1. 程式人生 > >Autofac(IOC框架)速度比拼



Autofac為何物?它是.NET世界裡現存的幾種IOC框架其中之一,傳說是速度最快的一個,同類的框架還有用過Castle WindsorStructureMapUnity等,如果你用過其中之一,那就好辦了*^_^*。什麼?你不知道什麼是IOC,好吧,這裡有一篇文章是講解IOC是何物的,IOC中文名被稱為依賴注入,看一下Martin Fowler大師寫的《IoC容器和 Dependency Injection 模式 》


  1. 它是C#語言聯絡很緊密,也就是說C#裡的很多程式設計方式都可以為Autofac使用,例如可以用Lambda表示式註冊元件。
  2. 較低的學習曲線,學習它非常的簡單,只要你理解了IoC和DI的概念以及在何時需要使用它們。
  3. XML配置支援。
  4. 自動裝配。
  5. 與Asp.Net MVC 3整合。
  6. 微軟的Orchad開源程式使用的就是Autofac,從該原始碼可以看出它的方便和強大。



This arctile is posted by Daniel Palme, who is a .NET consultant from Germany.I found it in his blog,and it's very helpful to me. So I decide to post it in my cnblogs. As it is so simple, as well as I've been used to read English articles. So I decided not to translate it into Chinese to keep the original meaning. You can 

click this link to access the original.

In this post I will do a performance comparison of the most popular IoC containers.
Of course performance is not the only criteria when choosing a container for a project. Perhaps you need features like  , then not all containers are suited. But if the container is "only" used for wiring up dependencies, why not choose the fastest one?

The test setup

The contestants

You probably have heard of most of the frameworks, but one of them is quite new and works differently:  Hiro The author, Philip Laureano, names it an "inversion of control container compiler framework". After configuration, the container gets compiled and is immutable from now on. This concept makes this container really fast.

The test setup

To test the performance I register three interfaces and their corresponding implementation to every container. The first one is registered as a singleton, the second one as transient (a new instance is created every time). The third also has a transient lifetime, but moreover has a dependency to the first two interfaces (which get injected by constructor injection).

Every interface is resolved 1.000.000 times and the time is measured in milliseconds.

The results


Container Singleton Transient Combined Interception
No 132 81 63
AutoFac 3.0.2 749 1806 4570 33765
Caliburn.Micro 1.5.1 194 226 651
Catel 3.5 258 952 2846
Dynamo 72 84 139
Funq 81 92 277
Griffin 1.1.0 194 195 481
Hiro 1.0.3 101 103 107
LightCore 1.5.1 156 2343 12045
LightInject 171 178 298
LinFu 2876 17564 47712
Mef 2507 8724 24937
MicroSliver 150 485 2019
Mugen 3.5.1 302 483 1404
Munq 3.1.6 102 131 412
Ninject 6791 19314 54926
Petite 0.3.2 86 86 260
SimpleInjector 2.2.3 68 87 101 467
Speedioc 0.1.33 96 109 94
Spring.NET 1.3.2 672 14560 39065 666
StructureMap 1127 1213 4379 7329
TinyIOC 1.2 246 1500 6098
Unity 3.0.1304.0 2451 3807 11212 103682
Windsor 3.2.0 456 2422 6970 16677




Feature comparison

Performance Configuration Features Environment
Container Code XML Auto Autowiring Custom lifetimes Interception .NET SL WP7 WinRT
AutoFac Average Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Caliburn.Micro Average No No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Catel Average Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dynamo Fast Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No
Funq Fast Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No
Griffin Fast Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No
Hiro Fast Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No No
LightCore Average Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No
LightInject Fast Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No
LinFu Slow Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No
MEF Slow Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes
MicroSliver Average Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes
Mugen Average Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Munq Fast Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No
Ninject Slow Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Petite Fast Yes No No No No No Yes No No No
SimpleInjector Fast Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Speedioc Fast Yes No No No No No Yes No No No
Spring.NET Very slow No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No No
StructureMap Average Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
TinyIoc Average Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Unity Average Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Windsor Average Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No


Ninject is definitely the slowest container.

MEF, LinFu and Spring.NET are faster than Ninject, but still pretty slow. AutoFac, Catel and Windsor come next, followed by StructureMap, Unity and LightCore. A disadvantage of Spring.NET is, that  can only be configured with XML.

SimpleInjector, Hiro, Funq, Munq and Dynamo offer the best performance, they are extremely fast. Give them a try! Especially Simple Injector seems to be a good choice. It's very fast, has a good documentation and also supports advanced scenarios like interception and generic decorators.


13.09.2011: Funq and Munq have been added to the list of contestants, both frameworks are really fast. The updated charts do no more contain Spring.NET, since it was extremly slow.

04.11.2011: I added Simple Injector, the performance is the best of all contestants.

16.12.2011: I added Dynamo.Ioc, the performance is very close to Simple Injector and Hiro.

22.01.2012: Added TinyIoc.

22.02.2012: Updated IServiceLocator implementations.

12.03.2012: Added LightInject. Added feature comparison.

25.04.2012: Updated to Ninject 3.0.015 and Petite 0.3.2.

14.05.2012: Added Mugen.

14.06.2012: Added MEF.

18.06.2012: Added Griffin.

20.08.2012: Updated to Castle Windsor 3.1.0, LightInject, Simple Injector, Structuremap, MugenInjection 2.6.0 and Unity 2.1.505.2

18.09.2012: Added Catel.

15.10.2012: Updated to Dynamo.Ioc and MugenInjection 3.0.0

15.12.2012: Updated to Catel 3.4, Griffin.Container 1.1.0, SimpleInjector, TinyIoC 1.2

01.01.2013: Added Caliburn.Micro 1.4

06.01.2013: Added Speedioc. Updated to Autofac 3.0.0, Caliburn.Micro.Container 1.4.1, LightCore 1.5.0

26.02.2013: Updated to Autofac 3.0.1, LightCore 1.5.1, Windsor 3.2.0

15.03.2013: Added benchmark for interception

03.04.2013: Added MicroSliver

11.04.2013: Updated several containers

09.05.2013: Updated LightInject, SimpleInjector and Unity

Source code

Latest source code is available on