1. 程式人生 > >The document "MainStoryboard.storyboard" could not be opened. Could not read archive.

The document "MainStoryboard.storyboard" could not be opened. Could not read archive.

用低版本xcode開啟高版本xcode下建立的專案時會出現這個錯誤。會彈出 "The document "MainStoryboard.storyboard" could not be opened. Could not read archive." ,Xcode已給出解決方式 "Please use a newer version of Xcode. Consider changing the document's Development Target to preserve compatibility." 所以步驟如下:

1、用 Xcode5 開啟 Project ;

2、選中問題所在的 XXXX.xib/storyboard 檔案,開啟 "Show File Inspector"

3、找到 "Interface Builder Document" ,編輯 "Open in"為 Xcode4.x 儲存即可。

(Xcode4.x 下沒有 "Open in" ,是 "Document Versioning" )

4、再次用 Xcode4.x 開啟,就會發現原來不能開啟的 XXXX.xib/storyboard 已恢復正常。

