1. 程式人生 > >Android sqlite3命令列操作方法

Android sqlite3命令列操作方法

sqlite3可用命令列實現簡便操作,方便手工資料庫錄入進行測試, 方法如下:


SQLite version 3.5.9

Enter ".help" for instructions




#sqlite3 telephony.db

SQLite version 3.5.9

Enter ".help" for instructions

sqlite>.help    //幫助命令

.bail ON|OFFStop after hitting an error.Default OFF

.databasesList names and files of attached databases

.dump ?TABLE? ...Dump the database in an SQL text format

.echo ON|OFFTurn command echo on or off

.exitExit this program

.explain ON|OFFTurn output mode suitable for EXPLAIN on or off.

.header(s) ON|OFFTurn display of headers on or off

.helpShow this message

.import FILE TABLEImport data from FILE into TABLE

.indices TABLEShow names of all indices on TABLE

.load FILE ?ENTRY?Load an extension library

.mode MODE ?TABLE?Set output mode where MODE is one of:

csvComma-separated values

columnLeft-aligned columns.(See .width)

htmlHTML <table> code

insertSQL insert statements for TABLE

lineOne value per line

listValues delimited by .separator string

tabsTab-separated values

tclTCL list elements

.nullvalue STRINGPrint STRING in place of NULL values

.output FILENAMESend output to FILENAME

.output stdoutSend output to the screen

.prompt MAIN CONTINUE Replace the standard prompts

.quitExit this program


.schema ?TABLE?Show the CREATE statements

.separator STRINGChange separator used by output mode and .import

.showShow the current values for various settings

.tables ?PATTERN?List names of tables matching a LIKE pattern

.timeout MSTry opening locked tables for MS milliseconds

.timer ON|OFFTurn the CPU timer measurement on or off

.width NUM NUM ...Set column widths for "column" mode


建立表: create table table_name(filed1Name filed1Property,filed2Name filed2Property);


顯示錶結構:.schema table_name

刪除表: .drop table table_name


顯示錶所有內容: .dump table_name

匯入資料:將txt檔案中的資料到匯入到表中, data.txt中每一列用”|”分隔, |兩邊不要空格,檔案末尾不要有空行,例如:1|rainkey|tencent

注意:在android 上面執行的時候將text_name.txt存放到databases所在目錄

.import text_name.txt table_name

插入記錄:insert into table_name values(key,value);

查詢記錄:select * from table_name;

從第三行開始查詢10條記錄:select * from table_name limit 3,10;

刪除記錄:delete from table_name where field1=value;

更新操作:update table_name set name=rainkey where id=1;