1. 程式人生 > >使用python做遺傳演算法與基於遺傳演算法的多目標演算法


  • 遺傳演算法
import numpy as np
from GAIndividual import GAIndividual
import random
import copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class GeneticAlgorithm:

    The class for genetic algorithm

    def __init__(self, sizepop, vardim, bound, MAXGEN, params):
        sizepop: population sizepop 種群數量 60
        vardim: dimension of variables 變數維度 25
        bound: boundaries of variables 變數的邊界 -600 600
        MAXGEN: termination condition  終止條件  1000
        param: algorithm required parameters, it is a list which is consisting of crossover rate, mutation rate, alpha
        0.9, 0.1, 0.5
self.sizepop = sizepop self.MAXGEN = MAXGEN self.vardim = vardim self.bound = bound self.population = [] #self.fitness 60行一列 全0填充 self.fitness = np.zeros((self.sizepop, 1)) #25行兩列 self.trace = np.zeros((self.MAXGEN, 2)) self.params = params def
''' initialize the population 初始化種群 ''' for i in range(0, self.sizepop): ind = GAIndividual(self.vardim, self.bound) #生成一個隨機染色體 ind.generate() self.population.append(ind) def evaluate(self): ''' evaluation of the population fitnesses 評估種群適合度 '''
for i in range(0, self.sizepop): #計算染色體適應性 self.population[i].calculateFitness() self.fitness[i] = self.population[i].fitness def solve(self): ''' evolution process of genetic algorithm 遺傳演算法的演化過程 ''' self.t = 0 self.initialize() self.evaluate() best = np.max(self.fitness) bestIndex = np.argmax(self.fitness) self.best = copy.deepcopy(self.population[bestIndex]) #取平均適應度 self.avefitness = np.mean(self.fitness) self.trace[self.t, 0] = (1 - self.best.fitness) / self.best.fitness self.trace[self.t, 1] = (1 - self.avefitness) / self.avefitness print("Generation %d: optimal function value is: %f; average function value is %f" % ( self.t, self.trace[self.t, 0], self.trace[self.t, 1])) while (self.t < self.MAXGEN - 1): self.t += 1 self.selectionOperation() self.crossoverOperation() self.mutationOperation() self.evaluate() best = np.max(self.fitness) bestIndex = np.argmax(self.fitness) if best > self.best.fitness: self.best = copy.deepcopy(self.population[bestIndex]) self.avefitness = np.mean(self.fitness) self.trace[self.t, 0] = (1 - self.best.fitness) / self.best.fitness self.trace[self.t, 1] = (1 - self.avefitness) / self.avefitness print("Generation %d: optimal function value is: %f; average function value is %f" % ( self.t, self.trace[self.t, 0], self.trace[self.t, 1])) print("Optimal function value is: %f; " % self.trace[self.t, 0]) print ("Optimal solution is:") print (self.best.chrom) self.printResult() def selectionOperation(self): ''' selection operation for Genetic Algorithm 遺傳演算法的選擇操作 ''' newpop = [] totalFitness = np.sum(self.fitness) accuFitness = np.zeros((self.sizepop, 1)) sum1 = 0. for i in range(0, self.sizepop): accuFitness[i] = sum1 + self.fitness[i] / totalFitness sum1 = accuFitness[i] for i in range(0, self.sizepop): r = random.random() idx = 0 for j in range(0, self.sizepop - 1): if j == 0 and r < accuFitness[j]: idx = 0 break elif r >= accuFitness[j] and r < accuFitness[j + 1]: idx = j + 1 break newpop.append(self.population[idx]) self.population = newpop def crossoverOperation(self): ''' crossover operation for genetic algorithm 交叉操作 ''' newpop = [] for i in range(0, self.sizepop, 2): idx1 = random.randint(0, self.sizepop - 1) idx2 = random.randint(0, self.sizepop - 1) while idx2 == idx1: idx2 = random.randint(0, self.sizepop - 1) newpop.append(copy.deepcopy(self.population[idx1])) newpop.append(copy.deepcopy(self.population[idx2])) r = random.random() if r < self.params[0]: crossPos = random.randint(1, self.vardim - 1) for j in range(crossPos, self.vardim): newpop[i].chrom[j] = newpop[i].chrom[ j] * self.params[2] + (1 - self.params[2]) * newpop[i + 1].chrom[j] newpop[i + 1].chrom[j] = newpop[i + 1].chrom[j] * self.params[2] + \ (1 - self.params[2]) * newpop[i].chrom[j] self.population = newpop def mutationOperation(self): ''' mutation operation for genetic algorithm 變異操作。 ''' newpop = [] for i in range(0, self.sizepop): newpop.append(copy.deepcopy(self.population[i])) r = random.random() if r < self.params[1]: mutatePos = random.randint(0, self.vardim - 1) theta = random.random() if theta > 0.5: newpop[i].chrom[mutatePos] = newpop[i].chrom[ mutatePos] - (newpop[i].chrom[mutatePos] - self.bound[0, mutatePos]) * (1 - random.random() ** (1 - self.t / self.MAXGEN)) else: newpop[i].chrom[mutatePos] = newpop[i].chrom[ mutatePos] + (self.bound[1, mutatePos] - newpop[i].chrom[mutatePos]) * (1 - random.random() ** (1 - self.t / self.MAXGEN)) self.population = newpop def printResult(self): ''' plot the result of the genetic algorithm 畫出結果 ''' x = np.arange(0, self.MAXGEN) y1 = self.trace[:, 0] y2 = self.trace[:, 1] plt.plot(x, y1, 'r', label='optimal value') plt.plot(x, y2, 'g', label='average value') plt.xlabel("Iteration") plt.ylabel("function value") plt.title("Genetic algorithm for function optimization") plt.legend() plt.show() if __name__ == "__main__": bound = np.tile([[-600], [600]], 25) ga = GeneticAlgorithm(60, 25, bound, 1000, [0.9, 0.1, 0.5]) ga.solve()


