1. 程式人生 > >對於springframework的mongoTemplate擴充套件自定義的分享




db.whereColl.find({$where: "this.b > this.a"})


 * Creates a criterion using the {@literal $elemMatch} operator
 * @see http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/query/elemMatch/
 * @param c
* @return
public Criteria elemMatch(Criteria c) {
   criteria.put("$elemMatch", c.getCriteriaObject());
return this; }
 * Creates an 'and' criteria using the $and operator for all of the provided criteria.
 * <p>
* Note that mongodb doesn't support an $and operator to be wrapped in a $not operator.
 * <p>
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@link #andOperator(Criteria...)} follows a not() call directly.
* @param criteria */ public Criteria andOperator(Criteria... criteria) { BasicDBList bsonList = createCriteriaList(criteria); return registerCriteriaChainElement(new Criteria("$and").is(bsonList)); }
private BasicDBList createCriteriaList(Criteria[] criteria) {
   BasicDBList bsonList = new BasicDBList();
   for (Criteria c : criteria) {
   return bsonList;
public DBObject getCriteriaObject() {

   if (this.criteriaChain.size() == 1) {
      return criteriaChain.get(0).getSingleCriteriaObject();
} else if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(this.criteriaChain) && !CollectionUtils.isEmpty(this.criteria)) {
      return getSingleCriteriaObject();
} else {
      DBObject criteriaObject = new BasicDBObject();
      for (Criteria c : this.criteriaChain) {
         DBObject dbo = c.getSingleCriteriaObject();
         for (String k : dbo.keySet()) {
            setValue(criteriaObject, k, dbo.get(k));
      return criteriaObject;
protected DBObject getSingleCriteriaObject() {

   DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject();
   boolean not = false;
   for (String k : this.criteria.keySet()) {
      Object value = this.criteria.get(k);
      if (not) {
         DBObject notDbo = new BasicDBObject();
notDbo.put(k, value);
dbo.put("$not", notDbo);
not = false;
} else {
         if ("$not".equals(k) && value == null) {
            not = true;
} else {
            dbo.put(k, value);

   if (!StringUtils.hasText(this.key)) {
      if (not) {
         return new BasicDBObject("$not", dbo);
      return dbo;

   DBObject queryCriteria = new BasicDBObject();
   if (!NOT_SET.equals(isValue)) {
      queryCriteria.put(this.key, this.isValue);
} else {
      queryCriteria.put(this.key, dbo);

   return queryCriteria;
private void setValue(DBObject dbo, String key, Object value) {
   Object existing = dbo.get(key);
   if (existing == null) {
      dbo.put(key, value);
} else {
      throw new InvalidMongoDbApiUsageException("Due to limitations of the com.mongodb.BasicDBObject, "
+ "you can't add a second '" + key + "' expression specified as '" + key + " : " + value + "'. "
+ "Criteria already contains '" + key + " : " + existing + "'.");


    public ListResponse<AObject> loadAObjectList(String aId, String bId, int start, int limit) {
        ListResponse<AObject> AObjectListResp = new ListResponse<AObject>();
        Criteria criteria = new Criteria() {
            public DBObject getCriteriaObject() {
                DBObject obj = new BasicDBObject();
                obj.put("$where", "this.groupNum > this.joinedNum");
                return obj;
        Query query = Query.query(criteria);
        query.addCriteria(Criteria.where("members").nin(bId).and("aId").is(aId)).with(new Sort(Sort.Direction.DESC, "gmtCreated")).skip((start-1) * limit).limit(limit);
        List<AObject> AObjectList = template.find(query, AObject.class);
        long count = template.count(new Query(criteria).addCriteria(.where("members").nin(bId).and("aId").is(aId)), AObject.class);
        return AObjectListResp.fill(ResponseCode.SUCCESS, "success", AObjectList, count, count > start * limit);

   [ { $sample: { size: 3 } } ]
 * Creates a new {@link MatchOperation} using the given {@link Criteria}.
 * @param criteria must not be {@literal null}.
 * @return
public static MatchOperation match(Criteria criteria) {
   return new MatchOperation(criteria);
 * Creates a new {@link LimitOperation} limiting the result to the given number of elements.
 * @param maxElements must not be less than zero.
 * @return
public static LimitOperation limit(long maxElements) {
   return new LimitOperation(maxElements);
public class MatchOperation implements AggregationOperation {

   private final CriteriaDefinition criteriaDefinition;
    * Creates a new {@link MatchOperation} for the given {@link CriteriaDefinition}.
    * @param criteriaDefinition must not be {@literal null}.
public MatchOperation(CriteriaDefinition criteriaDefinition) {

      Assert.notNull(criteriaDefinition, "Criteria must not be null!");
      this.criteriaDefinition = criteriaDefinition;

    * (non-Javadoc)
    * @see org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.aggregation.AggregationOperation#toDBObject(org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.aggregation.AggregationOperationContext)
public DBObject toDBObject(AggregationOperationContext context) {
      return new BasicDBObject("$match", context.getMappedObject(criteriaDefinition.getCriteriaObject()));
public class LimitOperation implements AggregationOperation {

   private final long maxElements;
    * @param maxElements Number of documents to consider.
public LimitOperation(long maxElements) {

      Assert.isTrue(maxElements >= 0, "Maximum number of elements must be greater or equal to zero!");
      this.maxElements = maxElements;

    * (non-Javadoc)
    * @see org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.aggregation.AggregationOperation#toDBObject(org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.aggregation.AggregationOperationContext)
public DBObject toDBObject(AggregationOperationContext context) {
      return new BasicDBObject("$limit", maxElements);
public class SampleOperation implements AggregationOperation {

    private final long maxElements;

     * @param maxElements Number of documents to consider.
    public SampleOperation(long maxElements) {

        Assert.isTrue(maxElements >= 0, "Maximum number of elements must be greater or equal to zero!");
        this.maxElements = maxElements;

    * (non-Javadoc)
    * @see org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.aggregation.AggregationOperation#toDBObject(org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.aggregation.AggregationOperationContext)
    public DBObject toDBObject(AggregationOperationContext context) {
        return new BasicDBObject("$sample",  new BasicDBObject("size", maxElements));
