1. 程式人生 > >UNITY 5.1.2發行說明 中文版

UNITY 5.1.2發行說明 中文版


Analytics: Added cloudProjectId to hwstat.
分析:新增 cloudProjectId 到 hwstat。
Android: Audio - Enabled OpenSL for GearVR.
Animation: Group material color channel curves. Removing one curve will automatically remove other channel curves of the same color property.
Documentation: Docs for Audio / VR / UNet updated.
Editor: Informative message will be shown in the material inspector when the material property block values are used.
Graphics: Added options for opaque object sorting control, see Camera.opaqueSortMode.
影象:新增對不透明物體的排序控制,詳見 Camera.opaqueSortMode.
iOS/IL2CPP: Load embedded resources in memory-mapped files so that the memory used by those embedded resources is marked as constant.
Terrain: Expose TerrainData.SetHeightsDelayedLOD and
Terrain. ApplyDelayedHeightmapModification to allow users to achieve high frame rates while doing interactive terrain editing.
地形:提供 TerrainData.SetHeightsDelayedLOD 和 Terrain.ApplyDelayedHeightmapModification 來使使用者在製作互動地形編輯時獲得更高幀率。
Windows Editor Installer: Use dism.exe to install .net framework5, for a more silent experience when using /S silent installer option.
Windows 編輯器:使用 dism.exe 安裝 .net framework5 ,以便使用 /S 靜默安裝選項時獲得更好的靜默效果。
Xbox One: Unity now builds with the June 2015 XDK. You must have the June XDK installed on your PC and use the matching or later recovery on your console.
Xbox One:Unity 現在使用June 2015XDK編譯。你必須在你的電腦上安裝Jun XDK版本並且使用匹配或更新的版本在你的控制檯。


2D: SpriteRenderer will have light and reflection probes turned off by default. They can still be turned on manually.
2D:SpriteRenderer 將預設關閉燈光和反射探針。這些依然可以手動開啟。