1. 程式人生 > >caffe學習(8)Solver 配置詳解

caffe學習(8)Solver 配置詳解




caffe train --solver=*_slover.prototxt

關於solver的一切,都在caffe.proto檔案中message SolverParameter 這一部分。


  // Proto filename for the train net, possibly combined with one or more
// test nets. optional string net = 24; // Inline train net param, possibly combined with one or more test nets. optional NetParameter net_param = 25; optional string train_net = 1; // Proto filename for the train net. repeated string test_net = 2; // Proto filenames for the test nets. optional NetParameter train_net_param = 21
; // Inline train net params. repeated NetParameter test_net_param = 22; // Inline test net params.

這是最開始的部分,需要說明net檔案的位置。在這四個train_net_param, train_net, net_param, net欄位中至少需要出現一個,當出現多個時,就會按著(1) test_net_param, (2) test_net, (3) net_param/net 的順序依次求解。必須為每個test_net指定一個test_iter。還可以為每個test_net指定test_level和/或test_stage。注意的是:檔案的路徑要從caffe的根目錄開始,其它的所有配置都是這樣。


  // The states for the train/test nets. Must be unspecified or
  // specified once per net.
  // By default, all states will have solver = true;
  // train_state will have phase = TRAIN,
  // and all test_state's will have phase = TEST.
  // Other defaults are set according to the NetState defaults.
  optional NetState train_state = 26;
  repeated NetState test_state = 27;


message NetState {
  optional Phase phase = 1 [default = TEST];
  optional int32 level = 2 [default = 0];
  repeated string stage = 3;
enum Phase {
   TRAIN = 0;
   TEST = 1;


  // The number of iterations for each test net.
  repeated int32 test_iter = 3;

首先是test_iter,這需要與test layer中的batch_size結合起來理解。mnist資料中測試樣本總數為10000,一次性執行全部資料效率很低,因此我們將測試資料分成幾個批次來執行,每個批次的數量就是batch_size。假設我們設定batch_size為100,則需要迭代100次才能將10000個數據全部執行完。因此test_iter設定為100。執行完一次全部資料,稱之為一個epoch。

  // The number of iterations between two testing phases.
  optional int32 test_interval = 4 [default = 0];
  optional bool test_compute_loss = 19 [default = false];
  // If true, run an initial test pass before the first iteration,
  // ensuring memory availability and printing the starting value of the loss.
  optional bool test_initialization = 32 [default = true];


  optional float base_lr = 5; // The base learning rate
  // the number of iterations between displaying info. If display = 0, no info
  // will be displayed.
  optional int32 display = 6;
  // Display the loss averaged over the last average_loss iterations
  optional int32 average_loss = 33 [default = 1];
  optional int32 max_iter = 7; // the maximum number of iterations
  // accumulate gradients over `iter_size` x `batch_size` instances
  optional int32 iter_size = 36 [default = 1];

base_lr指基礎的學習率;display是資訊顯示間隔,迭代一定次數顯示一次資訊。average_loss用於顯示在上次average_loss迭代中的平均損失。max_iter是最大迭代次數,需要合適設定達到精度、震盪的平衡。iter_size是迭代器大小,梯度的計算是通過iter_size x batch_size決定的。


  optional string lr_policy = 8;
  optional float gamma = 9; // The parameter to compute the learning rate.
  optional float power = 10; // The parameter to compute the learning rate.
  optional float momentum = 11; // The momentum value.
  optional float weight_decay = 12; // The weight decay.
  // regularization types supported: L1 and L2
  // controlled by weight_decay
  optional string regularization_type = 29 [default = "L2"];
  // the stepsize for learning rate policy "step"
  optional int32 stepsize = 13;
  // the stepsize for learning rate policy "multistep"
  repeated int32 stepvalue = 34;


  • fixed: 總是返回base_lr(學習率不變)
  • step: 返回 base_lr * gamma ^ (floor(iter / step))
  • exp: 返回base_lr * gamma ^ iter, iter為當前迭代次數
  • inv: 如果設定為inv,還需要設定一個power, 返回base_lr * (1 + gamma * iter) ^ (- power)
  • multistep: 如果設定為multistep,則還需要設定一個stepvalue。這個引數和step很相似,step是均勻等間隔變化,而multistep則是根據stepvalue值變化。
  • poly: 學習率進行多項式誤差, 返回 base_lr (1 - iter/max_iter) ^ (power)
  • sigmoid: 學習率進行sigmod衰減,返回 base_lr ( 1/(1 + exp(-gamma * (iter - stepsize))))。


base_lr: 0.01
momentum: 0.9
weight_decay: 0.0005
# The learning rate policy
lr_policy: "multistep"
gamma: 0.9
stepvalue: 5000
stepvalue: 7000
stepvalue: 8000
stepvalue: 9000
stepvalue: 9500



optional float clip_gradients = 35 [default = -1];

引數梯度的實際L2範數較大時,將clip_gradients設定為> = 0,以將引數梯度剪下到該L2範數。具體作用還不是很理解。


  optional int32 snapshot = 14 [default = 0]; // The snapshot interval
  optional string snapshot_prefix = 15; // The prefix for the snapshot.
  // whether to snapshot diff in the results or not. Snapshotting diff will help
  // debugging but the final protocol buffer size will be much larger.
  optional bool snapshot_diff = 16 [default = false];
  enum SnapshotFormat {
    HDF5 = 0;
  optional SnapshotFormat snapshot_format = 37 [default = BINARYPROTO];

快照可以將訓練出來的model和solver狀態進行儲存,snapshot用於設定訓練多少次後進行儲存,預設為0,不儲存。snapshot_prefix設定儲存路徑。還可以設定snapshot_diff,是否儲存梯度值,儲存有利於除錯,但需要較大空間儲存,預設為false,不儲存。也可以設定snapshot_format,儲存的型別。有兩種選擇:HDF5 和BINARYPROTO ,預設為BINARYPROTO。


  enum SolverMode {
    CPU = 0;
    GPU = 1;
  optional SolverMode solver_mode = 17 [default = GPU];
  // the device_id will that be used in GPU mode. Use device_id = 0 in default.
  optional int32 device_id = 18 [default = 0];
  // If non-negative, the seed with which the Solver will initialize the Caffe
  // random number generator -- useful for reproducible results. Otherwise,
  // (and by default) initialize using a seed derived from the system clock.
  optional int64 random_seed = 20 [default = -1];



  // type of the solver
  optional string type = 40 [default = "SGD"];

  // numerical stability for RMSProp, AdaGrad and AdaDelta and Adam
  optional float delta = 31 [default = 1e-8];
  // parameters for the Adam solver
  optional float momentum2 = 39 [default = 0.999];

  // RMSProp decay value
  // MeanSquare(t) = rms_decay*MeanSquare(t-1) + (1-rms_decay)*SquareGradient(t)
  optional float rms_decay = 38;

type是solver的型別,目前有SGD、NESTEROV、ADAGRAD、RMSPROP、ADADELTA、ADAM = 5這六類。之後的一些是這些型別的特有引數,根據需要設定。


  // If true, print information about the state of the net that may help with
  // debugging learning problems.
  optional bool debug_info = 23 [default = false];

  // If false, don't save a snapshot after training finishes.
  optional bool snapshot_after_train = 28 [default = true];
