1. 程式人生 > >7.5重入讀寫鎖( ReentrantReadWritelock)

7.5重入讀寫鎖( ReentrantReadWritelock)

Note 對於公平的有序策略,當前持有的鎖被釋放,或長時間等待的獨有寫的執行緒會被註冊寫的鎖;或一組讀的執行緒等待的時間比寫的執行緒來的長,那個這個組將會註冊讀的鎖。




  •         ReentrantReadWriteLock.ReadLockreadLock():返回讀的鎖應用。
  •         ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLockwriteLock():返回寫的鎖的應用。
  • 每一個巢狀ReadLock和WriteLock的類都繼承了Lock的介面和宣告自己的方法。然而,ReentrantReadWriteLock聲明瞭中添加了如下的方法:
  •         int getReadHoldCount():重入讀請求執行緒而持有的鎖的數量將會返回,當請求執行緒中並沒有持有鎖將返回0。一個讀的執行緒會持有每一個鎖的操作,而不是非鎖的操作。
  •         int getWriteHoldCount():重入寫請求執行緒,持有的鎖的數量將會返回,當請求執行緒中並沒有持有鎖將返回0。一個寫的執行緒會持有每一個鎖的操作,而不是非鎖的操作。

package com.owen.thread.chapter7;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;

public class Dictionary

	public static void main(String[] args)
		final String[] words = { "hypocalcemia", "prolixity", "assiduous",
				"indefatigable", "castellan" };
		final String[] definitions = { "a deficiency of calcium in the blood",
				"unduly prolonged or drawn out",
				"showing great care, attention, and effort",
				"able to work or continue for a lengthy time without tiring",
				"the govenor or warden of a castle or fort" };
		final Map<String, String> dictionary = new HashMap<String, String>();
		ReadWriteLock rwl = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true);
		final Lock rlock = rwl.readLock();
		final Lock wlock = rwl.writeLock();
		Runnable writer = () -> {
			for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++)
					dictionary.put(words[i], definitions[i]);
					System.out.println("writer storing " + words[i] + " entry");
				} finally
				} catch (InterruptedException ie)
					System.err.println("writer " + "interrupted");
		ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
		Runnable reader = () -> {
			while (true)

					int i = (int) (Math.random() * words.length);
					System.out.println("reader accessing " + words[i] + ": "
							+ dictionary.get(words[i]) + " entry");
				} finally
		es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);

reader accessing indefatigable: able to work or continue for a lengthy time without tiring entry
reader accessing prolixity: unduly prolonged or drawn out entry
reader accessing indefatigable: able to work or continue for a lengthy time without tiring entry
reader accessing assiduous: showing great care, attention, and effort entry
reader accessing castellan: the govenor or warden of a castle or fort entry
reader accessing assiduous: showing great care, attention, and effort entry
reader accessing prolixity: unduly prolonged or drawn out entry
reader accessing assiduous: showing great care, attention, and effort entry
reader accessing prolixity: unduly prolonged or drawn out entry
reader accessing castellan: the govenor or warden of a castle or fort entry
reader accessing indefatigable: able to work or continue for a lengthy time without tiring entry
reader accessing indefatigable: able to work or continue for a lengthy time without tiring entry
reader accessing castellan: the govenor or warden of a castle or fort entry
reader accessing hypocalcemia: a deficiency of calcium in the blood entry
reader accessing hypocalcemia: a deficiency of calcium in the blood entry
reader accessing assiduous: showing great care, attention, and effort entry
reader accessing hypocalcemia: a deficiency of calcium in the blood entry
reader accessing assiduous: showing great care, attention, and effort entry
reader accessing castellan: the govenor or warden of a castle or fort entry
reader accessing hypocalcemia: a deficiency of calcium in the blood entry
reader accessing assiduous: showing great care, attention, and effort entry
reader accessing hypocalcemia: a deficiency of calcium in the blood entry
reader accessing hypocalcemia: a deficiency of calcium in the blood entry
reader accessing assiduous: showing great care, attention, and effort entry
reader accessing assiduous: showing great care, attention, and effort entry