1. 程式人生 > >Tensorflow深度學習之二十七:tf.nn.conv1d


  以下是Tensor Flow中關於tf.nn.conv1d的API註解:

Computes a 1-D convolution given 3-D input and filter tensors.

Given an input tensor of shape
  [batch, in_width, in_channels]
data_format is "NHWC", or [batch, in_channels, in_width] if data_format is "NCHW", and a filter / kernel tensor of shape [filter_width, in_channels, out_channels], this op reshapes the arguments to pass them to conv2d to perform the equivalent convolution operation. Internally, this op reshapes the
input tensors and invokes `tf.nn.conv2d`. For example, if `data_format` does not start with "NC", a tensor of shape [batch, in_width, in_channels] is reshaped to [batch, 1, in_width, in_channels], and the filter is reshaped to [1, filter_width, in_channels, out_channels]. The result is then reshaped back
to [batch, out_width, out_channels] \(where out_width is a function of the stride and padding as in conv2d\) and returned to the caller. Args: value: A 3D `Tensor`. Must be of type `float32` or `float64`. filters: A 3D `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `input`. stride: An `integer`. The number of entries by which the filter is moved right at each step. padding: 'SAME' or 'VALID' use_cudnn_on_gpu: An optional `bool`. Defaults to `True`. data_format: An optional `string` from `"NHWC", "NCHW"`. Defaults to `"NHWC"`, the data is stored in the order of [batch, in_width, in_channels]. The `"NCHW"` format stores data as [batch, in_channels, in_width]. name: A name for the operation (optional). Returns: A `Tensor`. Has the same type as input. Raises: ValueError: if `data_format` is invalid.


1、value:在註釋中,value的格式為:[batch, in_width, in_channels],batch為樣本維,表示多少個樣本,in_width為寬度維,表示樣本的寬度,in_channels維通道維,表示樣本有多少個通道。
  事實上,也可以把格式看作如下:[batch, 行數, 列數],把每一個樣本看作一個平鋪開的二維陣列。這樣的話可以方便理解。

2、filters:在註釋中,filters的格式為:[filter_width, in_channels, out_channels]。按照value的第二種看法,filter_width可以看作每次與value進行卷積的行數,in_channels表示value一共有多少列(與value中的in_channels相對應)。out_channels表示輸出通道,可以理解為一共有多少個卷積核,即卷積核的數目。





import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

# 定義一個矩陣a,表示需要被卷積的矩陣。
a = np.array(np.arange(1, 1 + 20).reshape([1, 10, 2]), dtype=np.float32)

# 卷積核,此處卷積核的數目為1
kernel = np.array(np.arange(1, 1 + 4), dtype=np.float32).reshape([2, 2, 1])

# 進行conv1d卷積
conv1d = tf.nn.conv1d(a, kernel, 1, 'VALID')

with tf.Session() as sess:
    # 初始化
    # 輸出卷積值


[[[ 30.]
  [ 50.]
  [ 70.]
  [ 90.]