1. 程式人生 > >python通過pyserial讀寫串列埠









  1. import serial  
  2. def hexShow(argv):  
  3.     result = ''
  4.     hLen = len(argv)  
  5.     for i in xrange(hLen):  
  6.         hvol = ord(argv[i])  
  7.         hhex = '%02x'%hvol  
  8.         result += hhex+' '
  9.     print'hexShow:',result  
  10. t = serial.Serial('com12',9600)  
  11. print t.portstr  
  12. strInput = raw_input('enter some words:'
  13. n = t.write(strInput)  
  14. print n  
  15. str = t.read(n)  
  16. print str  
  17. hexShow(str)  







  1. list='aabbccddee'
  2. hexer=list.decode("hex")  
  3. print  hexer  


假如在串列埠助手以十六進位制傳送字串"abc",那麼你在python中則這樣操作“self.l_serial.write(”\x61\x62\x63") ”


  1. strSerial = "abc"
  2. strHex = binascii.b2a_hex(strSerial)  
  3. #print strHex
  4. strhex = strHex.decode("hex")  
  5. #print strhex
  6. self.l_serial.write(strhex);  




This module encapsulates the access for the serial port. It provides backends for Python running on Windows, Linux, BSD (possibly any POSIX compliant system), Jython and IronPython (.NET and Mono). The module named "serial" automatically selects the appropriate backend. 

It is released under a free software license, see LICENSE.txt for more details. 
(C) 2001-2008 Chris Liechti [email protected]

The project page on SourceForge and here is the SVN repository and the Download Page
The homepage is on http://pyserial.sf.net/


  • same class based interface on all supported platforms
  • access to the port settings through Python 2.2+ properties
  • port numbering starts at zero, no need to know the port name in the user program
  • port string (device name) can be specified if access through numbering is inappropriate
  • support for different bytesizes, stopbits, parity and flow control with RTS/CTS and/or Xon/Xoff
  • working with or without receive timeout
  • file like API with "read" and "write" ("readline" etc. also supported)
  • The files in this package are 100% pure Python. They depend on non standard but common packages on Windows (pywin32) and Jython (JavaComm). POSIX (Linux, BSD) uses only modules from the standard Python distribution)
  • The port is set up for binary transmission. No NULL byte stripping, CR-LF translation etc. (which are many times enabled for POSIX.) This makes this module universally useful.


  • Python 2.2 or newer
  • pywin32 extensions on Windows
  • "Java Communications" (JavaComm) or compatible extension for Java/Jython


from source

Extract files from the archive, open a shell/console in that directory and let Distutils do the rest: 
python setup.py install 

The files get installed in the "Lib/site-packages" directory. 


An EGG is available from the Python Package Index: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyserial
easy_install pyserial 

windows installer

There is also a Windows installer for end users. It is located in the Download Page
Developers may be interested to get the source archive, because it contains examples and the readme. 

Short introduction

Open port 0 at "9600,8,N,1", no timeout 
  1. >>> import serial  
  2. >>> ser = serial.Serial(0)  # open first serial port  
  3. >>> print ser.portstr       # check which port was really used  
  4. >>> ser.write("hello")      # write a string  
  5. >>> ser.close()             # close port  
Open named port at "19200,8,N,1", 1s timeout 
  1. >>> ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyS1', 19200, timeout=1)  
  2. >>> x = ser.read()          # read one byte  
  3. >>> s = ser.read(10)        # read up to ten bytes (timeout)  
  4. >>> line = ser.readline()   # read a '\n' terminated line  
  5. >>> ser.close()  
Open second port at "38400,8,E,1", non blocking HW handshaking 
  1. >>> ser = serial.Serial(1, 38400, timeout=0,  
  2. ...                     parity=serial.PARITY_EVEN, rtscts=1)  
  3. >>> s = ser.read(100)       # read up to one hundred bytes  
  4. ...                         # or as much is in the buffer  
Get a Serial instance and configure/open it later 
  1. >>> ser = serial.Serial()  
  2. >>> ser.baudrate = 19200  
  3. >>> ser.port = 0  
  4. >>> ser  
  5. Serial<id=0xa81c10, open=False>(port='COM1', baudrate=19200, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=None, xonxoff=0, rtscts=0)  
  6. >>> ser.open()  
  7. >>> ser.isOpen()  
  8. True  
  9. >>> ser.close()  
  10. >>> ser.isOpen()  
  11. False  
Be carefully when using "readline". Do specify a timeout when opening the serial port otherwise it could block forever if no newline character is received. Also note that "readlines" only works with a timeout. "readlines" depends on having a timeout and interprets that as EOF (end of file). It raises an exception if the port is not opened correctly. 
Do also have a look at the example files in the examples directory in the source distribution or online. 


