1. 程式人生 > >ionic 開發中用到的時間選擇器

ionic 開發中用到的時間選擇器

AngularJS Datepicker

html 程式碼

<input type="text" ng-click="DatePicker($event)" readonly />


$scope.DatePicker = function(e) {
        $model = $(e.target).attr('ng-model');
        $value = $(e.target).val();
        $scope.data = {}
        function daysInMonth(month,year) {
new Date(year, month, 0).getDate(); } var d = new Date(); var tomorrow = new Date(); var tomorrowDate = (d.getDate()+1); var tomorrowMonth = (d.getMonth()+1); var tomorrowYear = d.getFullYear(); var totalDaysInMonth = daysInMonth(tomorrowMonth,tomorrowYear); if
(d.getDate() == totalDaysInMonth) { var tomorrowDate = 1; if(tomorrowMonth == 12) { tomorrowYear = (d.getFullYear()+1); } } if($value=='') { $scope.data.pickup_date = tomorrowDate; $scope.data.pickup_month = tomorrowMonth; $scope
.data.pickup_year = tomorrowYear; } else { $prevSelectedDate = $value.split("/"); $scope.data.pickup_date = parseInt($prevSelectedDate[0]); $scope.data.pickup_month = parseInt($prevSelectedDate[1]); $scope.data.pickup_year = parseInt($prevSelectedDate[2]); } $scope.pickerDate = function($key) { var getCurrentDate = $scope.data.pickup_date; var getCurrentMonth = $scope.data.pickup_month; var getCurrentYear = $scope.data.pickup_year; if($key=='add') { if(getCurrentDate < daysInMonth(getCurrentMonth,getCurrentYear)) { var setMyDate = (getCurrentDate+1); $scope.data.pickup_date = setMyDate; } } else { if(getCurrentDate > 1) { var setMyDate = (getCurrentDate-1); $scope.data.pickup_date = setMyDate; } } } function checkLastDate(date,month,year) { if(date >= daysInMonth(month,year)) { var setMyDate = daysInMonth(month,year); $scope.data.pickup_date = setMyDate; } } $scope.pickerMonth = function($key) { var getCurrentDate = $scope.data.pickup_date; var getCurrentMonth = $scope.data.pickup_month; var getCurrentYear = $scope.data.pickup_year; if($key == 'add') { if(getCurrentMonth < 12) { var setMyMonth = (getCurrentMonth+1); $scope.data.pickup_month = setMyMonth; checkLastDate(getCurrentDate,setMyMonth,getCurrentYear); } } else { if(getCurrentMonth > 1) { var setMyMonth = (getCurrentMonth-1); $scope.data.pickup_month = setMyMonth; checkLastDate(getCurrentDate,setMyMonth,getCurrentYear); } } } $scope.pickerYear = function($key) { var getCurrentDate = $scope.data.pickup_date; var getCurrentMonth = $scope.data.pickup_month; var getCurrentYear = $scope.data.pickup_year; if($key == 'add') { var setMyYear = (getCurrentYear+1); $scope.data.pickup_year = setMyYear; checkLastDate(getCurrentDate,getCurrentMonth,setMyYear); } else { if(getCurrentYear != tomorrowYear) { var setMyYear = (getCurrentYear-1); $scope.data.pickup_year = setMyYear; checkLastDate(getCurrentDate,getCurrentMonth,setMyYear); } } } $template = '<div class="row">'; $template += '<div class="col"><button on-hold="pickerDate('+"'add'"+')" ng-click="pickerDate('+"'add'"+')" class="button button-block button-positive icon ion-ios7-arrow-up"></button><input type="text" readonly ng-model="data.pickup_date"><button ng-click="pickerDate('+"'minus'"+')" class="button button-block button-positive icon ion-ios7-arrow-down"></button></div>'; $template += '<div class="col"><button ng-click="pickerMonth('+"'add'"+')" class="button button-block button-positive icon ion-ios7-arrow-up"></button><input type="text" readonly ng-model="data.pickup_month"><button ng-click="pickerMonth('+"'minus'"+')" class="button button-block button-positive icon ion-ios7-arrow-down"></button></div>'; $template += '<div class="col"><button ng-click="pickerYear('+"'add'"+')" class="button button-block button-positive icon ion-ios7-arrow-up"></button><input type="text" readonly ng-model="data.pickup_year"><button ng-click="pickerYear('+"'minus'"+')" class="button button-block button-positive icon ion-ios7-arrow-down"></button></div>'; $template += '</div>'; // An elaborate, custom popup var myPopup = $ionicPopup.show({ template: $template, title: 'Select Pick-up Date', scope: $scope, buttons: [ { text: '<b>Select Date</b>', type: 'button-positive', onTap: function(e) { if (!$scope.data.pickup_date && !$scope.data.pickup_month && !$scope.data.pickup_year) { //don't allow the user to close unless he enters wifi password e.preventDefault(); } else { return $scope.data; } } }, ] }); myPopup.then(function(res) { function putObject(path, object, value) { var modelPath = path.split("."); function fill(object, elements, depth, value) { var hasNext = ((depth + 1) < elements.length); if(depth < elements.length && hasNext) { if(!object.hasOwnProperty(modelPath[depth])) { object[modelPath[depth]] = {}; } fill(object[modelPath[depth]], elements, ++depth, value); } else { object[modelPath[depth]] = value; } } fill(object, modelPath, 0, value); } $selectedDate = res.pickup_date+"/"+res.pickup_month+"/"+res.pickup_year; putObject($model, $scope, $selectedDate); }); };


2 .jQuery的時間選擇器