1. 程式人生 > >以太坊原始碼深入分析(4)-- 以太坊RPC通訊例項和原理程式碼分析(下)

以太坊原始碼深入分析(4)-- 以太坊RPC通訊例項和原理程式碼分析(下)

上一節我們試著寫了一個RPC的請求例項,通過分析原始碼知道了RPC服務的建立流程,以及Http RPC server建立過程,Http RPC Client的請求流程。
這一節,先分析一下Http RPC server如何處理client的請求。然後再分析一下IPC RPC的處理流程。

一,Http RPC server處理Client的請求。

回到上一節startHTTP() 裡面HTTPServer初始化的方法
func NewHTTPServer(cors []string, vhosts []string, srv *Server) *http.Server {
	// Wrap the CORS-handler within a host-handler
	handler := newCorsHandler(srv, cors)
	handler = newVHostHandler(vhosts, handler)
	return &http.Server{Handler: handler}

// ServeHTTP serves JSON-RPC requests over HTTP.
func (srv *Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// Permit dumb empty requests for remote health-checks (AWS)
	if r.Method == http.MethodGet && r.ContentLength == 0 && r.URL.RawQuery == "" {
	if code, err := validateRequest(r); err != nil {
		http.Error(w, err.Error(), code)
	// All checks passed, create a codec that reads direct from the request body
	// untilEOF and writes the response to w and order the server to process a
	// single request.
	codec := NewJSONCodec(&httpReadWriteNopCloser{r.Body, w})
	defer codec.Close()

	w.Header().Set("content-type", contentType)
	srv.ServeSingleRequest(codec, OptionMethodInvocation)
實現了http.server的 ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)方法。
然後交由 srv.ServeSingleRequest(codec, OptionMethodInvocation)處理。
接著呼叫 s.serveRequest(codec, true, options)
singleShot引數是控制請求時同步還是非同步。如果singleShot為true,那麼請求的處理是同步的,需要等待處理結果之後才能退出。 singleShot為false,把處理請求的方法交由goroutine非同步處理。
Http RPC的處理是使用同步方式。

func (s *Server) serveRequest(codec ServerCodec, singleShot bool, options CodecOption) error {
	var pend sync.WaitGroup

	defer func() {
		if err := recover(); err != nil {
			const size = 64 << 10
			buf := make([]byte, size)
			buf = buf[:runtime.Stack(buf, false)]

	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	defer cancel()

	// if the codec supports notification include a notifier that callbacks can use
	// to send notification to clients. It is thight to the codec/connection. If the
	// connection is closed the notifier will stop and cancels all active subscriptions.
	if options&OptionSubscriptions == OptionSubscriptions {
		ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, notifierKey{}, newNotifier(codec))
	if atomic.LoadInt32(&s.run) != 1 { // server stopped
		return &shutdownError{}

	// test if the server is ordered to stop
	for atomic.LoadInt32(&s.run) == 1 {
		reqs, batch, err := s.readRequest(codec)
		if err != nil {
			// If a parsing error occurred, send an error
			if err.Error() != "EOF" {
				log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("read error %v\n", err))
				codec.Write(codec.CreateErrorResponse(nil, err))
			// Error or end of stream, wait for requests and tear down
			return nil

		// check if server is ordered to shutdown and return an error
		// telling the client that his request failed.
		if atomic.LoadInt32(&s.run) != 1 {
			err = &shutdownError{}
			if batch {
				resps := make([]interface{}, len(reqs))
				for i, r := range reqs {
					resps[i] = codec.CreateErrorResponse(&r.id, err)
			} else {
				codec.Write(codec.CreateErrorResponse(&reqs[0].id, err))
			return nil
		// If a single shot request is executing, run and return immediately
		if singleShot {
			if batch {
				s.execBatch(ctx, codec, reqs)
			} else {
				s.exec(ctx, codec, reqs[0])
			return nil
		// For multi-shot connections, start a goroutine to serve and loop back

