1. 程式人生 > >Lazarus控制元件中控制元件尺寸變化的處理機制





  // constraint the size
DoConstrainedResize(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight);



  DoSetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight);



  // notify user about resize
  if (not (csLoading in ComponentState)) then
    // for delphi compatibility send size/move messages
PosSizeKept; SendMoveSizeMessages(SizeChanged,PosChanged); end;






  WM_MOVE = 3;
  WM_SIZE = 5;


  LM_MOVE = $0003;
  LM_SIZE = $0005;


    procedure WMSize(var Message: TWMSize); message WM_SIZE;

需要注意的是,在特定情況下(not (csLoading in ComponentState)),這個訊息不會被髮送。


Custom Controls

When you write your own control, you can override and fine tune many parts of the LCL autosizing.
SetBounds, ChangeBounds, DoSetBounds

SetBounds is called when the properties Left, Top, Width, Height, BoundsRect is set or the user calls it directly. SetBounds updates the BaseBounds and BaseParentClientSize, which are used by anchoring to keep the distance. For example loading a Form with TMemo and the lfm contains TMemo’s Left and Width, then SetBounds is called two times for the memo. When the user maximizes a window, SetBounds is called for the form, but not for the Memo, keeping the BaseBounds of the Memo. If the Memo is anchored to the right, the Width of the Memo is changed based on the BaseBounds and BaseParentClientSize. Keep in mind that the given aLeft, aTop, aWidth, aHeight might not be valid and will be changed by the LCL before applied. Delphi calls SetBounds more often. SetBounds calls ChangeBounds with KeepBase=false.

ChangeBounds is called whenever the position or size of the control is set, either via the properties or by the layouter of the LCL. SetBounds calls internally ChangeBounds with KeepBase=false, while the LCL layouter calls it with KeepBase=true. Override this for code that might change the preferred size or resizes other controls. Keep in mind that the given aLeft, aTop, aWidth, aHeight might not be valid and will be changed by the LCL before applied. You can call this function.

DoSetBounds is a low level function to set the private variables FLeft, FTop, FWidth, FHeight. Do not call this function, only the LCL calls it. It also updates FClientWidth and FClientHeight accordingly. Override this to update the content layout of the control, for example scroll bars. As always: do not paint here, but call Invalidate and paint in OnPaint or override Paint.

DoAdjustClientRectChange is called by the LCL and the LCL interface, when the ClientRect has changed and the Width and Height were kept.

WMSize exists for Delphi/VCL compatibility. It is called by the LCL interface and on every change of bounds.