1. 程式人生 > >asihttp 原始碼分析 之四 獲取請求進度

asihttp 原始碼分析 之四 獲取請求進度


ASIProgressDelegate .h 檔案中。


ipone上更新進度條的方法 :- (void)setProgress:(float)newProgress;

- (void)setProgress:(float)newProgress;
- (void)setDoubleValue:(double)newProgress;
- (void)setMaxValue:(double)newMax;

並且這個方法 直接是 @interface UIProgressView : UIView <NSCoding> 類中實現的。所有可以直接把UIProgressView 的例項賦值給ASIHTTPRequest下面的兩個屬性,而無需實現 ASIProgressDelegate 協議。

// Delegate for displaying upload progress (usually an NSProgressIndicator, but you can supply a different object and handle this yourself)
 id <ASIProgressDelegate> uploadProgressDelegate;
 // Delegate for displaying download progress (usually an NSProgressIndicator, but you can supply a different object and handle this yourself)
 id <ASIProgressDelegate> downloadProgressDelegate;


// Updates upload progress (notifies the queue and/or uploadProgressDelegate of this request)
- (void)updateUploadProgress;

// Updates download progress (notifies the queue and/or uploadProgressDelegate of this request)
- (void)updateDownloadProgress;