		go func(reqs []*serverRequest, batch bool) {
			defer pend.Done()
			if batch {
				s.execBatch(ctx, codec, reqs)
			} else {
				s.exec(ctx, codec, reqs[0])
		}(reqs, batch)
	return nil
當server啟動 s.run的值就為1,直到server stop。
將codec add進s.codecs,codecs是一個set。
處理完請求資料,返回時需要從s.codecs remove 這個codec
對s.codecs的add 和 remove需要新增互斥鎖,保證s.codecs的執行緒安全。

s.readRequest(codec) 處理請求的codec資料。
func (s *Server) readRequest(codec ServerCodec) ([]*serverRequest, bool, Error) {
	reqs, batch, err := codec.ReadRequestHeaders()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, batch, err

	requests := make([]*serverRequest, len(reqs))

	// verify requests
	for i, r := range reqs {
		var ok bool
		var svc *service

		if r.err != nil {
			requests[i] = &serverRequest{id: r.id, err: r.err}

		if r.isPubSub && strings.HasSuffix(r.method, unsubscribeMethodSuffix) {
			requests[i] = &serverRequest{id: r.id, isUnsubscribe: true}
			argTypes := []reflect.Type{reflect.TypeOf("")} // expect subscription id as first arg
			if args, err := codec.ParseRequestArguments(argTypes, r.params); err == nil {
				requests[i].args = args
			} else {
				requests[i].err = &invalidParamsError{err.Error()}

		if svc, ok = s.services[r.service]; !ok { // rpc method isn't available
			requests[i] = &serverRequest{id: r.id, err: &methodNotFoundError{r.service, r.method}}

		if r.isPubSub { // eth_subscribe, r.method contains the subscription method name
			if callb, ok := svc.subscriptions[r.method]; ok {
				requests[i] = &serverRequest{id: r.id, svcname: svc.name, callb: callb}
				if r.params != nil && len(callb.argTypes) > 0 {
					argTypes := []reflect.Type{reflect.TypeOf("")}
					argTypes = append(argTypes, callb.argTypes...)
					if args, err := codec.ParseRequestArguments(argTypes, r.params); err == nil {
						requests[i].args = args[1:] // first one is service.method name which isn't an actual argument
					} else {
						requests[i].err = &invalidParamsError{err.Error()}
			} else {
				requests[i] = &serverRequest{id: r.id, err: &methodNotFoundError{r.service, r.method}}

		if callb, ok := svc.callbacks[r.method]; ok { // lookup RPC method
			requests[i] = &serverRequest{id: r.id, svcname: svc.name, callb: callb}
			if r.params != nil && len(callb.argTypes) > 0 {
				if args, err := codec.ParseRequestArguments(callb.argTypes, r.params); err == nil {
					requests[i].args = args
				} else {
					requests[i].err = &invalidParamsError{err.Error()}

		requests[i] = &serverRequest{id: r.id, err: &methodNotFoundError{r.service, r.method}}

	return requests, batch, nil
func (c *jsonCodec) ReadRequestHeaders() ([]rpcRequest, bool, Error) {
	defer c.decMu.Unlock()

	var incomingMsg json.RawMessage
	if err := c.d.Decode(&incomingMsg); err != nil {
		return nil, false, &invalidRequestError{err.Error()}

	if isBatch(incomingMsg) {
		return parseBatchRequest(incomingMsg)

	return parseRequest(incomingMsg)
如果請求的資料是一組req陣列用parseBatchRequest(incomingMsg)解析,否則用 parseRequest(incomingMsg)。兩者處理大同小異。

func parseRequest(incomingMsg json.RawMessage) ([]rpcRequest, bool, Error) {
	var in jsonRequest
	if err := json.Unmarshal(incomingMsg, &in); err != nil {
		return nil, false, &invalidMessageError{err.Error()}

	if err := checkReqId(in.Id); err != nil {
		return nil, false, &invalidMessageError{err.Error()}

