1. 程式人生 > >importError: No module named site

importError: No module named site

Python 環境變數


變數名 描述
PYTHONPATH PYTHONPATH是Python搜尋路徑,預設我們import的模組都會從PYTHONPATH裡面尋找。
PYTHONSTARTUP Python啟動後,先尋找PYTHONSTARTUP環境變數,然後執行此變數指定的檔案中的程式碼。
PYTHONCASEOK 加入PYTHONCASEOK的環境變數, 就會使python匯入模組的時候不區分大小寫.
PYTHONHOME 另一種模組搜尋路徑。它通常內嵌於的PYTHONSTARTUP或PYTHONPATH目錄中,使得兩個模組庫更容易切換。



  1. SET ROOT_DIR=%~dp0  
  2. SET PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;%ROOT_DIR%src\main\python;%ROOT_DIR%src\test\python;%ROOT_DIR%generated\pyxb;%ROOT_DIR%  

You know what has worked for me really well on windows.

My Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables >

Then under system variables I create a new Variable called PythonPath. In this variable I have C:\Python27\Lib;C:\Python27\DLLs;C:\Python27\Lib\lib-tk;C:\other-folders-on-the-path

enter image description here

This is the best way that has worked for me which I hadn't found in any of the docs offered.

EDIT: For those who are not able to get it, Please add


along with it. Else it will never work.

今天在除錯Evernote SDK時, 遇到PythonPath的問題。 查了很多資料,有說用系統環境變數新增PythonPath, 有說在登錄檔中的PythonPath新增新Default欄位, 但是對於我來說都沒有效果, 很奇怪。 

import sys
import hashlib
import binascii
import time

if "..\\lib" not in sys.path:

Windows 7 Professional I Modified @mongoose_za's answer to make it easier to change the python version:

  1. [Right Click]Computer > Properties >Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables
  2. Click [New] under "System Variable"
  3. Variable Name: PY_HOME, Variable Value:C:\path\to\python\version enter image description here
  4. Click [OK]
  5. Locate the "Path" System variable and click [Edit]
  6. Add the following to the existing variable:

    %PY_HOME%;%PY_HOME%\Lib;%PY_HOME%\DLLs;%PY_HOME%\Lib\lib-tk; enter image description here

  7. Click [OK] to close all of the windows.

As a final sanity check open a command prompt and enter python. You should see

>python [whatever version you are using]

If you need to switch between versions, you only need to modify the PY_HOME variable to point to the proper directory. This is bit easier to manage if you need multiple python versions installed.