1. 程式人生 > >mongodb自動生成createdAt和updatedAt兩個欄位


雖然我們可以在文件建立的時候插入建立時間欄位createAt,但是文件更新的時間updateAt是不能直接更新的。而且我們也不可能在寫入操作中每次都更新這個欄位。幸好,在Mongoose Schemas定義中給我們提供了timestamps選項。

If set timestamps, mongoose assigns createdAt and updatedAt fields to your schema, the type assigned is Date.
By default, the name of two fields are createdAt and updatedAt, customize the field name by setting timestamps.createdAt and timestamps.updatedAt.

//var thingSchema = new Schema({..}, { timestamps: true });
//生成的欄位預設為updatedAt, createdAt

var thingSchema = new Schema({..}, { timestamps: { createdAt: 'created_at' } });
var Thing = mongoose.model('Thing', thingSchema);
var thing = new Thing();
thing.save(); // `created_at` & `updatedAt` will be included