1. 程式人生 > >boost log庫學習二(日誌過濾)

boost log庫學習二(日誌過濾)


在程式中,經常將日誌分級,比如以下boost log常用的分級,當然我們可以根據自己需要新增或刪除一些日誌等級,後面的文章會講到。日誌分級的好處有很多,比如使日誌讀起來更加清晰,程式出錯時,我們就可以首先檢視error等級以上的日誌資訊,方便快速定位錯誤。日誌分級使得日誌應用起來更加方便,比如除錯開發程式時可以用debug層級除錯,等程式開發好了,執行後,將日誌層級提高至info級,就可以不輸出debug日誌資訊了。

//! Trivial severity levels
enum severity_level
, error, fatal };

boost log 日誌過濾功能示例


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <boost/log/core.hpp>
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include <boost/log/expressions.hpp>

namespace logging=boost::log;

void init_filter()
:trivial::severity>=logging::trivial::info);//設定過濾等級 } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { init_filter(); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace)<<"A trace severity message"; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "A debug severity message"; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "An informational severity message"
; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << "A warning severity message"; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "An error severity message"; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "A fatal severity message"; system("pause"); return 0; }

1. The logging core is used to interconnect log sources and sinks. It also provides a number of basic features, like global filtering and global and thread-specific attribute storage.
2. The logging core is a singleton. Users can acquire the core instance by calling the static method get.

1. The method returns a pointer to the logging core singleton instance.

1. The method sets the global logging filter. The filter is applied to every log record that is processed.

1. The macro is used to initiate logging. The lvl argument of the macro specifies one of the following severity levels: trace, debug, info, warning, error or fatal (see severity_level enum). Following the macro, there may be a streaming expression that composes the record message string.


boost log core.hpp原始碼


 *          Copyright Andrey Semashev 2007 - 2015.
 * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
 *    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
 *          http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
 * \file   core/core.hpp
 * \author Andrey Semashev
 * \date   19.04.2007
 * This header contains logging core class definition.


#include <utility>
#include <boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/move/core.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/config.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/light_function.hpp>
#include <boost/log/core/record.hpp>
#include <boost/log/attributes/attribute_set.hpp>
#include <boost/log/attributes/attribute_name.hpp>
#include <boost/log/attributes/attribute.hpp>
#include <boost/log/attributes/attribute_value_set.hpp>
#include <boost/log/expressions/filter.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/header.hpp>

#pragma once

namespace boost {



namespace sinks {

class sink;

} // namespace sinks


class core;

typedef shared_ptr< core > core_ptr;

 * \brief Logging library core class
 * The logging core is used to interconnect log sources and sinks. It also provides
 * a number of basic features, like global filtering and global and thread-specific attribute storage.
 * The logging core is a singleton. Users can acquire the core instance by calling the static method <tt>get</tt>.
class core
    //! Exception handler function type
    typedef boost::log::aux::light_function< void () > exception_handler_type;

    //! Implementation type
    struct implementation;
    friend struct implementation;

    //! A pointer to the implementation
    implementation* m_impl;

    //! \cond
    core();      //私有化建構函式,core是單例的,參考設計模式之單例模式,
    //! \endcond

     * Destructor. Destroys the core, releases any sinks and attributes that were registered.

     * \return The method returns a pointer to the logging core singleton instance.
    BOOST_LOG_API static core_ptr get();    //獲取一個單例項core 必須是static,core_ptr是最前面定義的typedef shared_ptr< core > core_ptr;

     * The method enables or disables logging.
     * Setting this status to \c false allows you to completely wipe out any logging activity, including
     * filtering and generation of attribute values. It is useful if you want to completely disable logging
     * in a running application. The state of logging does not alter any other properties of the logging
     * library, such as filters or sinks, so you can enable logging with the very same settings that you had
     * when the logging was disabled.
     * This feature may also be useful if you want to perform major changes to logging configuration and
     * don't want your application to block on opening or pushing a log record.
     * By default logging is enabled.
     * \param enabled The actual flag of logging activity.
     * \return The previous value of enabled/disabled logging flag
    BOOST_LOG_API bool set_logging_enabled(bool enabled = true);
     * The method allows to detect if logging is enabled. See the comment for \c set_logging_enabled.
    BOOST_LOG_API bool get_logging_enabled() const;