	// subscribe are special, they will always use `subscribeMethod` as first param in the payload
	if strings.HasSuffix(in.Method, subscribeMethodSuffix) {
		reqs := []rpcRequest{{id: &in.Id, isPubSub: true}}
		if len(in.Payload) > 0 {
			// first param must be subscription name
			var subscribeMethod [1]string
			if err := json.Unmarshal(in.Payload, &subscribeMethod); err != nil {
				log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to parse subscription method: %v\n", err))
				return nil, false, &invalidRequestError{"Unable to parse subscription request"}

			reqs[0].service, reqs[0].method = strings.TrimSuffix(in.Method, subscribeMethodSuffix), subscribeMethod[0]
			reqs[0].params = in.Payload
			return reqs, false, nil
		return nil, false, &invalidRequestError{"Unable to parse subscription request"}

	if strings.HasSuffix(in.Method, unsubscribeMethodSuffix) {
		return []rpcRequest{{id: &in.Id, isPubSub: true,
			method: in.Method, params: in.Payload}}, false, nil

	elems := strings.Split(in.Method, serviceMethodSeparator)
	if len(elems) != 2 {
		return nil, false, &methodNotFoundError{in.Method, ""}

	// regular RPC call
	if len(in.Payload) == 0 {
		return []rpcRequest{{service: elems[0], method: elems[1], id: &in.Id}}, false, nil

	return []rpcRequest{{service: elems[0], method: elems[1], id: &in.Id, params: in.Payload}}, false, nil
readRequest(codec ServerCodec)方法對rpcRequest再處理加工一下,然後返回。

回到serveRequest方法,繼續分析s.exec(ctx, codec, reqs[0])的實現
func (s *Server) exec(ctx context.Context, codec ServerCodec, req *serverRequest) {
	var response interface{}
	var callback func()
	if req.err != nil {
		response = codec.CreateErrorResponse(&req.id, req.err)
	} else {
		response, callback = s.handle(ctx, codec, req)

	if err := codec.Write(response); err != nil {
		log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("%v\n", err))

	// when request was a subscribe request this allows these subscriptions to be actived
	if callback != nil {
交由s.handle(ctx, codec, req)處理
func (s *Server) handle(ctx context.Context, codec ServerCodec, req *serverRequest) (interface{}, func()) {
	if req.err != nil {
		return codec.CreateErrorResponse(&req.id, req.err), nil

	if req.isUnsubscribe { // cancel subscription, first param must be the subscription id
		if len(req.args) >= 1 && req.args[0].Kind() == reflect.String {
			notifier, supported := NotifierFromContext(ctx)
			if !supported { // interface doesn't support subscriptions (e.g. http)
				return codec.CreateErrorResponse(&req.id, &callbackError{ErrNotificationsUnsupported.Error()}), nil

			subid := ID(req.args[0].String())
			if err := notifier.unsubscribe(subid); err != nil {
				return codec.CreateErrorResponse(&req.id, &callbackError{err.Error()}), nil

			return codec.CreateResponse(req.id, true), nil
		return codec.CreateErrorResponse(&req.id, &invalidParamsError{"Expected subscription id as first argument"}), nil

	if req.callb.isSubscribe {
		subid, err := s.createSubscription(ctx, codec, req)
		if err != nil {
			return codec.CreateErrorResponse(&req.id, &callbackError{err.Error()}), nil

		// active the subscription after the sub id was successfully sent to the client
		activateSub := func() {
			notifier, _ := NotifierFromContext(ctx)
			notifier.activate(subid, req.svcname)

		return codec.CreateResponse(req.id, subid), activateSub

	// regular RPC call, prepare arguments
	if len(req.args) != len(req.callb.argTypes) {
		rpcErr := &invalidParamsError{fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s expects %d parameters, got %d",
			req.svcname, serviceMethodSeparator, req.callb.method.Name,
			len(req.callb.argTypes), len(req.args))}
		return codec.CreateErrorResponse(&req.id, rpcErr), nil

	arguments := []reflect.Value{req.callb.rcvr}
	if req.callb.hasCtx {
		arguments = append(arguments, reflect.ValueOf(ctx))
	if len(req.args) > 0 {
		arguments = append(arguments, req.args...)

