1. 程式人生 > >vmware的共享目錄不能使用!


今天,我在機器裡裝了個vmplayer並且內建了一個ubuntu 14.1 的版本,結果設了共享目錄後,不起作用。然後又重灌vmware-tools,結果一重灌就出現“ error: ‘struct file’ has no member named ‘f_dentry’”的錯誤資訊。怎麼破呢?


1. Make sure the updates are done:

sudo apt-get update

2. Make sure git is installed

sudo apt-get install git

3. Run the command to get the tools from repository.

4. cd to vmware-tools-folder

cd vmware-tools-patches

5. Run the patch

sudo ./download-tools.sh

6. Run the following patch

sudo ./untar-and-patch.sh

 7. Run the complie.sh file

sudo ./compile.sh