1. 程式人生 > >ES 學習之路-indices APIs(1)

ES 學習之路-indices APIs(1)

ES 學習之indices APIs


在index api 中可以使用_all或者逗號操作符,或者是萬用字元*,但是這些操作可能會導致誤操作,所有我們可以通過在配置檔案中配置如下屬性,這樣api中將不能使用像_all這樣的操作




HEAD /index_name


索引可以被關閉/開啟, 一個關閉的索引的在叢集中基本不需要什麼開銷,除了維護其元資料需要的開銷,關閉的index後不能進行讀寫操作;這個API可以同時開啟或者是關閉多個index,但是預設情況下, 如果遇到index不存在,將會丟擲異常,我們可以通過在配置檔案中配置ignore_unavailable=true方式忽略這樣的問題,下邊是開啟、關閉api樣例:

POST /my_index/_close
POST /my_index/_open



​ Closed indices consume a significant amount of disk-space which can cause problems in managed environments. Closing indices can be disabled via the cluster settings API by setting cluster.indices.close.enable to false. The default is true.




Because opening an index allocates its shards, the wait_for_active_shards setting on index creation applies to the index opening action as well. The default value for the wait_for_active_shards setting on the open index API is 0, which means that the command won’t wait for the shards to be allocated.

5.壓縮index(shrink index)

我們知道一個index的shards是不可以調整的, 但是我們可以通過shrink index api將一個index壓縮到一個新的index中, 但是這個api有很多要求:

  • the target index must not exist
  • The index must have more primary shards than the target index.
  • The number of primary shards in the target index must be a factor of the number of primary shards in the source index. The source index must have more primary shards than the target index.
  • The index must not contain more than 2,147,483,519 documents in total across all shards that will be shrunk into a single shard on the target index as this is the maximum number of docs that can fit into a single shard.
  • The node handling the shrink process must have sufficient free disk space to accommodate a second copy of the existing index.


  • First, it creates a new target index with the same definition as the source index, but with a smaller number of primary shards.
  • Then it hard-links segments from the source index into the target index. (If the file system doesn’t support hard-linking, then all segments are copied into the new index, which is a much more time consuming process.)
  • Finally, it recovers the target index as though it were a closed index which had just been re-opened.

要執行要是, 源index必須是隻讀的,而且健康值是green

In order to shrink an index, the index must be marked as read-only, and a (primary or replica) copy of every shard in the index must be relocated to the same node and have health green.


POST my_source_index/_shrink/my_target_index
  "settings": {
    "index.number_of_replicas": 1,
    "index.number_of_shards": 1, 
    "index.codec": "best_compression" 
  "aliases": {
    "my_search_indices": {}
6.rollover index(翻新index)

這個API可以從一個別名對應的index中翻新出一個新的index, 當你認為原來的index太舊或者是資料量太大時。這個api需要接收一個別名,還有一些判斷條件,而且這個別名必須只對應一個index,當滿足這些判斷條件的時候, 新的index在執行這個API會被建立

PUT /logs-000001 
  "aliases": {
    "logs_write": {}

# Add > 1000 documents to logs-000001

如果沒有自己定義新index的名稱, elasticsearch會給你定義一個
POST /logs_write/_rollover 
  "conditions": {
    "max_age":   "7d",
    "max_docs":  1000,
    "max_size":  "5gb"

POST /my_alias/_rollover/my_new_index_name
  "conditions": {
    "max_age":   "7d",
    "max_docs":  1000,
    "max_size": "5gb"

引數中不只是可以接收判斷條件,同時還可以接收新index的一些設定,mappings,alias等等, 就像在建立create index的api一樣
POST /logs_write/_rollover
  "conditions" : {
    "max_age": "7d",
    "max_docs": 1000,
    "max_size": "5gb"
  "settings": {
    "index.number_of_shards": 2
  "conditions": {
    "max_docs": 100
  "settings": {
    "number_of_shards": 1,
    "number_of_replicas": 2
  "mappings": {
    "log": {
      "properties": {
        "name": {
          "type": "text",
          "index": true
        "message": {
          "type": "text",
          "index": true
  "aliases": {
    "log-1-write": {}

"old_index": "logs",
"new_index": "log-1",
"rolled_over": true,
"dry_run": false,
"acknowledged": true,
"shards_acknowledged": true,
"conditions": {
"[max_docs: 100]": true

7.PUT Mapping

put mapping API 允許我們給一個已經存在的index新增新的fields或者是改變現有欄位的搜尋模式。樣例:

PUT twitter 

PUT twitter/_mapping/_doc 
  "properties": {
    "email": {
      "type": "keyword"
給twitter index 新增一個型別為_doc,同時給_doc新增一個屬性email,型別為keyword

put mapping 可以支援多index(multi-index)引數, 也就是同時調整多個index的mapping,樣例:

# Create the two indices
PUT twitter-1
PUT twitter-2

# Update both mappings
PUT /twitter-1,twitter-2/_mapping/_doc 
  "properties": {
    "user_name": {
      "type": "text"

實際上在elasticsearch中通過put mapping只能給現有的屬性進行補充, 不能對現有的屬性進行更改,否則會丟擲異常,例如:

  "error": {
    "root_cause": [
        "type": "illegal_argument_exception",
        "reason": "mapper [name] of different type, current_type [text], merged_type [long]"
    "type": "illegal_argument_exception",
    "reason": "mapper [name] of different type, current_type [text], merged_type [long]"
  "status": 400
這是更新一個field 為name的型別, 原來為text,改為long,結果執行api的時候丟擲以上異常。
8.GET Mapping

get mapping api可以查詢一個或多個index的mapping資訊, 語法如下:


GET /_all/_mapping/log

  "log-1": {
    "mappings": {
      "log": {
        "properties": {
          "email": {
            "type": "text"
          "name": {
            "type": "text"
9.GET Field Mapping

get field mapping API可以用來查詢index中指定的一個或多個field資訊, 而不是一次性查詢一個index或多個index的所有mapping資訊

建立一個publications index
PUT publications
    "mappings": {
        "_doc": {
            "properties": {
                "id": { "type": "text" },
                "title":  { "type": "text"},
                "abstract": { "type": "text"},
                "author": {
                    "properties": {
                        "id": { "type": "text" },
                        "name": { "type": "text" }

獲取publications index 中_doc typetitle field 資訊, 同時顯示返回結果
GET publications/_mapping/_doc/field/title
   "publications": {
      "mappings": {
         "_doc": {
            "title": {
               "full_name": "title",
               "mapping": {
                  "title": {
                     "type": "text"

get field mapping API 支援一次查詢多個field或者是查詢多個index的多個field

,它支援逗號運算子,_all, *號匹配等


GET /twitter,kimchy/_mapping/field/message

GET /_all/_mapping/_doc,tweet,book/field/message,user.id

GET /_all/_mapping/_do*/field/*.id

GET publications/_mapping/_doc/field/a*