	// execute RPC method and return result
	reply := req.callb.method.Func.Call(arguments)
	if len(reply) == 0 {
		return codec.CreateResponse(req.id, nil), nil

	if req.callb.errPos >= 0 { // test if method returned an error
		if !reply[req.callb.errPos].IsNil() {
			e := reply[req.callb.errPos].Interface().(error)
			res := codec.CreateErrorResponse(&req.id, &callbackError{e.Error()})
			return res, nil
	return codec.CreateResponse(req.id, reply[0].Interface()), nil
 reply := req.callb.method.Func.Call(arguments) 執行了RPC方法並返回結果reply。
codec.CreateResponse(req.id, reply[0].Interface())是rpc.json.go對返回結果的封裝。
回到exec(ctx context.Context, codec ServerCodec, req *serverRequest)方法。codec.Write(response)對返回結果json序列化。
// 往client寫resp
func (c *jsonCodec) Write(res interface{}) error {
	defer c.encMu.Unlock()

	return c.e.Encode(res)
c.e.Encode(res)會呼叫enc.w.Write(b),這個w就是func (srv *Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)方法傳入的http.ResponseWriter。借用這個writer來實現server和client的通訊。

二,其他RPC  撥號的實現方法

RPC Client撥號的過程實質是建立client和server的讀寫通道。
func wsDialContext(ctx context.Context, config *websocket.Config) (*websocket.Conn, error) {
	var conn net.Conn
	var err error
	switch config.Location.Scheme {
	case "ws":
		conn, err = dialContext(ctx, "tcp", wsDialAddress(config.Location))
	case "wss":
		dialer := contextDialer(ctx)
		conn, err = tls.DialWithDialer(dialer, "tcp", wsDialAddress(config.Location), config.TlsConfig)
		err = websocket.ErrBadScheme
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	ws, err := websocket.NewClient(config, conn)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return ws, err
func DialInProc(handler *Server) *Client {
	initctx := context.Background()
	c, _ := newClient(initctx, func(context.Context) (net.Conn, error) {
		p1, p2 := net.Pipe()
		go handler.ServeCodec(NewJSONCodec(p1), OptionMethodInvocation|OptionSubscriptions)
		return p2, nil
	return c
func DialIPC(ctx context.Context, endpoint string) (*Client, error) {
	return newClient(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) (net.Conn, error) {
		return newIPCConnection(ctx, endpoint)
func newIPCConnection(ctx context.Context, endpoint string) (net.Conn, error) {
	return dialContext(ctx, "unix", endpoint)
// newIPCConnection will connect to a named pipe with the given //endpoint as name.
func newIPCConnection(ctx context.Context, endpoint string) (net.Conn, error) {
	timeout := defaultPipeDialTimeout
	if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok {
		timeout = deadline.Sub(time.Now())
		if timeout < 0 {
			timeout = 0
	return npipe.DialTimeout(endpoint, timeout)

三,其他RPC Client如何傳送請求

Rpc/client.go 的CallContext()方法,如果不是http請求,選擇走c.send(ctx, op, msg)方法。之所以會這樣是因為,http是一個短連線,每次請求是同步的,直接返回請求結果。其他的比如IPC、InProc、 websocket都是長連線,每次請求都是非同步的,需要在網路執行緒外監聽請求返回的結果。
// send registers op with the dispatch loop, then sends msg on the connection.
// if sending fails, op is deregistered.
func (c *Client) send(ctx context.Context, op *requestOp, msg interface{}) error {
	select {
	case c.requestOp <- op:
		log.Trace("", "msg", log.Lazy{Fn: func() string {
			return fmt.Sprint("sending ", msg)
		err := c.write(ctx, msg)
		c.sendDone <- err
		return err
	case <-ctx.Done():
		// This can happen if the client is overloaded or unable to keep up with
		// subscription notifications.
		return ctx.Err()
	case <-c.didQuit:
		return ErrClientQuit
這時候請求被select阻塞住,直到c.requestOp receive到op,或者receive 到 ctx.Done(),或receive到 c.didQuit。c.requestOp拿到op,呼叫write方法把請求的內容寫到conn通道去。然後傳送給sendDone chan,client的dispactch方法會收到這個結果。
func (c *Client) dispatch(conn net.Conn) {
	// Spawn the initial read loop.
	go c.read(conn)

	var (
		lastOp        *requestOp    // tracks last send operation
		requestOpLock = c.requestOp // nil while the send lock is held
		reading       = true        // if true, a read loop is running
	defer close(c.didQuit)
	defer func() {
		if reading {
			// Empty read channels until read is dead.
			for {
				select {
				case <-c.readResp:
				case <-c.readErr:

	for {
		select {
		case <-c.close:

