1. 程式人生 > >決定乾點事兒--翻譯一下《effective modern c++》

決定乾點事兒--翻譯一下《effective modern c++》

寫了很多關於C++11的部落格,總是覺得不踏實,很多東西都是東拼西湊。市場上也很少有C++11的優秀書籍,但幸運的是Meyers老爺子並沒有閒賦,為我們帶來了《effective modern c++》。


說上面這段話的意思就是,我們不能期待《effective modern c++》能達到《effective c++》給我們帶來的驚喜,但是也是出自大師之手。

Learn how to program expertly with C++ with this practical book from Scott Meyers, one of the world’s foremost authorities on this systems programming language. Scott Meyers takes some of the most difficult pieces of C++ code and unfurls them so that you can see how to manipulate your own project code. This is the first book to contain content written with the C++14 standard.

Tackle 42 separate C++ problems and solutions

Learn critical techniques for success on topics from smart pointers to lambda expressions
Understand key concepts by taking the C++ 98 standard to C++ 11 and then to C++ 14

Scott Meyers是世界頂級的C++軟體開發技術權威之一。他是兩本暢銷書Effective C++和More Effective C++的作者,以前曾經是C++ Report的專欄作家。他經常為C/C++ Users Journal和Dr. Dobb’s Journal撰稿,也為全球範圍內的客戶做諮詢活動。他也是Advisory Boards for NumeriX LLC和InfoCruiser公司的成員。他擁有Brown University的電腦科學博士學位。