import numpy as np
import ObjFunction

class GAIndividual:

    individual of genetic algorithm

    def __init__(self,  vardim, bound):
        vardim: dimension of variables 維度變數
        bound: boundaries of variables 變數的邊界
        self.vardim = vardim
        self.bound = bound
        self.fitness = 0.

    def generate(self):
        generate a random chromsome for genetic algorithm
        len = self.vardim
        rnd = np.random.random(size=len)
        self.chrom = np.zeros(len)
        for i in range(0, len):
            self.chrom[i] = self.bound[0, i] + \
                (self.bound[1, i] - self.bound[0, i]) * rnd[i]

    def calculateFitness(self):
        calculate the fitness of the chromsome
        self.fitness = ObjFunction.GrieFunc(
            self.vardim, self.chrom, self.bound)


import math

def GrieFunc(vardim, x, bound):
    Griewangk function
    s1 = 0.
    s2 = 1.
    for i in range(1, vardim + 1):
        s1 = s1 + x[i - 1] ** 2
        s2 = s2 * math.cos(x[i - 1] / math.sqrt(i))
    y = (1. / 4000.) * s1 - s2 + 1
    y = 1. / (1. + y)
    return y

def RastFunc(vardim, x, bound):
    Rastrigin function
    在數學優化中,Rastrigin函式是一個非凸函式,用作優化演算法的效能測試問題。這是一個非線性多模態函式的典型例子。它最初由Rastrigin [1]提出作為二維函式,並已被Mühlenbein等人推廣。[2]尋找這個函式的最小值是一個相當困難的問題,因為它有很大的搜尋空間和大量的區域性最小值。


{\ displaystyle f(\ mathbf {x})= An + \ sum _ {i = 1} ^ {n} \ left [x_ {i} ^ {2} -A \ cos(2 \ pi x_ {i})\對]} f(\ mathbf {x})= An + \ sum _ {i = 1} ^ {n} \ left [x_ {i} ^ {2} -A \ cos(2 \ pi x_ {i})\ right]
    s = 10 * 25
    for i in range(1, vardim + 1):
        s = s + x[i - 1] ** 2 - 10 * math.cos(2 * math.pi * x[i - 1])
    return s


#Importing required modules
import math
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def function1(x):
    value = -x**2
    return value

def function2(x):
    value = -(x-2)**2
    return value

#Function to find index of list
def index_of(a,list):
    for i in range(0,len(list)):
        if list[i] == a:
            return i
    return -1

#Function to sort by values 函式根據值排序
def sort_by_values(list1, values):
    sorted_list = []
        if index_of(min(values),values) in list1:
        values[index_of(min(values),values)] = math.inf
    return sorted_list