Please look in the SVN Repository. There is an example directory where you can find a simple terminal and more. 

Parameters for the Serial class

  1. ser = serial.Serial(  
  2. port=None,              # number of device, numbering starts at  
  3. # zero. if everything fails, the user  
  4. # can specify a device string, note  
  5. # that this isn't portable anymore  
  6. # if no port is specified an unconfigured  
  7. # an closed serial port object is created  
  8. baudrate=9600,          # baud rate  
  9. bytesize=EIGHTBITS,     # number of databits  
  10. parity=PARITY_NONE,     # enable parity checking  
  11. stopbits=STOPBITS_ONE,  # number of stopbits  
  12. timeout=None,           # set a timeout value, None for waiting forever  
  13. xonxoff=0,              # enable software flow control  
  14. rtscts=0,               # enable RTS/CTS flow control  
  15. interCharTimeout=None   # Inter-character timeout, None to disable  
  16. )  
The port is immediately opened on object creation, if a port is given. It is not opened if port is None. 
Options for read timeout: 
  1. timeout=None            # wait forever  
  2. timeout=0               # non-blocking mode (return immediately on read)  
  3. timeout=x               # set timeout to x seconds (float allowed)  

Methods of Serial instances

  1. open()                  # open port  
  2. close()                 # close port immediately  
  3. setBaudrate(baudrate)   # change baud rate on an open port  
  4. inWaiting()             # return the number of chars in the receive buffer  
  5. read(size=1)            # read "size" characters  
  6. write(s)                # write the string s to the port  
  7. flushInput()            # flush input buffer, discarding all it's contents  
  8. flushOutput()           # flush output buffer, abort output  
  9. sendBreak()             # send break condition  
  10. setRTS(level=1)         # set RTS line to specified logic level  
  11. setDTR(level=1)         # set DTR line to specified logic level  
  12. getCTS()                # return the state of the CTS line  
  13. getDSR()                # return the state of the DSR line  
  14. getRI()                 # return the state of the RI line  
  15. getCD()                 # return the state of the CD line  

Attributes of Serial instances

Read Only: 
  1. portstr                 # device name  
  2. BAUDRATES               # list of valid baudrates  
  3. BYTESIZES               # list of valid byte sizes  
  4. PARITIES                # list of valid parities  
  5. STOPBITS                # list of valid stop bit widths  
New values can be assigned to the following attributes, the port will be reconfigured, even if it's opened at that time: 

  1. port                    # port name/number as set by the user  
  2. baudrate                # current baud rate setting  
  3. bytesize                # byte size in bits  
  4. parity                  # parity setting  
  5. stopbits                # stop bit with (1,2)  
  6. timeout                 # timeout setting  
  7. xonxoff                 # if Xon/Xoff flow control is enabled  
  8. rtscts                  # if hardware flow control is enabled  


  1. serial.SerialException  


  1.     serial.PARITY_NONE  
  2. serial.PARITY_EVEN  
  3. serial.PARITY_ODD  
  1. serial.STOPBITS_ONE  
  2. al.STOPBITS_TWO  
  1.     serial.FIVEBITS  
  2. serial.SIXBITS  
  3. serial.SEVENBITS  
  4. serial.EIGHTBITS  



轉自:http://blog.csdn.net/xiaoxianerqq/article/details/50351632 一個python版串列埠工具的分享:http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/390535101 api說明文件:http://pyth


經過幾天的摸索終於實現了: 在ros系統下,訂閱Twist/cmd_vel 訊息,經過USB轉串列埠通訊,實現了通過燈帶實時反映小車(差速)執行狀態的功能。 通訊部分主要依賴pyserial模組的功能實現。 #!/usr/bin/env python #codi


Windows開啟串列埠,讀寫串列埠,自動識別串列埠 該串列埠讀寫是採用非同步方式,即非阻塞模式進行讀寫串列埠 串列埠名形如: "COM3", "COM4", "COM22"等 其中COM1至COM9能成功開啟,但是COM10及以上開啟都是失敗的,需要特殊處理 及COM10


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https://blog.csdn.net/lovelyaiq/article/details/48101487  你想通過串列埠讀寫資料,典型場景就是和一些硬體裝置打交道(比如一個機器人或感測器)。儘管你可以通過使用Python內建的I/O模組來完成這個任務,但對於序列通訊最好的選擇是使用 py


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全部 例如 strip 描述符 等等 比較 可能 list 引入 文件讀寫 寫文件是最常見的IO操作。Python內置了讀寫文件的函數,用法和C是兼容的。 讀寫文件前,我們先必須了解一下,在磁盤上讀寫文件的功能都是由操作系統提供的,現代操作系統不允許普通的程序直接操作磁盤,


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