		// Read path.
		case batch := <-c.readResp:
			for _, msg := range batch {
				switch {
				case msg.isNotification():
					log.Trace("", "msg", log.Lazy{Fn: func() string {
						return fmt.Sprint("<-readResp: notification ", msg)
				case msg.isResponse():
					log.Trace("", "msg", log.Lazy{Fn: func() string {
						return fmt.Sprint("<-readResp: response ", msg)
					log.Debug("", "msg", log.Lazy{Fn: func() string {
						return fmt.Sprint("<-readResp: dropping weird message", msg)
					// TODO: maybe close

		case err := <-c.readErr:
			log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("<-readErr: %v", err))
			reading = false

		case newconn := <-c.reconnected:
			log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("<-reconnected: (reading=%t) %v", reading, conn.RemoteAddr()))
			if reading {
				// Wait for the previous read loop to exit. This is a rare case.
			go c.read(newconn)
			reading = true
			conn = newconn

		// Send path.
		case op := <-requestOpLock:
			// Stop listening for further send ops until the current one is done.
			requestOpLock = nil
			lastOp = op
			for _, id := range op.ids {
				c.respWait[string(id)] = op

		case err := <-c.sendDone:
			if err != nil {
				// Remove response handlers for the last send. We remove those here
				// because the error is already handled in Call or BatchCall. When the
				// read loop goes down, it will signal all other current operations.
				for _, id := range lastOp.ids {
					delete(c.respWait, string(id))
			// Listen for send ops again.
			requestOpLock = c.requestOp
			lastOp = nil
這個dispatch()方法也是配套給非http請求用的。通過goroutine c.read(conn)。來讀server通過conn返回的資料。
func (c *Client) read(conn net.Conn) error {
	var (
		buf json.RawMessage
		dec = json.NewDecoder(conn)
	readMessage := func() (rs []*jsonrpcMessage, err error) {
		buf = buf[:0]
		if err = dec.Decode(&buf); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if isBatch(buf) {
			err = json.Unmarshal(buf, &rs)
		} else {
			rs = make([]*jsonrpcMessage, 1)
			err = json.Unmarshal(buf, &rs[0])
		return rs, err

	for {
		resp, err := readMessage()
		if err != nil {
			c.readErr <- err
			return err
		c.readResp <- resp
然後把server返回資料send 到c.readResp chan。
dispatch的 select  case batch := <-c.readResp: receive到c.readResp。如果這個請求的是通知,走通知的響應,否則走c.handleResponse(msg)
func (c *Client) handleResponse(msg *jsonrpcMessage) {
	op := c.respWait[string(msg.ID)]
	if op == nil {
		log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("unsolicited response %v", msg))
	delete(c.respWait, string(msg.ID))
	// For normal responses, just forward the reply to Call/BatchCall.
	if op.sub == nil {
		op.resp <- msg
	// For subscription responses, start the subscription if the server
	// indicates success. EthSubscribe gets unblocked in either case through
	// the op.resp channel.
	defer close(op.resp)
	if msg.Error != nil {
		op.err = msg.Error
	if op.err = json.Unmarshal(msg.Result, &op.sub.subid); op.err == nil {
		go op.sub.start()
		c.subs[op.sub.subid] = op.sub

這時候把返回資料send給op.resp <- msg。 後續處理和http RPC的處理一致,走到CallContext方法的 resp, err := op.wait(ctx)。


go-ethereum有四種RPC。HTTP RPC、Inproc RPC、IPC RPC、WS RPC。它們主要的實現邏輯都在rpc/server.go和rpc/client.go。各自根據自己的實現方式派生自己的client例項,建立各自的net.conn通道。由於HTTP RPC是基於短連結請求,實現方式和其他的不太一樣。