#Function to carry out NSGA-II's fast non dominated sort
def fast_non_dominated_sort(values1, values2):
    S=[[] for i in range(0,len(values1))]
    front = [[]]
    n=[0 for i in range(0,len(values1))]
    rank = [0 for i in range(0, len(values1))]

    for p in range(0,len(values1)):
        for q in range(0, len(values1)):
             #p > q
            if (values1[p] > values1[q] and values2[p] > values2[q]) or (values1[p] >= values1[q] and values2[p] > values2[q]) or (values1[p] > values1[q] and values2[p] >= values2[q]):
                if q not in S[p]:
            elif (values1[q] > values1[p] and values2[q] > values2[p]) or (values1[q] >= values1[p] and values2[q] > values2[p]) or (values1[q] > values1[p] and values2[q] >= values2[p]):
                n[p] = n[p] + 1
        if n[p]==0:
            rank[p] = 0
            if p not in front[0]:

    i = 0
    while(front[i] != []):
        for p in front[i]:
            for q in S[p]:
                n[q] =n[q] - 1
                if( n[q]==0):
                    if q not in Q:
        i = i+1

    del front[len(front)-1]

    return front

#Function to calculate crowding distance
def crowding_distance(values1, values2, front):
    distance = [0 for i in range(0,len(front))]
    sorted1 = sort_by_values(front, values1[:])
    sorted2 = sort_by_values(front, values2[:])
    distance[0] = 4444444444444444
    distance[len(front) - 1] = 4444444444444444
    for k in range(1,len(front)-1):
        distance[k] = distance[k]+ (values1[sorted1[k+1]] - values2[sorted1[k-1]])/(max(values1)-min(values1))
    for k in range(1,len(front)-1):
        distance[k] = distance[k]+ (values1[sorted2[k+1]] - values2[sorted2[k-1]])/(max(values2)-min(values2))
    return distance

#Function to carry out the crossover
def crossover(a,b):
    if r>0.5:
        return mutation((a+b)/2)
        return mutation((a-b)/2)

#Function to carry out the mutation operator
def mutation(solution):
    mutation_prob = random.random()
    if mutation_prob <1:
        solution = min_x+(max_x-min_x)*random.random()
    return solution

#Main program starts here
pop_size = 20
max_gen = 921

solution=[min_x+(max_x-min_x)*random.random() for i in range(0,pop_size)]
    function1_values = [function1(solution[i])for i in range(0,pop_size)]
    function2_values = [function2(solution[i])for i in range(0,pop_size)]
    non_dominated_sorted_solution = fast_non_dominated_sort(function1_values[:],function2_values[:])
    print("The best front for Generation number ",gen_no, " is")
    for valuez in non_dominated_sorted_solution[0]:
        print(round(solution[valuez],3),end=" ")
    for i in range(0,len(non_dominated_sorted_solution)):
    solution2 = solution[:]

    #Generating offsprings
        a1 = random.randint(0,pop_size-1)
        b1 = random.randint(0,pop_size-1)
    function1_values2 = [function1(solution2[i])for i in range(0,2*pop_size)]
    function2_values2 = [function2(solution2[i])for i in range(0,2*pop_size)]
    non_dominated_sorted_solution2 = fast_non_dominated_sort(function1_values2[:],function2_values2[:])
    for i in range(0,len(non_dominated_sorted_solution2)):
    new_solution= []
    for i in range(0,len(non_dominated_sorted_solution2)):
        non_dominated_sorted_solution2_1 = [index_of(non_dominated_sorted_solution2[i][j],non_dominated_sorted_solution2[i] ) for j in range(0,len(non_dominated_sorted_solution2[i]))]
        front22 = sort_by_values(non_dominated_sorted_solution2_1[:], crowding_distance_values2[i][:])
        front = [non_dominated_sorted_solution2[i][front22[j]] for j in range(0,len(non_dominated_sorted_solution2[i]))]
        for value in front:
        if (len(new_solution) == pop_size):
    solution = [solution2[i] for i in new_solution]
    gen_no = gen_no + 1

#Lets plot the final front now
function1 = [i * -1 for i in function1_values]
function2 = [j * -1 for j in function2_values]
plt.xlabel('Function 1', fontsize=15)
plt.ylabel('Function 2', fontsize=15)
plt.scatter(function1, function2)
