ACM SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of Data
14.    ACM SIGIR
: ACM Conference on Information Retrieval
15.    IEEE INFOCOM: conference on computer communications
16.    IEEE ICC: International conference on communications
17.    GLOBECOM:IEEE Global communication conference
18.    ACM RECOMB: Int. Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology
19.    ACM SIGKDD: Knowledge Discovery in Database
20.    ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning
21.    ISMB: International Society for Computational Biology - Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
22.    ECCB: European Bioinformatics Institute - the European Conference on Computational Biology