1. 程式人生 > >ORA-00980: synonym translation is no longer valid", version 9

ORA-00980: synonym translation is no longer valid", version 9

You Asked
1.在資料庫中的概念 同義詞(synonym)是指向其它資料庫表的資料庫指標。
Hi Tom,

  I run Oracle 7.3 for years in Window NT machine with an C++ application and it work

  I recently updated my Oracle to 9i in Windows 2000 to my new machine (different
machine).  After Imported the database from my old machine to a new one my application
wrote in C++ no longer work and came up with an error

CDBException Generated.
ORA-00980: synonym translation is no longer valid
Option value changed.

Please close and Restart Application.


Thanks. your answer is greatly appreciated.


and we said...
that means you lost some object/access to some object when you did your move.  That error
simply means "synonym is still here, but the object it points to is inaccessible".  It
could be inaccessible due to a missing grant, or due to the object not being there.

You need to find out what synonym it is, query the data dictionary to figure out what
object it points to and figure out why you no longer have access to that object.

[email protected]> create synonym s for t;
Synonym created.

[email protected]> select * from s where rownum = 1;


[email protected]> drop table t;
Table dropped.

[email protected]> select * from s where rownum = 1;
select * from s where rownum = 1
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00980: synonym translation is no longer valid


ORA-00980: synonym translation is no longer valid", version 9

  You Asked 1.在資料庫中的概念 同義詞(synonym)是指向其它資料庫表的資料庫指標。 Hi Tom,   I run Oracle 7.3 for years in Window NT machine with an C++ application an

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