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Android Studio提升Gradle的構建

用過Android Studio搞大型專案的同學應該知道,構建一次的時間很長,我的專案快的需要4分鐘左右,慢的時候要5-8分鐘,不能忍...

查了Android Developers官方,才知道了Android Plugin For Gradle 2.1 有一個能提升構建速度的特性。這面摘自官方:

Added support for dexing-in-process which performs dexing within the build process rather than in a separate, external VM processes. This not only makes incremental builds faster, but also speeds up full builds. The feature is enabled by default for projects that have set the Gradle daemon's maximum heap size to at least 2048 MB. You can do this by including the following in your project'sgradle.properties


org.gradle.jvmargs =-Xmx2048m

If you have defined a value for javaMaxHeapSize in your module-level build.gradle file, you need to set org.gradle.jvmargs to the value of javaMaxHeapSize + 1024 MB. For example, if you have set javaMaxHeapSize to "2048m", you need to add the following to your project's gradle.properties


org.gradle.jvmargs =-Xmx3072m

To disable dexing-in-process, add the following code to your module-level build.gradle file:

android {...
  dexOptions {
      dexInProcess false}}


Property Description

Whether to run the dx compiler as a separate process or inside the Gradle daemon JVM.

Specifies the -Xmx value when calling dx. Example value is "2048m".

Enable jumbo mode in dx (--force-jumbo).

The maximum number of concurrent processes that can be used to dex. Defaults to 4.

Whether to pre-dex libraries. This can improve incremental builds, but clean builds may be slower.

Number of threads to use when running dx. Defaults to 4.

    dexOptions {
        javaMaxHeapSize "4g"
        incremental true
        preDexLibraries = false
        dexInProcess false
        maxProcessCount = 4
        threadCount = 4
org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8

這裡,所有的配置設定就完成了,就這麼簡單,這樣設定之後,發現構建速度真的是大幅度提升,我的專案變成了1-2分鐘。 希望對需要的人有用,這裡有個注意點,由於每個人的電腦配置不同,所以下面的配置設定建議先註釋掉
//    dexOptions {
//        javaMaxHeapSize "4g"
//        incremental true
//        preDexLibraries = false
//        dexInProcess false
//        maxProcessCount = 4
//        threadCount = 4
//    }