1. 程式人生 > >關於Eclipse建立Android專案時,會多出一個appcompat_v7的問題







Library Project including compatibility ActionBar.

This can be used by an Android project to provide
access to ActionBar on applications running on API 7+.

There is technically no source, but the src folder is necessary
to ensure that the build system works.  The content is actually
located in libs/android-support-v7-appcompat.jar.
The accompanying resources must also be included in the application.

 字面意思大概可以看出,該專案是一個Library Project, 作用是讓你的Android Project 在API 7+的sdk版本(即Android2.1版本)可以訪問ActionBar的API,ActionBar相當於使用者介面的操作欄,具體ActionBar的解釋可以參考:http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html。所以從中可以看出多出這個project是為了相容低版本的sdk,那我們建立的Android專案是如何引用這個類庫專案呢?通過右鍵點選Android專案---->Properties-->Android,可以檢視到該類庫專案已被引用進來了






關於Library Project的相關內容,可以通過檢視官方文件介紹,具體檢視:http://developer.android.com/tools/support-library/features.html#v4

找到 v7 appcompat library 的解釋:內容如下:

This library adds support for the Action Bar user interface design pattern.

Note: This library depends on the v4 Support Library. If you are using Ant or Eclipse, make sure you include the v4 Support Library as part of this library's classpath.

Here are a few of the key classes included in the v7 appcompat library:

  •  - Provides an implementation of the action bar user interface pattern. For more information on using the Action Bar, see the Action Bar developer guide.
  •  - Adds an application activity class that must be used as a base class for activities that uses the Support Library action bar implementation.
  •  - Adds support for a standardized sharing action (such as email or posting to social applications) that can be included in an action bar.

This library is located in the <sdk>/extras/android/support/v7/appcompat/ directory after you download the Android Support Libraries. This library contains user interface resources. To include it in your application project, follow the instructions for adding libraries with resources.

The Gradle build script dependency identifier for this library is as follows:

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