     * The method sets the global logging filter. The filter is applied to every log record that is processed.
     * \param filter The filter function object to be installed.
    BOOST_LOG_API void set_filter(filter const& filter);   //設定日誌過濾
     * The method removes the global logging filter. All log records are passed to sinks without global filtering applied.
    BOOST_LOG_API void reset_filter();

     * The method adds a new sink. The sink is included into logging process immediately after being added and until being removed.
     * No sink can be added more than once at the same time. If the sink is already registered, the call is ignored.
     * \param s The sink to be registered.
    BOOST_LOG_API void add_sink(shared_ptr< sinks::sink > const& s);
     * The method removes the sink from the output. The sink will not receive any log records after removal.
     * The call has no effect if the sink is not registered.
     * \param s The sink to be unregistered.
    BOOST_LOG_API void remove_sink(shared_ptr< sinks::sink > const& s);
     * The method removes all registered sinks from the output. The sinks will not receive any log records after removal.
    BOOST_LOG_API void remove_all_sinks();

     * The method performs flush on all registered sinks.
     * \note This method may take long time to complete as it may block until all sinks manage to process all buffered log records.
     *       The call will also block all logging attempts until the operation completes.
    BOOST_LOG_API void flush();

     * The method adds an attribute to the global attribute set. The attribute will be implicitly added to every log record.
     * \param name The attribute name.
     * \param attr The attribute factory.
     * \return A pair of values. If the second member is \c true, then the attribute is added and the first member points to the
     *         attribute. Otherwise the attribute was not added and the first member points to the attribute that prevents
     *         addition.
    BOOST_LOG_API std::pair< attribute_set::iterator, bool > add_global_attribute(attribute_name const& name, attribute const& attr);
     * The method removes an attribute from the global attribute set.
     * \pre The attribute was added with the \c add_global_attribute call.
     * \post The attribute is no longer registered as a global attribute. The iterator is invalidated after removal.
     * \param it Iterator to the previously added attribute.
    BOOST_LOG_API void remove_global_attribute(attribute_set::iterator it);

     * The method returns a copy of the complete set of currently registered global attributes.
    BOOST_LOG_API attribute_set get_global_attributes() const;
     * The method replaces the complete set of currently registered global attributes with the provided set.
     * \note The method invalidates all iterators and references that may have been returned
     *       from the \c add_global_attribute method.
     * \param attrs The set of attributes to be installed.
    BOOST_LOG_API void set_global_attributes(attribute_set const& attrs);

     * The method adds an attribute to the thread-specific attribute set. The attribute will be implicitly added to
     * every log record made in the current thread.
     * \note In single-threaded build the effect is the same as adding the attribute globally. This, however, does
     *       not imply that iterators to thread-specific and global attributes are interchangeable.
     * \param name The attribute name.
     * \param attr The attribute factory.
     * \return A pair of values. If the second member is \c true, then the attribute is added and the first member points to the
     *         attribute. Otherwise the attribute was not added and the first member points to the attribute that prevents
     *         addition.
    BOOST_LOG_API std::pair< attribute_set::iterator, bool > add_thread_attribute(attribute_name const& name, attribute const& attr);
     * The method removes an attribute from the thread-specific attribute set.
     * \pre The attribute was added with the \c add_thread_attribute call.
     * \post The attribute is no longer registered as a thread-specific attribute. The iterator is invalidated after removal.
     * \param it Iterator to the previously added attribute.
    BOOST_LOG_API void remove_thread_attribute(attribute_set::iterator it);

     * The method returns a copy of the complete set of currently registered thread-specific attributes.
    BOOST_LOG_API attribute_set get_thread_attributes() const;
     * The method replaces the complete set of currently registered thread-specific attributes with the provided set.
     * \note The method invalidates all iterators and references that may have been returned
     *       from the \c add_thread_attribute method.
     * \param attrs The set of attributes to be installed.
    BOOST_LOG_API void set_thread_attributes(attribute_set const& attrs);

