1. 程式人生 > >收費&免費的資料探勘軟體彙總表——總有一款適合你的…


一、 什麼是資料探勘軟體:

Data mining tools are software components and theories that allow users to extract information from data. The tools provide individuals and companies with the ability to gather large amounts of data and use it to make determinations about a particular user or groups of users.

二、    商業收費的資料探勘軟體:

  •  from SPSS, leading visual rapid modeling environment for data mining. Now includes Clementine Server.
  • offers a comprehensive suite of web-based data mining techniques, an XML web API, and rich data visualizations.
  •  now fully integrated into the IBM InfoSphere Warehouse software; includes Data and Text mining tools (based on UIMA).
  • KXEN (Knowledge eXtraction ENgines), providing Vapnik SVM (Support Vector Machines) tools, including data preparation, segmentation, time series, and SVM classifiers.
  •  empowers informed decisions with predictive analysis through intuitive data mining, seamlessly integrated within the Microsoft BI platform, and extensible into any application.
  •  provides GUI, PL/SQL-interface, and Java-interface to Attribute Importance, Bayes Classification, Association Rules, Clustering, SVM, and more.
  •  CART Decision Trees, MARS predictive modeling, automated regression, TreeNet classification and regression, data access, preparation, cleaning and reporting modules, RandomForests predictive modeling, clustering and anomaly detection.
  •  an integrated suite which provides a user-friendly GUI front-end to the SEMMA (Sample, Explore, Modify, Model, Assess) process.
  • SPSS featuring Clementine, SPSS and other data mining tools.
  •  a comprehensive, integrated statistical data analysis, graphics, data base management, and application development system.
  • Data Mining Add-In For Excel.

 三、    開源免費的資料探勘軟體:

  •  open source data mining platform that offers various data mining model building and data cleansing functionality.
  • including apriori, decision trees, and Bayes classifiers.
  • University scholars can now receive free copies of DB2 UDB and Intelligent Miner for educational or research purposes.
  • KNIMEextensible open source data mining platform implementing the data pipelining paradigm (based on eclipse).
  •  an open-source suite of Java tools for research in machine learning.
  •  C++ components for data mining,includes preprocessing, modelling and data exploration techniques.
  • a leading open-source system for knowledge discovery and data mining.
  • Wekacollection of machine learning algorithms for solving real-world data mining problems. It is written in Java and runs on almost any platform.