1. 程式人生 > >測試Hbase 表對映成 Hive表查詢效率

測試Hbase 表對映成 Hive表查詢效率


  • 1、編寫程式將1000萬條資料寫到Hbase表中;
  • 2、將對應的Hbase表對映成Hive表。
    在Hive 的shell中執行類似如下的命令
IF NOT EXISTS t_hbase_person_his10(id string, NAME String, salary string,START_DATE string,END_DATE string) 
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'  
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ('hbase.columns.mapping'
= ':key,info:id,info:name,info:salary,info:start_date,info:end_date') TBLPROPERTIES ('hbase.table.name' ='t_hbase_person_his10');
  • 3、複製一份一樣的資料到Hive表,這份Hive資料是實際存在Hive中的。通過類似Sql複製
create table t_person_his10 as select * from t_hbase_person_his10;

二、通過Hive Jdbc 方式對比其查詢時間,對比結果如下所示

其中t_hbase_person_his10 表為Hbase關聯生成的Hive表,t_person_history10為實際的Hive表,來源通過create table t_person_his10 as select * from t_hbase_person_his10;

  • 1、查當前資料,預設返回30條
sql = "select * from t_hbase_person_his10 where end_date='9999-12-31' limit 30";// use statTime:353ms 

sql = "select * from t_person_history10 where end_date='9999-12-31' limit 30";//use statTime:119ms
  • 2、查指定日期資料,預設返回30條
sql = "select * from t_hbase_person_his10 where start_date<='2017-09-18'
and end_date>='2017-09-18' and salary>990000 limit 30";//use statTime:411ms sql = "select * from t_hbase_person_his10 where start_date<='2017-09-20' and end_date>='2017-09-20' and salary>990000 limit 30";//use statTime:908ms sql = "select * from t_person_history10 where start_date<='2017-09-18' and end_date>='2017-09-18' and salary>990000 limit 30";//use statTime:147ms sql = "select * from t_person_history10 where start_date<='2017-09-20' and end_date>='2017-09-20' and salary>990000 limit 30";//use statTime:266ms
  • 3、order by效率很低
sql = "select * from t_hbase_person_his10 where start_date<='2017-09-20' and end_date>='2017-09-20' and salary>990000  order by salary limit 30";// use statTime:95000ms 

sql = "select * from t_person_history10 where start_date<='2017-09-20' and end_date>='2017-09-20' and salary>990000 order by salary limit 30";//use statTime:35836ms
  • 4、between and
sql = "select * from t_hbase_person_his10 where end_date='9999-12-31' and salary between 500000 and 600000 limit 30";//use statTime:338ms

sql = "select * from t_person_history10 where end_date='9999-12-31' and salary between 500000 and 600000 limit 30";//use statTime:166ms
  • 5、 對指定使用者進行溯源,這裡以使用者名稱為唯一標識,效率極低,(可以考慮用rowkey做為唯一標識)
sql = "SELECT mobile,start_date FROM t_hbase_person_his10 where name='hehe98'";//use statTime:86701ms 13901173602,2017-09-04 13201382515,2017-09-07 15107963040,2017-09-11
sql = "SELECT mobile,start_date FROM t_hbase_person_his10 where rowkey='1298'";//use statTime:316ms 

sql = "SELECT mobile,start_date FROM t_person_history10 where name='hehe98'";//use statTime:6326ms 13901173602,2017-09-04 13201382515,2017-09-07 15107963040,2017-09-11
sql = "SELECT mobile,start_date FROM t_person_history10 where rowkey='1298'";//use statTime:6288ms
  • 6、group by
sql = "select start_date,count(1) from t_hbase_person_his10 group by start_date";//use statTime:100330ms

sql = "select start_date,count(1) from t_person_history10 group by start_date";//use statTime:25857ms
  • 7、模糊查詢
sql = "select * from t_hbase_person_his10 where name like '%hehe111%' limit 30";// use statTime:2738ms
sql = "select * from t_hbase_person_his10 where name like '%hehe111%'  and start_date>'2017-09-18' limit 10";// use statTime:2745ms
sql = "select * from t_hbase_person_his10 where rowkey like '%10059%'  and start_date>'2017-09-18' limit 10";// use statTime:665ms

sql = "select * from t_person_history10 where name like '%hehe111%'  and start_date>'2017-09-18' limit 10";// use statTime:257ms
sql = "select * from t_person_history10 where rowkey like '%10059%'  and start_date>'2017-09-18' limit 10";// use statTime:135ms
sql = "select * from t_person_history10 where name like '%hehe111%' limit 30";// use statTime:225ms
  • 8、查詢指定rowkey
sql = "select * from t_hbase_person_his10 where rowkey='11123'";//use statTime:342ms

sql = "select * from t_person_history10 where rowkey='11123'";//use statTime:8386ms
  • 9、對Hive表進行關聯查詢
sql = "select th.mobile,th.start_date,tb.mobile from t_person_history10 th, t_hbase_person_his10 tb where th.name=tb.name limit 10";//use statTime:88614ms

sql = "select th.mobile,th.start_date,tb.mobile from t_person_history10 th left outer join t_hbase_person_his10 tb on  th.name=tb.name limit 10";//use statTime:88614ms