     * The method sets exception handler function. The function will be called with no arguments
     * in case if an exception occurs during either \c open_record or \c push_record method
     * execution. Since exception handler is called from a \c catch statement, the exception
     * can be rethrown in order to determine its type.
     * By default no handler is installed, thus any exception is propagated as usual.
     * \sa See also: <tt>utility/exception_handler.hpp</tt>
     * \param handler Exception handling function
     * \note The exception handler can be invoked in several threads concurrently.
     *       Thread interruptions are not affected by exception handlers.
    BOOST_LOG_API void set_exception_handler(exception_handler_type const& handler);

     * The method attempts to open a new record to be written. While attempting to open a log record all filtering is applied.
     * A successfully opened record can be pushed further to sinks by calling the \c push_record method or simply destroyed by
     * destroying the returned object.
     * More than one open records are allowed, such records exist independently. All attribute values are acquired during opening
     * the record and do not interact between records.
     * The returned records can be copied, however, they must not be passed between different threads.
     * \param source_attributes The set of source-specific attributes to be attached to the record to be opened.
     * \return A valid log record if the record is opened, an invalid record object if not (e.g. because it didn't pass filtering).
     * \b Throws: If an exception handler is installed, only throws if the handler throws. Otherwise may
     *            throw if one of the sinks throws, or some system resource limitation is reached.
    BOOST_LOG_API record open_record(attribute_set const& source_attributes);
     * The method attempts to open a new record to be written. While attempting to open a log record all filtering is applied.
     * A successfully opened record can be pushed further to sinks by calling the \c push_record method or simply destroyed by
     * destroying the returned object.
     * More than one open records are allowed, such records exist independently. All attribute values are acquired during opening
     * the record and do not interact between records.
     * The returned records can be copied, however, they must not be passed between different threads.
     * \param source_attributes The set of source-specific attribute values to be attached to the record to be opened.
     * \return A valid log record if the record is opened, an invalid record object if not (e.g. because it didn't pass filtering).
     * \b Throws: If an exception handler is installed, only throws if the handler throws. Otherwise may
     *            throw if one of the sinks throws, or some system resource limitation is reached.
    BOOST_LOG_API record open_record(attribute_value_set const& source_attributes);
     * The method attempts to open a new record to be written. While attempting to open a log record all filtering is applied.
     * A successfully opened record can be pushed further to sinks by calling the \c push_record method or simply destroyed by
     * destroying the returned object.
     * More than one open records are allowed, such records exist independently. All attribute values are acquired during opening
     * the record and do not interact between records.
     * The returned records can be copied, however, they must not be passed between different threads.
     * \param source_attributes The set of source-specific attribute values to be attached to the record to be opened. The contents
     *                          of this container are unspecified after this call.
     * \return A valid log record if the record is opened, an invalid record object if not (e.g. because it didn't pass filtering).
     * \b Throws: If an exception handler is installed, only throws if the handler throws. Otherwise may
     *            throw if one of the sinks throws, or some system resource limitation is reached.
    BOOST_FORCEINLINE record open_record(BOOST_RV_REF(attribute_value_set) source_attributes)
        return open_record_move(static_cast< attribute_value_set& >(source_attributes));

     * The method pushes the record to sinks. The record is moved from in the process.
     * \pre <tt>!!rec == true</tt>
     * \post <tt>!rec == true</tt>
     * \param rec A previously successfully opened log record.
     * \b Throws: If an exception handler is installed, only throws if the handler throws. Otherwise may
     *            throw if one of the sinks throws.
    BOOST_FORCEINLINE void push_record(BOOST_RV_REF(record) rec)
        push_record_move(static_cast< record& >(rec));

    BOOST_DELETED_FUNCTION(core(core const&))
    BOOST_DELETED_FUNCTION(core& operator= (core const&))

    //! Opens log record. This function is mostly needed to maintain ABI stable between C++03 and C++11.
    BOOST_LOG_API record open_record_move(attribute_value_set& source_attributes);
    //! The method pushes the record to sinks.
    BOOST_LOG_API void push_record_move(record& rec);


} // namespace boost

#include <boost/log/detail/footer.hpp>